Agenda item

GLS Supplies Depot, Ferry Lane, London N17 ('Hale Village')

Extension of time limit for implementation of outline planning permission HGY/2006/1177 granted 9th October 2007 for a mixed used redevelopment of the site comprising of demolition of all structures and remediation for the development of a mixed use scheme comprising up to 1210 residential units (Use Class C3), student accommodation (C2), office (B1), hotel (C1), retail (A1, A2, A3, A4, A% and B1) uses, a health centre (D1), a health club (D2), crèche (D1) and a primary school, with provision for underground and on-street car parking, to be comprised within separate building blocks ranging in height from 1 to 18 storeys, incorporating public open space, an unculverted watercourse and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) with associated renewable energy systems.


RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission for the development ref. no. HGY/2010/1897 (dated 8 October 2010) subject to conditions and subject to a pre-condition that the applicant and the owners of the application site shall first have entered into a Deed of Variation to the legal agreement dated 9 October 2007 under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and Section 16 of the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1974 as detailed in the separate report on this Agenda to:

·        Secure a firm date for payment of much of the ‘triggered’ funding obligations that are currently owed;

·        Re-profile some of the remaining funding obligation payments;

·        Make some of the funding obligation payments subject to achieving increased open market residential sales values;

·        Clarify that specific plot leaseholders should have proportionate liability for some of the funding obligations; and

·        Incorporate other appropriate amendments to reflect scheme changes.


The Committee considered a report, previously circulated, which set out the application, the site and surroundings, planning history, consultation, planning policy and other relevant factors. The Planning Officer presented the report, outlining the key issues.


The Chair moved the recommendation and it was:




That the development be granted in accordance with the application dated 8 October 2010, (reference number HGY/2010/1897) subject to the following conditions and subject to a pre-condition that the applicant and the owners of the application site shall first have entered into a Deed of Variation to the legal agreement dated 9 October 2007 under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and Section 16 of the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1974 as detailed in the separate report on this agenda to:


  • Secure a firm date for payment of much of the “triggered” funding obligations that are currently owed;
  • Re-profile some of the remaining funding obligation payments;
  • Make some of the funding obligation payments subject to achieving increased open market residential sales values;
  • Clarify that specific plot leaseholders should have proportionate liability for some of the funding obligations; and
  • Incorporate other appropriate amendments to reflect scheme changes.




1. This permission is granted in OUTLINE, in accordance with the provisions of Regulations 3  & 4 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) 1995 and before any development is commenced, the approval of the Local Planning Authority shall be obtained to the following reserved matters, namely: a) design, b) external appearance, d) means of enclosure, f) landscaping.  Full particulars of these reserved matters, including plans, sections and elevations, all to an appropriate scale, and any other supporting documents indicating details of B1) the materials to be used on all external surfaces, B2) details of boundary walls, fencing and other means of enclosure, B3) the provision for parking, loading and turning of vehicles within the site, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for the purpose of obtaining their approval, in writing. The development shall then be carried out in complete accordance with those particulars.


2. Application must be made to the Local Planning Authority for approval of any matters reserved in this OUTLINE planning permission, not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, and the development hereby authorised must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates, failing which the permission shall be of no effect:  a) The expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission.  or  b) The expiration of 2 years from the final date of approval of any of the reserved matters.   


Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of Section 92 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


3. The residential development hereby permitted shall not exceed 1210 separate dwellings, whether flats or houses.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development in order to control the overall density levels within the development in accordance with policy HSG9 of London Borough of Haringey's Unitary Development Plan 2006. 


4. At least 10% of the dwelling should be capable of being converted for wheelchair access and 100% of the dwellings should be built to meet Lifetime Homes standards, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure adequate accessibility for disabled and mobility impaired throughout their lifetime in accordance with policy HSG1 of London Borough of Haringey's Unitary Development Plan 2006. 


5. Before any works commence on the road and walkways, open spaces or the individual buildings shown on the plans hereby approved, the following details in respect of each of the said areas or buildings shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority:   a. samples of all external materials comprising roof cladding, wall facing materials and cladding, window glass, door and window frames, decorative features, rainwater goods and paving  b. elevational drawings, plans, roof plans, and sections at 1:100 scale of all the buildings, sample elevations and sections at 1:20 scale of bays, windows and doors, balconies, parapets and eaves    c. drawings at 1:1 scale of sectional profiles of the window and door frames, cornices, string courses and other decorative mouldings   d. detailed drawings indicating the means of screening roof mounted plant and equipment.  


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design throughout the development, in accordance with the Design Code and the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies UD1, UD2, UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006   


6. For each part of the development, full details, including samples of all materials to be used for the external surfaces of the development shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority before any development is commenced. Samples should include sample panels or brick types and a roofing material sample combined with a schedule of the exact product references.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design throughout the development, in accordance with the Design Code and the Environmental Impact Assessment, and in accordance with policies UD1, UD2, UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006   


7. The development hereby authorised shall comply with BS 8220 (1986) Part 1, 'Security Of Residential Buildings' and comply with the aims and objectives of the police requirement of 'Secured By Design' and 'Designing Out Crime' principles.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development achieves the required crime prevention elements as detailed by Circular 5/94 'Planning out Crime' and in accordance with policy UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006. 


8. Applications for approval of Reserved Matters including landscaping shall include for specific approval a programme for commencing and completing the planting and laying out, and the detailed scheme(s) so approved shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved programme.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development, to ensure good design and to ensure that the landscaping is carried out within a reasonable period in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, and  in accordance with policies UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006  


9. Any trees or areas of planting which, within a period of 5 years from the completion of the relevant phase of landscaping, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced as soon as is reasonably possible and, in any case, by not later than the end of the following planting season, with others of similar size and species, unless the local planning authority gives written consent to any variation.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development, to ensure good design, to ensure that the landscaping is secured in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006  


10. Where steps are to be constructed within the landscaping to change level, gentle inclines and ramps (at a gradient of 1 in 20 or less) and/or lifts shall also be incorporated, to provide an equally commodious alternative for all members of the public.


Reason: To ensure that the development provides good access for all in accordance with policies UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006. 


11. Applications for approval of Reserved Matters submitted pursuant to this permission relating to the design of new buildings and to the landscaping of the public realm shall be accompanied by an urban design report which explains the underlying approach of the design and explain how it addresses each of the relevant sections of the Design Code. 


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design throughout the development, in accordance with the Design Code and the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.   


12. Details of arrangements for storage and collection of refuse, for the development hereby approved, including location, design, screening, operation and the provision of facilities for the storage of recyclable materials shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA as part of the relevant Reserved Matters approvals for each part of the Development and the development shall be carried out only in accordance with the details so approved and shall be retained thereafter.  


Reason: To ensure good design, to safeguard the amenity of the area and ensure that the development is sustainable and has adequate facilities, in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies UD3, UD4 and ENV13 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.  


13. The proposed development shall have no more than 2 central dishes / aerial systems per block (equating to a total of 28) for receiving all broadcasts for all the residential units created, details of such a scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the property and the approved scheme shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter.


Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the neighbourhood in accordance with policies UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.  


14. A Travel Plan segregated into residential, educational and commercial elements of the development shall be submitted and approved by the local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development such agreed travel plan to be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to minimise the traffic impact on the adjoining highway network and to encourage walking and cycling in accordance with policies M3, M4 and M5 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.  


15.  Prior to the occupation of each part of the development details of the accomm

odation for car parking and/or loading and unloading facilities and cycle parking facilities related to each individual block shall be submitted to, approved in writing by and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority such accommodation shall be permanently retained for of the occupiers, users of, or persons calling at the premises and shall not be used for any other purposes without the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or the conditions of general safety along the neighbouring highway in accordance with policies M3, M4 and M5 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.  


16. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the car parking provision within the development shall not exceed 800 car parking spaces.


Reason:  In order to ensure the appropriate levels of car parking in the scheme are not exceeded in accordance with policies M3, M4 and M5 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.  


17. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local planning authority, within each part of the site no preparatory or development ground works in that part of the site shall commence until a full site investigation, history, details of previous and present usage, risk assessment and details of any remediation required have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, and in accordance with policies ENV7 and ENV11 of  the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006   


18. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, within each part of the site, no development shall commence in that part of the site until a Ground Contamination, Soil Remediation and Disposal Strategy supported by site history has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, and in accordance with policies ENV7 and ENV11 of  the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.                                                                                         


19. Within each part of the site, no development shall commence until details of on site drainage works including an Impact Study of existing Sewerage infrastructure, suitable connection point of foul water drainage system and details of surface water discharge for that part of the site has been submitted to and approved by, the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Sewerage undertaker.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to enhance and protect the water environment in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, and policies ENV2, ENV4, ENV5 and ENV7 of  the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.                                                                                                


20. Within each part of the site no development shall be commenced until an Impact Study including full details of anticipated water flow rates, and detailed site plans have been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority (in consultation with Thames Water).                                                                                 


Reason: To ensure that the water supply infrastructure has sufficient capacity to cope with the additional demand in accordance with policy ENV3 of  the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.    


21. No demolition, construction or building works shall be carried out except between the hours of 0800 and 1800 hours Monday to Friday and 0800 and 1200 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sundays or bank holidays unless written approval from the Local Planning Authority has been sought and obtained prior to works taking place. 


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposal does not prejudice the enjoyment of neighbouring occupiers of their properties in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policy ENV6 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.                                                                           


22. Lorries delivering plant or materials during the construction phase of the development will only use designated routes agreed in advance with the Local Planning Authority


Reason: To minimise the impact of lorry traffic in local residential roads in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policy ENV6 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.                                                                                                 


23. Vehicles may arrive, depart, be loaded or unloaded during the construction phase of the development within the general area of the application site only between 0700 hours and 1900 hours Monday to Friday and 0700 hours and 1300 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sunday or Bank Holidays except with the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or the conditions of general safety along the neighbouring highway or effect the amenity of local residents in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policy ENV6 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.    


24. Within each part of the site no development shall take place within that part of the site until the developer has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological recording of the standing historic buildings, in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To provide an opportunity for the recording of archaeological evidence and further research and in accordance with policy CSV8 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.  


25. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority the quantum of built floorspace across the development shall not exceed a total of 135,000 square metres gross floorspace comprising:  Residential (Class C2/C3) 97,500 square metres/1210 units Employment (Class B1) 3,200 Square metres Retail (Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1) 5,500 Square metres Health care (Class D1) 600 square metres Creche (Class D1) 600 square metres Hotel (Class C1) 3,200 square metres/100 rooms Primary School (Class D1) 5,300 square metres Student Accommodation (Class D2) 700 rooms 


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design throughout the development, in accordance with policy UD6 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.   


26. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the quantum of built floorspace across the development shall not comprise less than 2500m2 of Retail (Use Class A1)  and not more than 30% of the total retail floor space to be provided to be none retail (A2, A3, A4, A5). 


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design throughout the development, in accordance with policy UD6 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.   


27. Within each part of the site no development shall take place within that part of the site until full details of the design and method statement for the foundation design have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.   Such agreed details to be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:   In order to ensure the appropriate foundation design for the development and to protect the amenities of adjoining residents in relation to the foundation construction process.  


27a. Within each part of the site details of a scheme for monitoring and mitigating noise and dust emissions for all plant and processes shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works.  Such detailed scheme to be implemented to the satisfaction as agreed of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In order to protect the amenities of the locality in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policies ENV6 and ENV7 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.   


28. Within each part of the site no development shall be commenced until a Construction and Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such agreed plan shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In order to protect the amenities of the locality in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policies ENV6 and ENV7 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.   


29. Development shall not begin until drainage details (foul and surface water), incorporating sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development, have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed.


Reason:  In order to ensure the satisfactory surface water drainage of the site in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policies UD4, ENV1 and ENV2 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.    


30. Prior to the commencement of development within each part of the site  petrol/oil interceptors shall be fitted in all car parking/washing/repair facilities


Reason:  In order to prevent the pollution of the surface water drainage system in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policies UD4, ENV1, ENV2 and ENV7 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.    


31. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority full details of a site wide ecology management strategy and associated pollution prevention strategy shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works.


Reason:  In order to ensure that the proposed development maximises the ecological potential of the site and prevents pollution of the environment prior to the commencement of development in  accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policies ENV7 and OS11 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.   


32. Prior to the commencement of development  full details of a scheme for the provision of hoardings around the site during the construction period including details of design, height, materials and lighting shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works. Such agreed scheme and details to be implemented and maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In order to protect the amenity of the locality and to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design throughout the development, in accordance with policy UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.   


33. Prior to the commencement of development within each part of the site full details of a Japanese Knotweed eradication programme shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  Such agreed scheme shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure the eradication of Japanese Knotweed from the site. 


34. That all buried services shall be placed in a service corridor and surrounded with clear uncontaminated material


Reason: In order to reduce the impact of the proposed development on the local environment. 


35. That there shall be no stationing of caravans or mobile homes on the site without the prior consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority


Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality. 


36. Within each part of the site no development shall be commenced until full detail of a scheme for external lighting for that part of the site shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  Such agreed scheme to be implemented and permanently retained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development provides a safe and sound environment for the future occupiers and patrons in with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policy ENV7 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.    


37. Within each part of the site no development shall be commenced until a full detailed acoustic report for that part of the site has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority detailing  the sound attenuation methods that will be required to protect local amenity including the need for the use of noise limiting devices in relation to any proposal for a potential student bar or hotel bar.  Such methods and details agreed shall be implemented and permanently maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 


Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment and policy ENV6 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.    


38. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority no commercial roof top facilities open to the general public shall be in use between the hours of 2300 - 0700 hours any day of the week. 


Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality 


39. That the restaurant which is (A3) public house and wine bar (A4) and takeaway (A5) uses hereby permitted shall not be operated before 0800 or after 2400 hours on any day of the week.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the amenities of the future occupiers of the development in accordance with policy TCR5 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.    


40. Details of the materials handling facility including the access and location at each phase of the construction process shall be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed handling facility does not prejudice the free flow and safety of traffic and pedestrians on the neighbouring highway and the amenities of the locality. 


41. Applications (or groups of related applications) for the Reserved Matters approval in respect of buildings shall be accompanied by an Environmental Sustainability Plan.  The Environmental Sustainability Plan shall explain: 

(a)        How the proposed building design(s) realise(s) opportunities to include design and technology energy efficiency measures; 

(b)        The reduction in carbon emissions achieved through these building design and technology energy efficiency measures, compared with the emissions permitted under the national Building Regulations prevailing at the time the application(s)for approval of reserved matters are submitted; 

(c)        The specification for any green and/or brown roofs;  

(d)        How energy shall be supplied to the building(s), highlighting; 

i.          how the building(s) relate(s) to the site-wide strategy for district heating incorporating tri-generation from distributed combined heat and power; 

ii.         how the building(s) relate(s) to the strategy for using biofuel boilers to supplement the energy supplied through district heating systems; 

iii.                the assessment of the cost-effectiveness and reliability of the supply chain for biofuels; 

iv.                any other measures to incorporate renewables. 

(e)        How the proposed building(s) have been designed to to achieve a BREAM and /Or Ecohomes rating of excellent unless not feasible in relation to design concerns (or an equivalent assessment method and rating). 

(f)         The incorporation of bird boxes, bat roosts and other wildlife features on buildings.  


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design through the development in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies G1, UD1, UD2, ENV2, ENV3, ENV9 and ENV10 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.   


42. Details and particulars including floorspace figures, floorplans and layouts of the uses, and the vehicle and other servicing and access, including provision for any coach access and parking to be accommodated in built and refurbished accommodation, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any of those uses commences and the uses will commence only in accordance with the details so approved.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development, to ensure safe and efficient access, to achieve good design and protect amenities and to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the assessment and conclusions of the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies UD6, M2 and M3 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.    


43.  Details of the positioning and detailed design of the wind turbines shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before they are constructed and they shall be constructed only in accordance with the details so approved. 


Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the adjoining premises and the area generally, in accordance with the requirements of policies UD2, UD3 and UD4 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006  


44. Prior to construction of the wind turbines hereby approved, further investigations shall be undertaken of:  

(a)        Their 'shadow flicker' on existing and future residential occupants within nearby buildings; and   

(b)        The impact of operating the turbines on local television and radio reception, microwave and other telecommunications links and radar signals.  


Reason: To ensure the development can be undertaken without impact on television and/or radio reception to protect residential amenity and in accordance with the assessment and conclusions of the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policy UD11 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006 


45. In the event that those further investigations confirm that shadow flicker or impact on reception would occur and cause loss of amenity or interference, then the turbines shall not be used until such time as all necessary remedial measures have been put in place in accordance with details approved in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason: To ensure the development can be undertaken without impact on television and/or radio reception to protect residential amenity and in accordance with the assessment and conclusions of the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policy UD11 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006 


46. Any Reserved Matters application in relation to residential accommodation shall specify whether the proposed accommodation is for the use of students.  Any units constructed pursuant to any Reserved Matters approval so specified shall be used primarily for the occupation of students. 


Reason: To ensure a sustainable development and to protect amenities and to ensure that the development complies with the outline permission and the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies AC2, UD6, and HSG10 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.  


47. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority any Reserved Matter applications pursuant to this permission and provided for use as student accommodation shall include no more than 700 rooms in total.


Reason: The development is the subject of an Environmental Impact Assessment and any change to the development from the particulars assessed as above might have an impact which has not been identified and assessed. The requirements of this condition are to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development, and to achieve integration, regeneration and good design, and accordance with the assessment and conclusions of the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies AC2, UD6 and HSG10 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006. 


48. The detailed design of the tall building shall be the subject of an architectural design competition.  Details of the competition and selection criteria shall be submitted for approval by the Council within 3 years of the date of this permission.


Reason: To ensure that the Tall building is designed and constructed to the highest possible design standards in accordance  with policies UD3, UD4 and UD9 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006. 


49. The location of the CHP flues illustrated on parameter plan 01MP016B is not hereby approved. Full details of the flues, height, design, location and sitting shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before work on the CHP commences.


Reason: To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve good design through the development in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment, in accordance with policies UD3, UD4 and ENV7 of the London Borough of Haringey Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2006.   


50. Finished floor levels should be set at least 300mm above the 1 in 100 year climate change flood level of 8.47 metres above Ordnance Datum. 


Reason: To protect the development from flooding.  


51. If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) shall be carried out until the developer has submitted, and obtained written approval from the Local Planning Authority for, an amendment to the Method Statement detailing how this unsuspected contamination shall be dealt with.


Reason: The surface geology (comprising alluvium, silt, and gravels) is classified as a minor aquifer and is likely to be in connection with the adjacent surface waters.  


52. Development approved by this permission shall not be commenced unless the method for piling foundations has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The piling shall thereafter be undertaken only in accordance with the approved details. 


Reason: The site is contaminated/potentially contaminated and piling could lead to the contamination of groundwater in the underlying aquifer.  


53.  During construction no solid matter shall be stored within 10 metres of the banks of the Pymmes Brook and thereafter no storage of materials shall be permitted in this area. 


Reason: To prevent solid materials from entering the Pymmes Brook and causing pollution.   


54. No soakaways shall be constructed in contaminated ground.


Reason: To prevent pollution of groundwater.  


55. Any planting scheme within the Eco Park shall be of locally native species of UK genetic stock only, and appropriate to the ecology of the area.


Reason: To maintain/enhance the character and ecology of the Moselle Brook with its buffer zone and provide undisturbed refuges for wildlife using the river corridor.  


56. The planting scheme for the site, including the green roofs, shall include locally native plant species, of UK genetic origin.


Reason: Use of locally native plants in landscaping is essential to benefit local wildlife and to help maintain the regions natural balance of flora. Native insects, birds and other animals cannot survive without the food and shelter that native plants provide - introduced plants usually offer little to our native wildlife. Local plants are the essence of regional identity and preserve the character of the British landscape. Local plants are adapted to local soils and climate, so have low maintenance requirements. In addition, planting locally native plants helps to prevent the spread of invasive plants in the region.  


57. A landscape management plan, including long-term design objectives, management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all landscape areas, other than small, privately owned, domestic gardens shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development commences. The landscape management plan shall be carried out as approved.


Reason: To protect/conserve/enhance the natural features and character of the area. 


58. Any artificial lighting within the development shall be of a focused and directional nature to ensure that there is no light spill into the river corridors of the Moselle Brook or the adjacent Pymmes Brook.


Reason: Artificial light can harm the ecology of an area through disruption of the natural diurnal rhythms of wildlife.  


59. Within each part of the site, no development shall commence until details of Water Efficiency measures for that part of the site have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. 


Reason: The development should adhere to Policy 4A.11 Water Supplies of the London Plan. Water Efficiency is particularly important as the sources of water in the area are classified as either over abstracted or over licensed within the Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy.   


60. Notwithstanding the details shown on the illustrative plans hereby granted, no development shall occur alongside the western boundary of the application site adjoining the Network Rail land which prejudices the delivery of the fourtracking of the Lea Valley Line and the delivery of a new station interchange at Tottenham Hale without having first obtained the written approval from the Local Planning Authority and Transport for London. This area for the station / four tracking safeguarding is taken from the actual property boundary and measures a distance of  8.2 metres wide for the first 12.5 metres of the platform's length, beyond which a central section of some 6.4 metres wide with the northern end reducing to 5.4 metres.


Reason: In order to ensure that land for the four tracking of the Lea Valley Line and the deliver of a new Station Interchange at Tottenham Hale is safeguarded for the future in response to the requirement to increase the capacity , quality and integration of public transport to meet London's needs as expressed in policy 3C.9 of the London Plan. 


61. Details of a scheme to ensure highway safety at the point where Jarrow Road intersects with the access road to the underpass to the proposed development shall be submitted to and approved by the LPA prior to the commencement of the development. Such agreed scheme to be implemented and permanently retained to the satisfaction of the LPA.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice to safety and free flow of traffic on the highway.  


62. That the provision of a pedestrian access from Jarrow Road under Ferry Lane into the proposed development shall be reconsidered after the occupation of the first phase of the development.


Reason: In order to ensure satisfactory pedestrian access to the proposed development from the Ferry Lane Estate. 


63. That the proposed development shall result in a reduction in carbon emissions of at least 20% of the baseline carbon emissions for the proposed development measured in relation to the Building Regulations 2006 minimum requirements.


Reason: In order to ensure that a satisfactory standard of carbon emission reduction is achieved by the proposed development. 


64. That details of a scheme for provision of green roofs and details of a scheme for the provision of satisfactory balcony space shall be included in the Design Code being prepared and agreed by the LPA in relation to the proposed development.


Reason: In order to ensure that the satisfactory provision of green roofs and balcony space within the proposed development. 


65. The landscaped area to the west of blocks W and NW as shown in the parameter plans shall remain permanently linked to the West Anglia rail side green corridor.


Reason: In order to ensure that the ecological importance of the remaining land is not diminished.  


INFORMATIVE: The historic buildings are of intrinsic archaeological interest and any alteration or demolition of the historic structures should be recorded before they are damaged or destroyed by the development hereby permitted. 


INFORMATIVE: The new development will require naming/numbering. The applicant should contact the Transportation Group at least six weeks before the development is occupied (tel. 020 8489 5573) to arrange for the allocation of a suitable address. 


INFORMATIVE: Haringey Council - Building Control department request that the developer contact them on 0208 489 5504 in order that Fire Fighting access be included in the scheme. 


INFORMATIVE: The applicant is advised to contact the Crime Prevention Officer,  Tottenham Police Station, 398 High Road, London N17 9JA (tel. 020 8345 0934) regarding crime prevention information that may assist the security of the proposed development hereby authorised. 


INFORMATIVE Thames Water recognises the environmental and economic benefits of surface water source control and encourages its appropriate application where it is to the overall benefit of our customers. Hence, in the disposal of surface water, Thames Water will recommend that the Applicant

a) Looks to ensure that new connections to the public sewerage system do not pose an unacceptable threat of surcharge, flooding or pollution

b) check the proposals are in line with advice from the DETR which encourages, wherever practicable, disposal on site without recourse to the public sewerage system - for example in the form of soakaways or infiltration areas on free draining soils

c) looks to ensure the separation of foul and surface water sewerage on all new developments. 


INFORMATIVE: Under the Land Drainage Act (1991), our prior written consent is required for works that will affect the flow of the Moselle Brook. This is in addition to any planning permission granted.  To be acceptable to the Environment Agency, the channel must:

"          Be a two-stage design containing features such as meanders and riffles 

"          Provide a hydraulic capacity to match the existing culvert 

"          Demonstrate that the watercourse will work hydraulically when tied in with the culvert at either end of the site 

"          Contain naturalised banks, planted in accordance with Agency advice.

"          Plans, cross sections and calculations should be provided to demonstrate the works. 


Under Section 30 of the Water Resources Act 1991 the developer is required to inform the Environment Agency of any intention to dewater any quarry or excavation. We may issue a 'conservation notice' setting out measures that the person responsible for the dewatering work must take to conserve water. Contact Kelly Pottle on 01707 632 306 for further details.  In accordance with Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act and the Duty of Care in respect of waste , any waste generated on site is to be stored in a safe and secure manner in order to prevent its escape or its handling by unauthorised persons. Contact Andrew Grant on 01707 632450 for further details. 


INFORMATIVE: That representatives nominated from London wide and local cycling organisations shall be consulted in relation to the detail provision of cycling routes and facilities in the development at the details pursuant stage of approval of the proposed development.  




The proposed development has been assessed against and found on balance to comply with all the relevant Governmental, National, Regional Sub-Regional and Local Planning Policies including the Urban centre Master Plan which within considered constraints support the regeneration of GLS site and the locality.  The proposed development has also been assessed in relation to the Environmental Statement accompanying the application. The Environmental statement makes clear those areas where the proposed development will or will not result in the need for mitigation measures to prevent any adverse effect on the environment and such measures to prevent any adverse effect on the environment and such measures will be undertaken at the appropriate time.



Section 106: No

Supporting documents: