Agenda item

Performance Management : children and families

To consider key performance data concerning  looked after children as at the end  of October 2011.



Members of the Committee were asked to comment on and consider a new format for  the  regular performance report  which contained a set of key indicators . In future, more detailed analysis or data queries were proposed to be considered and reported through separate exception reports.



Comment was made on the cost of service  per looked after child.  The figure of £854 was the weekly cost and  included overheads.  Members asked that a benchmark figure also be included to provide Members with a comparison. The Committee were advised of the difficulty in providing benchmark figures as local authorities  all had dissimilar ways   of calculating the cost of LAC. However,  there was ongoing work with the NLSA (North London Strategic Alliance)  to compile one category  of cost, for looked after children, which would be followed by all of the 6 North  London boroughs in the NLSA   and would therefore provide ready benchmarking figures .


 Item 3 – Foster Care Recruitment   - The Committee recommended that  the background to the  foster carer that was recruited be added ie if they were family or friend.


 Item 6  - Percentage of referrals to children’s social  care going onto initial assessment  - Agreed that  the correct  figure  for  August 2010/11  be distributed to the Committee.


 Members discussed the increase in the number of referrals resulting in an initial assessment and  sought understanding  about the reasons for the increase in this  number  over  a two year period.  The Committee were advised that these numbers of referrals were post  examination by the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub(MASH) therefore these referrals  would not all culminate in child protection plans. This information was included to help the service’s understand the pathways into care. The Committee concluded  that the information provided needed to be more clearer on the number of  children that had moved from an   initial assessment to a Child Protection Plan and the timeline of this.



It was agreed that  overall the comments section of the table provide more detail  on the context around  the indicators  as a public document.  


There was consensus that performance figures relating to Looked after Children were in the remit and responsibility of this Committee.  Performance indicators containing information about referrals which do not lead to child protection plan or  a child becoming looked after was the responsibility of the Children’s Safeguarding Policy and Practice Committee  and should be separated out of the report  .  Having accepted this,  there was still felt to be a  need for  the committee  to have a better understanding of the information being considered by the  Children’s Safeguarding  Policy and Practice Committee .




Item 23  -Children in Care for a month or more with an up to date health assessment   . Statistical averages for this indicator would be available in the following months report. Agreed that the target  of 75%  be added   to  the latter column.




  1. The  format of the report  be  agreed .


  1. That the comments provided above by Committee Members be factored in the  forthcoming report.












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