Agenda item


An opportunity for the Committee to question the Leader and Chief Executive on the Council Priorities for 2013/14


The Chair welcomed Councillor Kober – Leader of the Council – and Nick Walkley – Chief Executive – to the meeting.  Councillor Kober outlined the priorities for the next two years, as set out in the agenda pack.  The Corporate Plan contained 5 main principles, with outcomes sought and priorities for Haringey.


The following responses were provided to questions from the Committee:


·               Although income generation was important, it could not be the sole driver of any course of activity.

·               Haringey schools were on an upwards trajectory in terms of improvement, although exam results were still lower than London and National averages.  There were ambitious plans and a three year target to achieve above these averages.  A ‘Schools Champion’ had been appointed to help drive improvements in school performance and pupil attainment across the borough.

·               The Schools Champion – Christine Gilbert – will report directly to Nick Walkley, but the work carried out would cover the entire school partnership.

·               The Education Commission had been reviewed after a year and an action plan published, setting out the progress so far and key milestones.

·               A recommendation from the Education Commission was to establish a connection between Haringey schools and the Russel Group of universities.

·               Housing needs for older people was linked to the wider housing challenge facing the borough, for example under occupancy, over occupancy, vulnerable groups being placed in on bedroom flats in specific areas etc.

·               Automatic pay progression for senior staff – Hays Group had been commissioned to conduct an external review which would create a benchmark and a set of recommendations for Haringey.  This may include contact renegotiations.  The report and recommendations would fit into the corporate restructure in the Autumn.

·               A customer services report would be presented to Cabinet in July/September and would set out medium to long-term improvements, for example getting more back office operating at the front line.]

·               It would be fruitful for OSC to look at the focus on prevention and early intervention in areas such as health, public health, social care and children’s services.

·               There was an Early Years Strategy.

·               There would be a focus for staff on Value for Money over the next two months, this would be followed by a focus on Safeguarding.

·               There had been a change in priorities from Government and the GLA in relation to Decent Homes which had caused challenges alongside already complex issues being dealt with currently.  Procurement issues were focused on whether an OJEU notice (Official Journal of the European Union) could be issued before a Section 20 notice.  This had only been clarified recently.  There were lessons to be learned with regards to communication with people.  A member briefing on Decent Homes would be circulated to all Councillors on 18 June.

·               Councillor Newton commented that the Education Commission Action Plan was due to be an agenda item on a forthcoming Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel.



·               Chief Executive to attend a future Communities Scrutiny Panel for discussions on the HAVCO initiatives for supporting community groups.

ACTION: Councillor Winskill / Rob Mack

·               A member briefing on Decent Homes would be circulated to all Councillors on 18 June.

ACTION: Leader

·               To email OSC the link to the Education Commission report.

ACTION: Scrutiny Officers

Supporting documents: