Agenda item

Report of the Regeneration and Property Director


Kerri Farnsworth introduced the report as set out.



·                HLF had carried out their first formal review and were happy with the progress made so far.

·                The Council match funding contribution would be considered by Full Council in February 2014.

·                The design consultancy, Feilden Clegg Bradley, had been commissioned to produce the detailed design brief and work this into a detailed plan.  This included the interpretation brief, which at one stage had been seen as a separate job.

·                Purcell (surveyors to the fabric) were progressing work and a draft report would be available in 2-3 weeks.

·                Work was continuing on interim repairs to the theatre and the north wall.  The costs would be around £25k, following further damage after the recent bad weather.


Commercial development

·                A meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Panel (an ‘emergency panel’ of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board) had been convened to appoint legal advisors to assist the trust in defining all options for commercial development partnerships.  Possible options included development of a hotel and development of the Great Hall.  The hotel development might require a 125 year lease as allowed for in the 1985 Act.  Soft market testing had been carried out and indicated considerable operator interest in the hotel, and more limited developer interest in the hotel and events business. The process of appointing any partners would need to follow OJEU rules.

·                Further consultations workshops would be held to look at the next phases of the work programme.

·                Further information would be available at the next meeting in April.


Park Update

·                Work had completed at the cricket club ground.

·                The Section 106 funded project for improvements on the eastern boundary of the Park was viewed favourably and was expected to go to Planning.  The Chair commented that it was unfortunate that the Trust was dependent on the vagaries of s106 funding for things that the Trust would want done anyway – he would have liked to have seen a more imaginative play area near the Campsbourne end, and asked that at some point for an opportunity  to review the Park’s funding and priorities.

·                The Chief Executive said that it might be possible to commission a parks strategy as had been done for the palace.

·                345 Pre-School Nursery at The Grove - the Committees were asked to comment and agreed to endorse the plans to improve the grounds and extend the opening hours. Gordon Hutchinson informed the Committees that Friends of Alexandra Park were happy with the proposals.

·                WW1 Park poppy commemoration – the Committees were asked to comment on the proposal for planting poppies in beds along the main road through the park.  The Alexandra Palace Garden Centre had offered to donate seeds for planting.  The first seeds would be planted in February. The proposal was welcomed.


Update on the Regeneration Working Group

·                The report from the Chair of the RWG was noted.  The Chair commented that if the purpose of the group was mainly to brief Haringey Council, then it should be known as a ‘briefing group’


Forward programme for property and regeneration

·                A consultation programme with stakeholders and the public was being planned over 2014 with the design team and full consultation with the sac/cc would be included.




i)          To note the report

ii)         To endorse the planning proposals as set out by 345 Pre-School Nursery at The Grove.

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