Agenda item


To receive the report of the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, updating the Committee on events and works within the park.


RECEIVED the Park Activities Update as set out in the agenda papers, introduced by Mark Evison – Park Manager, Alexandra Park.




Red Bull BMX Event


·        The recent weather had not helped with the restoration of the grounds, although some re-seeding had now taken place using acid-loving grass species as recommendation by an ecologist.


·        Some Committee members raised concerns over the ‘spoil’ left behind by Red Bull and asked when it would be removed.  Duncan Wilson explained that Red Bull had requested to hold another event in the Park next year.  Although no decision has been made with regards to this, and Red Bull would still have to submit a proposal, it was decided that removing the spoil would incur high costs and cause significant disruption especially if it were to be brought back again should another event take place.  It was anticipated that Alexandra Palace would be in a position to take a decision at the end of the year.


·        A discussion continued and the following was noted:

-          Councillor Hare suggested that the perimeter fence be moved in closer so that the area looked tidier, until a decision was made.-

-          Gordon Hutchinson spoke on behalf of Friends of the Park and stated that although the event was said to be successful, it was felt that the disadvantages outweighed the benefits.  The main disadvantages were noise from the event, noise from the movement of vehicles, damage done to the park, delay in the restoration of the park, and general interference with normal park activities.

-          Some members of the Committee felt that moving the debris to a different area in the park could cause as much disruption as it would to remove it completely.  Other members felt that Red Bull should have removed everything after the event, as they had promised to do, and any further proposals for events would be considered at a later date.

-          The Chair proposed a recommendation to the Board, and it was agreed that the view of the joint committee should be made to the Board – this to request that Red Bull be asked, at their expense, either to clear the site of all the debris, or remove it to some other agreed and safe location within the park.  Further that any proposal  for another similar event next year be considered on its merits at a later date.  The Statutory Advisory Committee would separately consider its’ recommendation.

-          Duncan Wilson said that it would be known by October whether Red Bull wanted a repeat event and a fresh proposal could be considered then and would be open for review by the joint committee.


Improvements to Cricket Grounds – Sam Davison


·        Since the last meeting, site visits had been carried out for members.  A couple of further options had been suggested, but after investigation by the project team, were considered unsuitable.


·        The new proposal was to bury the tank.  Additional funding would be required for this, but assurances had been made that it would be available.


·        In response to whether the tank could be moved to the car park at the back of the building, Sam Davison explained that this was not feasible as it would impinge on parking spaces, the tank would be sitting 6ft above the ground and an access door to the club house would be blocked.


·        The Committee were reassured by the decision to bury the tank and agreed not to press any further reservations about this with the Board.


Dog Control Orders


·        LB Haringey were in the process of consulting on Dog Control Orders.  The proposal from Alexandra Palace was included in the agenda pack and the Committee was requested to consider the proposal and respond directly to the Council.


·        Enforcement of the Orders would be by the Council’s Enforcement Officers, but improved signage would play a large part in educating park users / dog owners.


·        Mark Evison emphasised that the consultation was a LB Haringey initiative, and not Alexandra Palace.  Committee members were encouraged to take the opportunity to potentially influence the outcome of the consultation.


·        Committee members were generally in support of the Dog Control order and welcomed the more ordered approach that should benefit dog walkers and other park users.


A general discussion took place regarding park activities and the following was noted:


·        Alexandra Park had achieved Green Flag and Green Heritage site status for the fifth year running.


·        The proposal for the closure of the Park Avenue North gate and Muswell Hill pedestrian entrance would be presented to the Alexandra Palace and Park Board on 24 July – some Committee members commented that closing the gates would prevent park users using the park as a through route, which is part of a designated cycle route and extension of the Parkland Walk.  Mark Evison explained that the closures were not 24-hour, but between 22.00/23.00 and 06.00, and would only be introduced on a trial basis.  The purpose of the proposal was to see whether ASB and vandalism could be reduced.  Committee members agreed to this for a trial period.




i)          That the report be noted.


ii)         That the discussion with regards to the Red Bull BMX event, and the recommendation from the joint committee be made to the Board for its consideration at the next Board meeting.


iii)        That the Alexandra Palace and Park Board be notified of the Committee’s approval of the updated proposals for the water storage tank at the Cricket Club.


iv)        That the proposals for Dog Control Orders in the Park and the request for the Committee to respond to the consultation be noted.


Supporting documents: