Agenda item

MINUTES - 13 JUNE 2013




That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2013 be approved and signed by the Chair.


Matters Arising


MH78 – Minutes – 11 April 2013

MH55 and 56: In response to a question regarding the business case for LED lighting, Tony Kennedy advised that a borough-wide decision had been taken to adopt LED lighting. The work programme for the roll-out would depend on the yearly funding allocation, but it was initially proposed to focus on the three wards of Crouch End, Tottenham Hale and Northumberland Park. An approach with regards to cast-iron columns was being developed, and it was intended that a full asset review be undertaken within the next 18 months, subject to confirmation from the new contractor regarding their timetable. The Committee requested that it be kept up to date with progress on these areas.


Action: Single Frontline


MH58 – Muswell Hill Library disabled access and use of space behind the Library: The Chair had written to Cllr Watson for an update on the space to the rear of Muswell Hill Library. The Chief Executive had advised that Property Services were looking at the possibility of selling this space, but there was concern that the resultant loss of space would prevent the creation of a lift to provide disabled access in future. These concerns had been raised with Stephen McDonnell and a response was awaited.




MH64 – Issues pertaining to nursery places: Clarification on this matter had been obtained by the Area Champion and circulated to Committee Members.




MH73 – Area Plans: The intention was to review the Area Plan on a half-yearly basis; this was planned for next month.




MH80 – Feedback from Area Forum – 13 June 2013


MH80i) – Deputation from WalkSafe N10 and 20 mph issue: The Chair was delighted to report that following the last Forum, officers and local Ward Councillors had met with residents and the Council is now consulting on extending an existing 20mph zone to include Coppetts Road. It is also proposed to carry out some resurfacing and installing some new and more evenly-spaced speed cushions along the road. Letters were due to go out to local residents in the vicinity the week beginning 23 September 2013.


The Chair had attended Cabinet and made the requests regarding the extension of the consultation period on the borough-wide 20mph speed limit and clarification of the A and B roads, as agreed at the previous meeting. The consultation period on the 20mph proposal had been extended to October following that meeting.


Work on the improvements connected to the new W7 bus stop was underway. The pavement was now greatly improved, and it would be wonderful for all of Muswell Hill Broadway to be of such high quality. There were still works to be completed on new traffic islands and raised tables at the entrance to Dukes Avenue and the northern arm of the Broadway, and it was hoped that these would make it easier for pedestrians to cross. Completion of the works was scheduled for the first week in November at the latest.




MH80ii) – Bus Route information: A number of issues that were brought up with TfL had been followed up by the Chair, as follows:


1)    The countdown had been reinstated at the bus stop at the Muswell Hill Road junction with Archway Road (Highgate Wood side).

2)    Suggestions regarding resident involvement in bus consultations had been taken back for discussion. TfL had assumed that Councils consulted residents, and the Council had now forwarded the latest TfL consultation, including routes 234 and 102 to local Ward Councillors. Local Liberal Democrat Councillors had consulted local residents via email and over 100 responses had been received, which Councillors had collated and forwarded to TfL.

3)    TfL had undertaken a loading survey in response to concerns regarding overcrowding on the 134 and 43 bus routes during the morning rush-hour, such that people were unable to board buses. The findings of the survey did not evidence the concerns raised, and local residents had been asked to submit emails regarding this matter to their local Councillors so that these could be passed on to TfL.

4)    The Chair had forwarded the document provided by TfL in respect of bus routes on to Highgate Ward Councillors as requested at the previous meeting.




MH80iii) – Local Road Improvements: A discussion had been held at the previous meeting regarding ways in which the Forum and Committee could have local transport priorities incorporated in the Local Implementation Plan, the funding bid to TfL for 2014-17. A list of long-standing transport issues in the wards covered by the Area Forum had been compiled by local Councillors on the basis of local residents’ concerns, but when the submission went to Cabinet earlier in the month, a majority of these requests had been omitted. Local Liberal Democrat Councillors had challenged the decision by Cabinet to approve the Local Implementation Plan and referred the matter to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as it was felt that transport and highways funding should be distributed to all parts of the borough, and local residents would be advised of progress with this matter.




Supporting documents: