Agenda item


i.                    To confirm the unrestricted minutes of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 21 June, and 21 July 2011 as an accurate record of the proceedings;


ii.                  To receive and consider the minutes of the informal joint Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee, and Alexandra Park and  Palace Advisory  Committee held on 13 September 2011 (see attached Appendix A1).



iii.                To receive the minutes of the     Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee held on 21 July, and 6 September 2011, and to consider any recommendations from that Committee (see attached Appendix B1 & B2), and to receive the minutes of the Alexandra Park and  Palace Advisory  Committee held on 13 September 2011, and to consider any recommendations from that Committee (see attached Appendix C & C1);




i.          Alexandra Palace and Park Board minutes (Pages 47-62 of agenda pack)


RESOLVED that the unrestricted minutes of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 21 June, and 21 July 2011 be confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings.


ii.         Informal Joint meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Advisory and Consultative Committees (Page 63 – 72)


The informal minutes of the informal joint meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Advisory and Consultative Committees on 13th September 2011 were noted.


iii.        Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee (Page 73 – 76)


The minutes of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee held on 13th September 2011 were noted.


The recommendations of the Alexandra Park and  Palace Advisory  Committee (pages 81-82) were noted. 


RESOLVED that due to the legal nature of the issues surrounding the Firoka matter the recommendations would be discussed within the private session with as full a response as possible being provided at a future Board meeting.


iv.        Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (Page 77 -80)


The minutes of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee held on 21 July, and 6 September 2011 were noted.

Supporting documents: