Agenda item

Monkridge, Crouch End Hill, N8

Enlargement of existing roof areas of main buildings to create 3 x one bed flats and 1 x two bed flat (Building 1) and 2 x two bed flats (Building 2). Formation of 1 x one bed flat within unused garage space of Building 2 incorporating one bedroom from adjacent flat. Demolition of existing garage block to rear of site and erection of 2 x two bed flats. Associated landscaping and creation of 20 car parking spaces.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.


The Committee considered a report, previously circulated, which set out the application, the site and its environment, planning history, consultation and relevant planning factors and policies. The officer gave a presentation outlining the key issues, in particular the differences between the current application and the previously refused application relating to the same site, and suggested that additional conditions be imposed requiring the submission of a parking management plan, and the protection of existing trees during construction work.


In response to questions from the Committee, it was confirmed that the window design had not altered since the Conservation Officer had made their response to the consultation, but that it was felt that the proposed design was an improvement on the previous application and was satisfactory. It was reported that details of how parking arrangements at the site would be enforced would be covered in the parking management plan, and that a fuller plan than the version already submitted would be required by condition, were the application granted. In response to concerns expressed that the issue of hard landscaping was not adequately addressed in the report, despite accounting for a large number of responses to the consultation, the Committee was advised that the presentations made by all parties at the meeting and the responses to questions should also be taken into account when making its decision, and not just the written report.


Two local residents, Ms Hessel and Mr Hoyle, spoke in objection to the application. Ms Hessel outlined the number of schools and community facilities in the vicinity of the site, and emphasised the existing road safety issues which the application would exacerbate were it to be granted, putting local primary school children at risk. Mr Hoyle told the Committee that there was no local support for the development, which would make the existing building more dominating and more dense than at present, and reduce the amount of open space on the site. Mr Hoyle expressed concern that the parking management plan showed that access to the car park would be via the entrance directly opposite the entrance to a busy school. It was stated that the scheme was fundamentally the same as the previous scheme which had been refused and that this development should also be refused permission.


Cllr Winskill, Ward Councillor for Crouch End, addressed the Committee in objection to the application, and showed some photographs illustrating existing traffic problems in the vicinity of the site, which was one of the key objections from local residents. Cllr Winskill reported that the proposals would have an adverse effect on the Conservation Area and should be refused outright, as it was almost the same as the previous scheme which was refused, just with more parking spaces. Concern was also expressed regarding the impact on residents of the loss of front gardens to accommodate the new parking spaces, and the environmental impact of replacing lawn with hard surfaces.


In response to questions from the Committee, the objectors reported that traffic would not be as bad as pictured outside of school drop-off and collection hours, however the road safety concerns attached to such congestion were significant, even if it were only for a brief period.  It was reported that even a very modest increase in the number of vehicles, given the current congestion in the area, would have an impact. In response to questions regarding the design of the development, the objectors felt that there had been no significant improvement since the previous application that had been refused, and that there was no reason why this application should be granted.


The applicants addressed the Committee in support of the application and stated that, as a result of the feedback they had received from local residents, the scheme had been revised to take into account the issues raised. It was reported that at present the buildings on the site had a neutral impact on the Conservation Area, and it was hoped that the proposals would enhance the Conservation Area by improvements such as the introduction of pitched roofs to the rear and the improved design of the dormer windows. It was reported that concerns raised by the Planning Committee when the application was previously refused had been taken on board and that the current scheme had been improved accordingly. The applicants advised that the increased number of parking spaces had been proposed following extensive consultation with the Council, and that the proposed access to the car park was via an existing entranceway which it was not proposed to be widened. It was reported that the creation of an internal access route would improve safety in the area, as vehicles would have sufficient space to turn and exit the site in forward gear rather than having to reverse onto the footway. The applicants reported that they did not expect the development to have any impact on parking locally.


In response to a question from the Committee regarding the possibility of marketing the flats to non-car owners, the applicants reported that this was a possibility but that there would be no legal mechanism to ensure that tenants complied. In response to further questions from the Committee regarding parking and road safety, the applicants stated that they felt that, by enabling vehicles to turn around within the site, vehicles would be able to exit the site more safely. The Committee also asked about the impact of the proposed pitched roofs at the rear, to which the applicants responded that these would significantly improve the appearance of the site from the rear. In response to a question regarding why the proposals did not include a lift, the applicants reported that the insertion of a lift would have a significant impact on all existing units on the site, and would also have a significant impact on the roofline, which would be to the detriment of the Conservation Area.


The Committee examined the plans.


The Committee asked about the measures that would be put in place to ensure that residents were not disturbed during the period of any works and to protect existing trees from the landscaping works; officers suggested that conditions be added to address both of these issues. The Committee asked for assurance that the application complied with all the relevant policies such as the Local Development Framework, transport plan and Greenest Borough strategy in respect of the transport aspects, in response to which Malcolm Smith, Team Leader Transportation, advised that it was not felt that the development would not have an impact, for example, in respect of CO2 emissions, as a result of the development.


