Agenda item


To receive the report of the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, updating the Committee on events and works within the park.


RECEIVED the Park Activities Update as set out in the agenda papers, introduced by Mark Evison – Park Manager, Alexandra Park.




Red Bull

·        The Red Bull event had taken place over the weekend – the event was considered to be a success, with around 14,000 visitors to the park.  Some local residents had raised issues raised over noise from the PA systems, but it was pointed out that the PA system was only used from noon until 5pm.  A noise assessment had been carried out and results would be reported back to the Chief Executive in due course.

·        Overall, the event was seen as positive for the Palace and Park and the wide publicity for it has helped raised the profile of Alexandra Palace.

·        Members of the Committee raised concerns that the popularity of this event should not mean that the same space would be used regularly for events, which would then restrict the use of the park for other users.  Whilst it was accepted that parts of the park could be used for income generating events, it was important that any disruption to the park and park users from such events should be proportionate to the income to the Trust.  In the case of Red Bull there were concerns that the disruption may have been disproportionately large.

·        Councillor Cooke explained that the Trustees would not allow the park to be completely taken over by any event.  The Park cost £0.5m per year to maintain, and whilst the Trust did not exist purely to make money out of the Palace and Park, any profits made from events were put back into the company.  Councillor Cooke also made the point that the Pitch and Putt area took up the same space at the Red Bull event, but for the whole year, and was 25 times less profitable than the Red Bull event.

·        The Chairman requested that in future if there is a choice between hosting an event like this in the park and an event in the Great Hall, which would yield a comparable return to the Trust, then the decision should be in favour of a Great Hall event.  The Chief Executive said that he felt this was unlikely to represent a real choice in practice – the type of event which would work outside was different from the indoor concerts and other Live events in the programme.

·        In response to whether the organisers would be allowed to hold an event in the future, Duncan Wilson explained that based on what had happened so far, they would be but until the whole process had been completed (i.e. removal of all equipment from the Park), he would not make any decisions.


Road resurfacing

·        Haringey Council were resurfacing the road through the grounds, and should be completed by mid June.  There were some disruptions to the W3 bus route during this time.


Cricket ground improvements

·        Sam Davidson attended to provide an update on the proposals since the last meeting.  Other options to conceal the tank had been explored, and it was considered that the option of burying the tank was too expensive, would be difficult to maintain and could make the project financially unviable.  It was estimated that this could cost an additional £20-30k, plus ongoing maintenance.  The preferred option was to install the tank above ground, with planting to camouflage. 

·        Councillor Hare asked about the option of moving the tank to the car park, as discussed at the last meeting.  Sam Davidson explained that there were two issues with this – the entrance to the clubhouse would be impeded and it would be difficult to run the mains pipe to the tank.


NOTED the Committee’s request that a detailed proposal is provided before any recommendation was put to the Alexandra Palace and Park Board.  It was suggested that a site visit be carried out with members to provide further detail.


RESOLVED that the report be noted, but no recommendation be made to the Alexandra Palace and Park Board with regards to the cricket ground improvements until further information was provided.



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