Agenda item


To receive the exceptions report on financial and performance information for period 8 of 2010/11.


The Committee received the report on Period 8 of the Council’s Performance Exceptions and Budget Monitoring Exceptions and the Period 9 Performance Exceptions and Budget Monitoring Exceptions report, circulated as a second dispatch.  The following was noted in response to questions posted by the Committee:


(Clerk’s note: 19:50 hrs – Cllr Bull left the meeting and the Vice Chair, Cllr Browne took over chairing the meeting)


The Committee noted that it would be expensive for the Council to exit the lease of the Techonopark and that renting out the free space would be more effective but the local area had been particularly affected by the recession and so this was proving difficult.


The Committee asked for a briefing note on the low occupancy of the Technopark (paragraph 15.5 – Period 9) including:

1.      How many units there were?

2.      How many units were let (what %) and to what sort of businesses, how many people were employed in them and what income they yielded?

3.      How many units (%) were used by council services?

4.      How many units (%) were occupied by the community and voluntary sector and were these provided for free or at a reduced rent (detail to be provided)? (Action No. 176.1)


Clerk’s note: 19:55 hrs - Clerk’s note: 19:50 hrs – Cllr Bull returned to the meeting and took over as chair.


Paragraph 15.5 and 15.6 (Period 8) - NI 73 and NI 74 – The Committee expressed concern about the low target for achievement of 5 or more A*-C grades in core subjects at GCSE and requested more information on achievements in relation to the new standard (Action No. 176.2).


The Committee noted the responses to the advance questions submitted in relation to Children’s Services and the following was noted in response to discussions.


Paragraph 15.18 (Period 8) – Looked After Children (LAC) –The Committee stated its concern about the large overspend in this area and the unsettling nature of moving looked after children from one placement to another. Officers were reviewing how and why placement moves for these children had come about and any special action taken – a briefing would be provided to the Committee when this piece of work was complete (Action No. 176.3).


In response to questions about whether the Council had entered into discussions with magistrates about how the legal side of children’s placements could be improved, officers reported that the Director of Children’s Services had recently met with the Head of the Court Service about the legal process and costs.  The Committee requested feedback from this meeting (Action No. 176.4).


In response to the Committee’s concerns about the closure of Children Centres, the Deputy Director – Children and Families, stated that she did not expect there to be a direct link to the number of referrals as a result of the closure of Children’s Centres as partners were aware of the Council’s thresholds.  The Committee asked for a future report back to the Committee if there was a drop in the number of referrals and more details about the areas of referrals (Acton 176.5).


The Committee sought reassurance that targets were appropriate and vulnerable children were identified and assessed in a timely way.  It was noted that work was allocated immediately to a social worker to undertake an assessment but if, in the meantime an urgent investigation was received then there would be a reprioritisation of work.  An update on the issues raised above (Actions 176.2 – 176.5) would be provided at the OSC Child Protection meeting on 30th March 2011 (Action 176.6).


NI 135 - % of Carers received needs assessment or review and a specific care’s service, or advice and information – the Committee requested a briefing note on how this target will be improved (Page 12 of Period 9 document) (Action 176.7).


Paragraph 14.8 (Period 9) – The Committee requested a breakdown of stage 1 complaints received (Action 176.8).


Paragraph 14.10 (Period 9) – The Committee asked for the monetary figure of the shortfall in collected council tax (Action 176.9).


Paragraph 14.11 (Period 9) – The Committee asked what impact on demand for services new benefit claims were having (Action 176.10).


The Committee requested a briefing note on the demographic pressures on children’s services to justify the closure of some adult services. (Action 176.11).


Paragraph 15.4 (Period 9) – The Committee questioned the delay in implementing revised fees and charges for parking and was informed that this was due to the decision being called-in (which required the decision to be reconsidered) and equalities impact assessment work required. 


IC 01 - % of rent collected – The Committee noted that Performance Officers had queried how this target could be 100.5% and further information would be circulated once received (Action 176.12).


The Committee enquired, in response to Page 16 of the report on Period 9, whether sickness absence levels had reduced since the Council started preparing to make redundancies.  In response it was reported that whilst the stress of redundancies was a potential cause for increased sickness absence the Council’s sickness levels had decreased.


RESOLVED to note the report.

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