Agenda item


To consider the application for a new premises licence at Mighty Rock Restaurant, 363 High Road, Tottenham, London, N17 6QN.


Robin Payne, Head of Enforcement, advised that there was nothing to add to the report that had been circulated in advance of the meeting for the Committee’s consideration.


Cllr McNamara addressed the Committee in objection to the application. Cllr McNamara made it clear that he did not object to the principle of a restaurant operating on the site but, based on conversations with local residents, it was felt that the hours applied for should be reduced as the premises was in a residential area.


The applicants addressed the Committee and stated that, in their discussions with local residents, people had been in favour of a restaurant at this location, and did not foresee the opening hours applied for being an issue. The applicants clarified that the reason that an application had been made to operate until 5am on Christmas Eve was to enable their church group to use the premises after late prayers on Christmas Eve. It was reported that the applicants knew the area, and did not anticipate any problems, although they would monitor carefully to identify any issues and address them if they arose.


In response to questions from the Committee, the applicants advised that it was intended that the restaurant would be a family restaurant. It was reported that any live music would be in the form of singing such as church choirs, and that it was not intended to hire professional musicians to perform at the premises. The application for performances of dance was only made to cover the eventuality that customers might wish to get up and dance at their seats, and that their was no space set aside for dancing. It was confirmed that there would be no amplified music at all. The Committee asked about parking, in response to which the applicants advised that they would recommend their customers to use the nearby community centre car park. It was proposed that the takeaway facility would close at around 11pm to midnight.


In response to questions from Cllr McNamara, the applicants advised that they understood the concerns regarding noise, but that the premises had been refurbished such that noise would not be audible from the flats above or from outside. Although 2am had been applied for every night, it was not anticipated that the premises would always be open and busy up until 2am, it was just so that any customers who did arrive late did not have to be rushed out. Cllr McNamara asked about security at the premises, particularly on match days, in response to which the applicants advised that staff would be monitoring the door, but that there was no proposal to hire full time security staff.


In conclusion, the applicants advised that they understood their responsibilities to prevent crime and disorder and ensure the safety of all, protect local residents and businesses from nuisance and protect children from harm. The applicants were aware of the impact that management of a licensed premises could have on the local area, and would do all they could to ensure the premises was well-managed and that the licensing objectives were upheld at all times.


Concluding the objections, Cllr McNamara stated that the restaurant was a positive development in principle, but that such late hours would have an impact on local residents as noise inevitably travels. Cllr McNamara recommended that shorter hours should be granted and that the applicant could reapply for an extension of hours after proving for a time that the premises would be well-run and would not cause any disturbance.


The Committee adjourned to deliberate.




The Committee carefully considered the application for a premises licence in respect of Mighty Rock restaurant, and took into account Haringey’s Licensing Policy and amended guidance, issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003, and it was the Committee’s decision to grant the application on the following terms:


The Provision of Regulated Entertainment: Live Music, Recorded Music, Performances of Dance:


Sunday to Thursday:             1100 to 2330

Friday and Saturday:                        1100 to 0200

Christmas Eve:                                  1100 to 0200


The Provision of Late Night Refreshment:


Sunday to Thursday:             2300 to 2330

Friday and Saturday:                        2300 to 0200

Christmas Eve:                                  2300 to 0200


Supply of Alcohol:


Sunday to Thursday:             1100 to 2330

Friday and Saturday:                        1100 to 0130

Christmas Eve:                                  1100 to 0130


Opening hours:


Sunday to Thursday:             1100 to 0000

Friday and Saturday:                        1100 to 0200

Christmas Eve:                                  1100 to 0200


And subject to the following conditions:


To fully implement the conditions as put forward in the operating schedule as set out on pages 28 and 29 of the agenda pack, and the conditions agreed with the Metropolitan Police at pages 34 and 35 of the pack.


Please note that the licence is subject to review if the conditions are not met.




Supporting documents: