Agenda item

GLS Supplies Depot, Ferry Lane, London N17 ('Hale Village')

Erection of a part 5, part 7, part 10 and part 12 storey building at Block NW2 of the Hale Village master plan, to comprise student accommodation (557 bed spaces) and associated facilities including reception, office, plant room, store room, refuse store, cycle store, common room, laundry room, courtyard and associated works.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions and subject to sec.106 Legal Agreement.


The Committee considered a report, previously circulated, which set out the application, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and relevant factors for consideration. The Planning Officer presented the report, highlighting key issues, and advised the Committee of amendments which had been made to the application description, drawing numbers, cluster numbers, proportion of rooms facing north and the size of the central courtyard as set out in the tabled addendum report. The Committee was advised that, since the circulation of the report, the proposed South block had now been removed in response to the GLA comments on the application.


The Committee examined the plans and were advised on the recommendations in respect of the section 106 agreement, as set out in the addendum report, and how this related to the wider section 106 for the Hale Village development as a whole, which the Committee would be considering later on the agenda. 


The Committee asked questions of the officers. In response to a question regarding the difference between the existing s106 agreement and what was proposed, it was reported that the overall amount for the site remained the same (index-linked), but that, as proposed in the report later on the agenda, each plot owner would have a proportion of the overall liability, including for the NW2 block. The proposals set out later in the agenda were reported as increasing the probability of the Council receiving a large part of the appropriate contributions under the Section 106 agreement. Cllr Demirci expressed concern at the number of applications and variations that had been submitted in relation to this development subsequent to initial planning permission being granted in 2006, and hoped strongly that this trend would not continue.


In response to a question from the Committee regarding the impact of the application on public transport provision, it was reported that TfL and the Council’s transportation department had assessed that the proposal would have a very limited impact on public transport. The Committee also asked about cycling provision, and the possibility of increasing the number of parking spaces for disabled students in response to demand, in response to which officers responded that there were 261 cycle spaces for block NW2, approximately one for every two units, which was within the guidelines recommended by TfL. It was confirmed that the number of parking spaces for disabled students could be reviewed, in response to demand.  In response to a question regarding the provision of units for disabled students, the Committee was advised that there was a small number of units available for immediate use, and a further number which could be adapted in response to specific needs as required.


The Committee asked whether the development of a further student block would have any impact on the demand for open market housing in the development, in response to which it was reported that occupier interest in open market housing on the site was beginning to increase; developers had taken on Pavilions 1 and 2 with full knowledge of the existing and proposed student accommodation on the site. In response to a question from the Committee regarding the views of the Design Panel, it was reported that the application had been reported up to the Design Panel at an early stage, and that their comments had been incorporated into the final application being brought before the Committee.


In response to a question from the Committee regarding s106 payments received to date, it was reported that when the previous student block had been granted consent, Unite were granted an exemption from s106 contributions as an incentive to attract investment at that time. This issue would be discussed further elsewhere on the agenda, however it was confirmed that the Council were not intending to repeat such exemptions. The Committee expressed concern that there was no evidence of local labour being used for the development to date, in response to which it was reported that employment was taking place from the local area, as defined in the terms of the previous section 106 agreement. The Committee requested that future reports should give an indication of how conditions such as this were being complied with by developers, and officers agreed to take this on board.


The Chair moved the recommendations of the report, as amended by the addendum, and it was:




That, subject to any direction from the Mayor of London and the applicant and the owners of the application site entering into an agreement with the Council under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and Section 16 of the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1974 that will replace the s106 agreement dated 9 October 2007 insofar as it relates to Plot NW2 and that;


§            will include appropriate provisions of the existing Hale Village-wide s106 agreement (dated 9 October 2007) insofar as they apply to this NW2 land plot including (though not exclusively) local labour, travel plan, construction management, considerate contractor scheme and sustainability; and

§            grants, consistent with the proposed revisions to the 2007 s106 agreement or, alternatively, a new site-wide consolidated s106 agreement (reported elsewhere on this Agenda), proportionate liability to the applicant and plot landowner (not Hale Village Properties Ltd.) for specific s106 funding obligations (excluding the Education Contribution) 


planning permission be GRANTED in accordance with planning application reference number HGY/2010/2090 subject to conditions:




1. The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.


2. The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.


Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


3. Samples of all materials to be used in conjunction with the proposed development for all the external surfaces of buildings hereby approved, areas of hard landscaping and boundary walls shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority before any development is commenced.  Samples should include sample panels or brick types and a roofing material sample combined with a schedule of the exact product references.


Reason: In order for the Local Planning Authority to retain control over the exact materials to be used for the proposed development and to assess the suitability of the samples submitted in the interests of visual amenity.


4. Details of a scheme depicting those areas to be treated by means of hard landscaping shall be submitted to, approved in writing by, and implemented in accordance with the approved details. Such a scheme to include a detailed drawing of those areas of the development to be so treated, a schedule of proposed materials and samples to be submitted for written approval on request from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure the development has satisfactory landscaped areas in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.


5. A scheme for the treatment of the surroundings of the proposed development including the planting of trees and/or shrubs shall be submitted to, approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In order to provide a suitable setting for the proposed development in the interests of visual amenity.


6. A landscape management plan, including management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for the landscaped areas, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the development.


Reason: To ensure the proper provision and maintenance of the landscaped areas.


7. That the levels of all thresholds and details of boundary treatment be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to safeguard the visual amenity of the area and to ensure adequate means of enclosure for the proposed development.


8. No development shall take place until site investigation detailing previous and existing land uses, potential land contamination, risk estimation and remediation work if required have been submitted to and approved  in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved.


Reason: In order for the Local Planning Authority to ensure the site is contamination free.


9. That a detailed scheme for the provision of refuse and waste storage within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works. Such a scheme as approved shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality.


10. That full details of the external lighting proposed within the scheme hereby approved shall be submitted, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of the development.


Reason: To protect the amenity of the surrounding area.


11. At least one disabled "blue badge" parking space shall be dedicated and clearly identified for use by disabled visitors to the development hereby approved.


Reason: To ensure adequate disabled parking provision.


12. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, an Accessibility Management Plan, to ensure room adaptations are available for disabled students where required, is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure the development is fully accessible.


13. That provision for 283 secure cycle parking spaces shall be made within the scheme and permanently retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure adequate provision for cycle storage is provided within the scheme.


14. Prior to the development hereby approved being occupied, a Parking Management Plan, including identification of the location of the off-street blue badge parking space, and a mechanism to ensure that the supply and demand of blue badge bays are regularly monitored and reviewed, is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure the adequate disabled parking equates with demand and is enforced.


15. Notwithstanding the details submitted with the scheme hereby approved, the applicant shall submit full details of the external areas within the scheme, including the approaches, entrances and amenity areas, showing how they will be fully accessible to disabled people, including visually impaired students through appropriate lighting provision and provision of level thresholds and power assisted main entrance sliding doors.


Reason: To ensure that the development hereby approved is full accessible to all users.


16. Notwithstanding the details submitted with the application hereby approved, a further Energy Statement including an estimate of the regulated carbon emissions of the development in tonnes of CO2 per year, and an estimate of the overall carbon dioxide savings in tonnes of CO2 per year, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development.


Reason: To ensure the development achieves the appropriate levels of energy efficiency for the development.


17. The development hereby approved shall be connected to the central energy centre serving the whole Hale Village development.


Reason: To ensure that the development complies with the energy strategy for the whole of the Hale Village development.


18. The development hereby approved shall include 300 square metres of photovoltaic panels.


Reason: To ensure an adequate provision of renewable energy provision is achieved by the development.


19. The development hereby authorised shall comply with BS 8220 (1986) Part 1, 'Security of Residential Buildings' and comply with the aims and objectives of the police requirement of 'Secured by Design' and 'Designing out Crime' principles.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development achieves the required crime prevention elements as detailed by Circular 5/94 'Planning Out Crime'.


20. That the development hereby approved shall be for use by students in full-time higher education only.


Reason: To ensure the proper use of the development.


REASONS FOR APPROVALThe development hereby approved is considered to comply with the relevant national, regional and local policies including the policy AC2: Tottenham International of the Unitary Development Plan 2006 and SPG: Tottenham Hale Masterplan 2008.



Section 106: No

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