Agenda item



i.              Local Policing


Noted that the presentation and dialogue with the Assistant Borough Commander and team had been effective, positive and responsive.  The presentation and message had been clear on the future policing of the four wards of the Area Committee.


Responses to the letters from Cllr Newton and the Chair sent to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (copies attached) regarding the future of the Muswell Hill Police Station were still awaited. The main issues were the closure and loss of volunteer counter service, and the subsequent loss of a dedicated SNT police base at Muswell Hill for the three SNT Teams for Alexandra, Fortis Green and Muswell Hill. Concern was expressed at the lack of response to the initial letter and its follow-up and that the proposal to base the SNT Teams at Hornsey would cut down the police presence in the Muswell Hill area. Concern was also expressed at the size of the ‘western sector’ which went all the way to Finsbury Park and that the proposed contact point would only be open 3 hours a week. Taking all these factors into consideration there were doubts that the new service offer would be as good as that offered previously.


Comments were expressed by Councillor Solomon that although there was going to be some evident disruption and loss it was clear to her that there would be no deviation from the proposed changes.  Councillor Solomon commented further that where possible the new dedicated telephone numbers for contacting the police needed to be clearly published and known to local residents in order for incidents of crime to be reported now that the nearest Police Incident desk would be at Crouch End /Hornsey.


Concerns were also expressed by the Chair at the lack of disabled access to the proposed Police contact point in Muswell Hill Library which was not acceptable.


Councillor Hare felt that the Police and Council websites for the SNT would need clear information for residents of how the new SNT and incident reporting would work as well as giving clear information of contact numbers etc.


Councillor Jenks commented that when reporting an issue recently he had been impressed that he had been able to actually speak to a person on the phone who had been very helpful and clear in providing information.


NOTED/AGREED – that Members would address/review the new Policing arrangements after 24 June 2013 and would await a response from the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime regarding the two outstanding letters sent regarding the new SNT arrangements. 



ii.            Future of Health in Haringey


The Chair commented that the item had been well received and the discussions and dialogue with all of the Health  representatives had been positive and productive.


Comments of the Committee in relation to each of the items is summarised below.


The Whittington


·        Issues pertaining to the Whittington’s infrastructure and its potential assets

·        Concerns about the general safety of some of the 3 primary buildings at the Whittington, and 30 odd sites, with the current buildings being Victorian, and being perceived as not fit for purpose, and the general feeling of providing a secondary service, which would have a knock on effect for future provision, and concerns that the Whittington’s status as a Primary hospital could change to a secondary status as it would not be a recommended hospital of choice by GPs

·        The need for clear avenues of consultation regarding the future of the Whittington

·        The need for ensuring patient choice in the area but that the Whittington needed to be promoted as a primary care facility as opposed to secondary and that it should be offered as a first choice and primary centre of excellence

·        Fears that the Hospital could become too small and therefore not able to offer/provide quality services and therefore needed to focus on providing an expert range and quality services that GPs and patients would be happy to use


General comments:


·        Aftercare and borough boundaries


The need for analysis of two persons entering the hospital for the same treatment and the aftercare and how this differs between Boroughs


The Chair felt that this issue was one to be referred to the Health Scrutiny Panel under the title of outcomes.


AGREED – that Councillor Erskine would pursue this issue via the Health Scrutiny Panel


·        Health Check up


Concerns that there were variances in 1-year health checks that had been raised in the Forum part of the meeting.


Noted that this issue had been raised at the Health Scrutiny Panel particularly in relation to post natal depression/and early prevention.