Agenda item

Restructure of Haringey Early Years Services

The report  proposes a restructure of those teams employed centrally by the Children & Young People’s Service to support the delivery of Early Years provision. At present, staff are spread across a number of service areas. The proposal to the Committee is to replace these teams with a single, smaller team.


The Committee considered proposals for the restructure of teams employed centrally by the Children and Young People’s Service to support the delivery of early year’s provision. It was noted that at present, staff were spread across a number of service areas .The key proposal was to replace these teams with a single smaller team that would provide essential statutory services.

In response to the consultation with staff and key stakeholders, some changes have been made to some of the roles. A revised structure chart and list showing the posts in the new structure was attached at Appendix 6. There was however no change to the proposed level of saving or the role and function of the service. The changes  listed in paragraph 6.4 were as follows:


  • Line management arrangements have been altered and conveyed in the  structure chart at Appendix 6.
  • Two deputy head of service posts had been redesignated as lead officers for their respective areas – Early Years Lead for Early Intervention & Prevention and Early Years Lead for Vulnerable Children with Multiple & Complex Needs.
  • The Childcare Support Officer Job Description had been revised to have a stronger focus on business support and contract monitoring. The job title was now a  Business Support Officer.


  • The 0.5 FTE 2-year old pilot project co-ordinator roles had been expanded to incorporate additional duties supporting the work of the team. The post was now full-time and the job title was now Early Years Support Officer. The grade remained at PO1.


The Employee side addressed the Committee and highlighted their deep concerns about the restructure of his service . They pointed to references in the report about the work and connections of the Early Years service to Children’s Centres. The restructure of this latter service was the subject of a separate exercise. The public consultation on which would end on the 20th April and staff consultation begin. The Employee side, as communicated previously at Committee meetings, requested that the restructure of the Early Years team be deferred and considered alongside the Children’s Centres restructure report by the Committee in June. This would allow staff from the Early Year’s provision to be considered for posts in the Children’s Centres structure. The Employee side further expressed their anxiety about the feasibility of the restructured service to deliver an Early Year’s service given the reductions being made and were concerned about the future condition of the Family Information Service.


In answer to these concerns, the Deputy Director for Business Support in Children’s Services explained that delays to the restructure processes in both services would have severe financial impacts with delays leading to more staff reductions. There were a small number of staff that had been identified which could be considered for posts in the Children’s Centres structure and the employment ringfences would be held to accommodate these eligible staff. This delay would have a relatively small impact on the budget target for this area. In terms of the concerns expressed on the outreach work of the service, it was hoped that once the Children’s Centres structure was finalised and viewed by the Employee side, they would be assured that this was a key priority for the new service. The Family Information Service would still fulfil its basic statutory function and the service was hopeful of keeping its best attributes.  Information on services would be assessable with web links to the service examined to ensure maximum accessibility. The Employee side were assured that the previous job descriptions of employees subject to the early years restructure were being examined in relation to single status rulings. This was to understand if there were compensation requirements to be met. Responding to concerns about the workload of the new team, it was noted that the staff likely to be working in the new structure would be those that would be experienced and equipped to work across agencies and departments. A key task for the new service was the prioritisation of work for which management would be responsible for and ensuring that staff would not be overstretched.  The service would prioritise support to newly registered childminders and those with weak OFSTED ratings.



The Committee learned that service provided courses for childminders on developing their educational skills with the children they looked after.  These courses were run by a combination of teachers and experienced childminders.  These officers worked across a spectrum of services i.e.  schools, play groups, private nurseries and were primarily concerned with delivering  early years foundation one (this was a key deliverable and likened  to key stage 1 achievements but in an early years setting). The current service ,where applicable, was  charging for this facility which was also offered to the private sector. Although, the proportion of income received from this charge was small, the Committee were assured that the service would utilise on any available options for recharging of services and generation of funding.


Some members raised queries regarding the pay scale of managers in this restructured service. In reply to this, the Committee noted that pay scales would need to reflect the increased complexities of the positions and grades and job description requirements.


The Committee noted that the new structure following changes made, as a result of the consultation, were set on page 103 of the agenda pack.


The Chair enquired about the progress of the Children and Families restructure and was advised that this was planned for completion and consideration by Committee in June along with the Children’s Centres Report. The Chair requested that the Children’s Centres report contain a timetable for recruitment to provide the Committee with a fuller understanding of the final shape of the service.





  1. That the Committee note that the formal consultations on these proposals began on 03rd February 2011 and was concluded on the 14th March.


  1. That the comments received from staff and trades unions and the management responses to these in appendix 5 be noted.


  1. That the proposed restructure as set out in Appendix 1 and summarised in section 6 of the report, taking account the outcome of the staff consultation and management response , be agreed  with due regard given to the Council’s public sector equalities duties.


  1. That Cllr Bloch’s opposition to the above recommendations be noted.


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