The Chair moved the recommendation that the application be approved and on a vote with 5 in favour, 3 against and 1 abstention it was:




1)      That planning permission be granted in accordance with planning application reference number HGY/2010./1883 (“the Planning Application”), subject to a pre-condition that [the applicant and] [the owner(s)] of the application site shall first have entered into an agreement or agreements with the Council [under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and Section 16 of the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1974] in order to secure:


Under Section 106:


  • An education contribution as required under SPG10c ‘Education needs generated by new housing’ to a value of £17,275.00
  • An administration cost of £525.00


2)      That, in the absence of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (i) above being completed by 20 February 2011, planning application number HGY/2010/1883 shall be refused for the following reasons:


In the absence of a formal undertaking to secure a Section 106 Agreement for appropriate contribution towards education provision the proposal is contrary to Policy UD8 ‘Planning Obligations’ of the adopted Haringey Unitary Development Plan (2006) and SPG10c ‘Education needs generated by new housing’.


3)      In the event that the Planning Application is refused for the reasons set out in resolution (2) above, the Assistant Director (PEPP) (in consultation with the Chair of PASC) is hereby authorised to approve any further application for planning permission which duplicates the Planning Application provided that:


i)                    there has not been any material change in circumstances in the relevant planning considerations, and

ii)                  the further application for planning permission is submitted to and approved by the Assistant Director (PEPP) within a period of not more than 12 months from the date of the said refusal, and

iii)                the relevant parties shall have previously entered into the agreement(s) contemplated in resolution (i) above to secure the obligations specified therein .


4) That following completion of Agreement referred in (i) above, planning permission be granted in accordance with planning application no. HGY/2010/1883 Applicants’ drawing No. (s) 169.(1)0.010 – 020 incl.; 196.(1)1.101a – 014 incl.; 196.(1)2.010 – 015 incl.;196.(1)3.010 – 012 incl. and 015.


Subject to the following conditions, and additional conditions for a parking management plan, a condition to ensure that disturbance to residents during construction work was minimised and a condition that trees be protected during the landscaping work.






  1. The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.


Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


  1. The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.




  1. Samples of all materials to be used for the external surfaces of the development shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority before any development is commenced.  Samples should include sample panels or brick types and a roofing material sample combined with a schedule of the exact product references.


Reason: In order for the Local Planning Authority to retain control over the exact materials to be used for the proposed development and to assess the suitability of the samples submitted in the interests of visual amenity.


  1. A scheme for the treatment of the surroundings of the proposed development including the planting of trees and/or shrubs shall be submitted to, approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In order to provide a suitable setting for the proposed development in the interests of visual amenity.


  1. Details of a scheme depicting those areas to be treated by means of hard landscaping shall be submitted to, approved in writing by, and implemented in accordance with the approved details. Such a scheme to include a detailed drawing of those areas of the development to be so treated, a schedule of proposed materials and samples to be submitted for written approval on request from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure the development has satisfactory landscaped areas in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.




  1. Prior to occupation of the residential development hereby approved, a statement demonstrating consistency with t he submitted Energy Statement Assessment, which indicates the use of renewable technologies on site will lead to 20% reduction in predicted CO2 emissions (measure against a base building according to current Building Regulations), shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereafter implemented in accordance with any written approval given by the LPA.


Reason: To ensure the development incorporates on-site renewable energy generation and in order to contribute to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions generated by the development in line with national and local policy.


  1. Prior to occupation, a statement demonstrating energy efficient measures including design, building fabric improvements, use of on-site equipment and where applicable connection to decentralised energy networks for reduction in fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions in line with an energy statement shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning authority and shall be implemented prior to the occupation of the dwellings hereby permitted and be maintained thereafter for the life of the development.


Reason: To ensure the development incorporates on-site renewable energy generation and in order to contribute to a reduction in carbon dioxide permissions generated by the development in line with national and local policy.




  1. The proposed development shall have a central dish/aerial system for receiving all broadcasts for all the residential units created, details of such a scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the property and the approved scheme shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter.


Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the neighbourhood.


  1. The construction works of the development hereby granted shall not be carried out before 0800 or after 1800 hours Monday to Friday or before 0800 or after 1200 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays.


Reason: In order to ensure that the proposal does not prejudice the enjoyment of neighbouring occupiers of their properties.


  1. That a detailed scheme for the provision of refuse and waste storage within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works. Such a scheme as approved shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality.


INFORMATIVE: That all works on or associated with the public highway be carried out by The Transportation Group at the full expense of the developer.  Before the Council undertakes any works or incurs any financial liability the developer will be required to make a deposit equal to the full estimated cost of the works.


INFORMATIVE: The development requires numbering. Please contact Local Land Charges (tel. 0208 489 5573) at least weeks 8 weeks before completion of the development to arrange allocation of suitable address (es).




The proposed development is acceptable for the following reasons:


The proposed dormers and roof alterations in terms of their scale, height, massing, alignment and fenestration pattern have been designed sensitively to avoid adverse impact on the residential amenities of neighbouring properties.


The proposed development on the former garages will be kept sufficiently away from the boundaries to ensure sufficient separation distances from adjoining neighbours to not cause harm additionally the building will not be highly visible from the public realm and as such will not detract from the character and appearance of Conservation Area. The proposal is considered to be in accordance with Policies UD3 'General Principles', UD4 'Quality Design', M10 'Parking for Development', CSV1 'Development in Conservation Areas' and CSV5 'Alterations and Extensions in Conservation Area' of the adopted Haringey Unitary Development Plan (2006) and supplementary planning guidance SPG1a 'Design Guidance and Design Statements' and SPG7c 'Transport Assessments'.


Section 106: Yes

Supporting documents: