Agenda item

Shared Economic Service

Report of the Director of Place and Sustainability – to seek approval to establish the new Shared Economic Development Service for Haringey and Waltham Forest.


 Following initial considerations by the General Purposes Committee  in March 2011  and further to additional clarifications sought on  by the Corporate committee  at their meeting on the 20th June 2011 a  report  which contained  updated recommendations on the staffing elements of establishing a shared economic service between  The London Boroughs  of Waltham Forest and Haringey  was considered by the Committee. The proposals for a shared service would see a core shared Economic Development service of 9 posts to cover both boroughs.  After discounting externally funded posts, between both boroughs there were 14 employees in posts and the resultant structure would see 5 employees redeployed or face compulsory redundancy. It was proposed that the head of economic development in Waltham forest, a former employee in Haringey, would be seconded to Haringey for 6 months as interim head of Shared Economic Development service to establish the service and develop the service for both boroughs. The proposals for the ring fenced recruitment into these posts were set out on the final page of appendix 1. It was clarified that the pay and conditions of each staff member would be based on who their employing authority was (this is the local authority that employed them prior to the partnership agreement).  This was an interim arrangement until the details of employment protocol were finalised and agreed by both boroughs. Employees in the new structure would be expected to hot desk and work in both boroughs. There was already  experience of the two boroughs economic teams working closely together on the Youth Enterprise bid, Regional  Growth bid,  and  on bids for town centres . It was explained to the committee that ,  if the arrangements were found not to be workable in six months time, the arrangement allowed for employees and managers to split back to their own respective boroughs.  However the shared service was aiming to build upon existing joint working relationships and the overall objective for the future of this shared service was for it to become a social enterprise that included more than two boroughs.



The grade of the Head of the Shared Economic Service was questioned and clarification provided on the duties that would be involved in this post to warrant this. This included making the shared service work and delivering a shared enterprise that could include other neighbouring boroughs. The grade of this post was decided   by examining similar posts in other boroughs, and evaluating the duties that would be involved.  Both boroughs operated the same HR policy of allowing an employee to be slotted into a post where it was one grade higher or one grade lower than their existing post.  This policy allowed or the Head of Economic Development at Waltham forest to be slotted into this post for a six month secondment . It was noted that the Head of economy post was currently vacant in Haringey.


 A question was asked about the work   implications for both boroughs respective directors for overseeing the development and delivery of the shared service.  Members were advised that, in  the short term the work for establishing a social enterprise would be intensive. During this period, both boroughs directors would also  need to ensure that their aspirations for the economic service were aligned as there would be fewer posts to deliver them.




  1. That the ongoing work on developing the new shared service including establishing the service based on the appended organisational structure and ring fenced recruitment process be agreed.


  1. That the Head of Economic Development in Waltham Forest be seconded to Haringey for 6 months as interim head of Shared Economic Development Service to establish  the service and develop  the service offer for both boroughs including accountability and location.


  1. That recruitment to the posts below the head of service including Economic Development manager   proceed as set out in ring fence recruitment schedule  in appendix 1.


  1. Due regard  is  given to the authority’s public sector equality duties in relation to the agreement of  Recommendation 4.1.


  1. That it be noted the Council is currently reviewing its approach to tackling worklessness  the attached report focussed on the core economic development service as set out in the Cabinet report of the 08th February 2011. Delivery and Programme management Posts were covered by a separate report and process.


  1. That it be noted that this is a separate restructure to the Planning , Regeneration and Economy (PRE) restructure agreed at the committee’s meeting  in June  but  will sit within the PRE Service.



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