Agenda item


To receive the report of the Chief Executive – Alexandra Palace and Park – advising the Committees’ on:

·               Alexandra Palace regeneration project progress report

·               Events report, including 150th anniversary event update and Red Bull event

·               Car parking review project report

·               Governance – appointment of new Board member (advisory)


RECEIVED the report of the Chief Executive – Alexandra Palace and Park – as set out in the agenda pack.




·               The procurement phase of the HLF project had begun, and OJEU procedures had to be followed.  This meant that a design team would not be appointed earlier than November / December 2013.

·               Quantity surveyors were due to be appointed, and project managers would be appointed in Summer 2013.  The intention was to appoint a ‘lead designer’ responsible for a modern design in a historical context – this would require heritage, architectural and other specialist skills.

·               The aim was to complete the design, validate it and produce costs for the HLF Stage Two submission by the end of 2014.  If the bid was successful then building works would commence in early 2015, for completion by 2017.

·               The design team would be an independent practice, the contract would be with the Council, on behalf of the Trust.

·               A formal bid for match-funding had not been made to the Council, the Palace was looking to see what funding might be available from external sources before preparing a bid.

·               The Regeneration Working Group (which comprised Council and AP staff) would continue as it previously had done, but the membership and role was being reviewed.  The Chair requested closer links with the RWG and that a separate report be presented to the SAC/CC meeting to outline any issues / feedback from RWG meetings.

ACTION: Chief Executive

·               Fundraising would be carried out by either an external consultant or an individual on a short term contract.  The focus would be on institutions – GLA, Trusts and Foundations.

·               Richard Hooper had been appointed as a non-voting advisory member to the Alexandra Palace and Park Board.

·               Open House – some members expressed concerns over the planning of the tours around the Palace.  It was felt that the time allocated for these tours had been underestimated and could be looked at again. 

·               Open House – Studios A & B would not be included in the tours due to the presence of asbestos.  Some members expressed concerns over this and suggested that restricted access should be provided for small parties.  Duncan Wilson explained that this was a health and safety issue, and it was the responsibility of the Palace to ensure that people were not put at any risks.  Whilst small parties could be admitted to Studio A by appointment, under carefully supervised conditions, the risks with larger groups would be more difficult to manage and control.  The situation had changed somewhat since disturbance associated with testing as part of the HLF bid assessment.

·               Car parking – Duncan Wilson advised that work was underway on evaluating the feasibility / desirability of introducing car parking charges at Alexandra Palace.  Once this had been assessed, a full options appraisal would be carried out and brought to the SAC/CC for comment before being considered by the main Board.  A full public consultation would need to be carried out if the decision was made to proceed further.

·               The Chair commented that car parking along Alexandra Palace Way was visually intrusive in the conservation area and requested that the idea of banning parking along Alexandra Park Way be explored, as there were already 6 designated car parks for the Park and Palace.

·               Members requested that Duncan Wilson look into the possibility of improving signage at vehicle entry point to make it clear that they were entering Alexandra Park, which is not ‘any old park’ and where special conditions apply, including a 20mph speed limit and visitor parking restrictions.  Whilst it was unlikely that this would stop most people parking along the road, it may deter some.

·               Fabric repairs – English Heritage’s decision on supplementary grant in respect of the SE pavilion was awaited.


RESOLVED to note the report.

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