Agenda item

6-8 Brownlow Road, N11 2DE

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of three storey building to provide 8 x two bed flats.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions and a section 106 agreement.


The Committee considered a report, previously circulated, which gave details of the application, the consultation, the site and its environment, planning history and all relevant planning factors and policies.


The Planning Officer gave a summary of the report outlining the key points, and took questions from the Committee. The Planning Officer advised that the wording of the description of the proposal should be amended to read “Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a three story building with recessed top floor to provide 8 x two bed flats”.  The Committee was also advised that conditions 9, 13, 14, 15 and 16 should be deleted from the report, as these were not applicable. It was also noted that the planning application mentioned at the end of the planning history was not withdrawn as stated, but had been refused by the Council.  In relation to the Equalities Impact Assessment for the site, the Committee was advised that the potential impact of the application had been considered, including in relation to section 71 of the Race Relations Act 1976, and that it was not considered that the proposals would significantly impact on any group in respect of race, gender, religion, age or sexual orientation.


The Committee asked whether it would be possible to include a condition that additional trees be planted for screening purposes, in response to some of the objections submitted, and it was agreed that this could be added as an informative. In response to questions from the Committee regarding clarification of the section 106 and section 278 contributions in relation to the application, it was reported that £25k s106 money was required for education, and that a separate £25k was required for works to the highways. It was agreed that the recommendation of the report should be amended to include the requirement for £25k s278 money as an estimated amount, as such contributions could vary.




That, subject to conditions and subject to a pre-condition that the applicant shall first have entered into a combined agreement with Haringey Council under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), Section 16 of the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1974 and Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980, planning application HGY/2010/1444 be approved.




1. The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect. 


Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.   


2. No development is to begin or material operation carried out with the intention of implementing this planning permission unless the developer has first entered into an agreement with the Council made pursuant to Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980, to provide for a full scheme of works for the highway improvements to assist pedestrians and cyclists, to the sites frontage onto Brownlow Road and for the removal of the existing vehicle cross over.  


Reason: To improve the conditions for pedestrians and cyclists at this location and reduce any potential highway safety hazards for pedestrians and cyclists along Brownlow Road.


3. The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 


Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.   




4. Notwithstanding the approved plans, no development shall commence until precise details of the front, side and rear elevations on drawings at a scale of 1:20 showing details which include fenestration, balconies, and location of guttering and pipework, have been submitted to, approved in writing, and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority. 


Reason: In order to retain control over the external appearance of the development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area


5. Notwithstanding the description of the materials in the application, no development shall be commenced until precise details of the materials to be used in connection with the development, including details of the front boundary railings, hereby permitted have been submitted to, approved in writing by and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority.  


Reason: In order to retain control over the external appearance of the development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area.


6. Details of a scheme of hard and soft landscaping shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development hereby permitted, is commenced.  


Reason: In order for the Local Authority to assess the acceptability of any landscaping scheme in relation to the site itself, thereby ensuring a satisfactory setting for the proposed development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.   


7. Notwithstanding any indication on the submitted drawings details of the siting and design of all new fencing or other means of enclosure, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction. The means of enclosure thereafter shall be erected in accordance with the approved details prior to the commencement of the use of the approved development. 


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance for the development.  


8.  Before the development hereby permitted commences, details of enclosures and screened facilities for the storage of recycling containers and wheeled refuse bins and/or other refuse storage containers to include 2 x 1100ltr refuse bins and 1 x 1100ltr recycling bins. Each 2 bed flat will require space for 1 x organic waste caddy, 1 x  green recycling box and 1 x garden waste bags, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be provided at the site in accordance with the approved details before the development is occupied        


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance for the development and satisfactory accessibility; and to protect the amenities of the area.   




9.  No construction work resulting from the planning permission shall be carried out on the premises at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays, before 8.00 am or after 1.00 pm on Saturdays, or before 8.00 am or after 6.00pm pm on other days unless previously approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the amenities of occupiers of adjoining residential properties. 


10.  No development shall take place until site investigation detailing previous and existing land uses, potential land contamination, risk estimation and remediation work if required have been submitted to and approved  in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved.


Reason: In order for the Local Planning Authority to ensure the site is contamination free. 


11. The proposed development shall have a central dish/aerial system for receiving all broadcasts for all the residential units created, details of such a scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the property and the approved scheme shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter.       


Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the neighbourhood.



INFORMATIVE: The development requires naming / numbering. Please contact Local Land Charges (tel. 0208 489 5573) at least weeks 8 weeks before completion of the development to arrange allocation of suitable address(es). 



INFORMATIVE: In regards to surface water drainage Thames Water point out that it is the responsibility of the developer to make proper provision for drainage to ground, water courses or surface water sewer. It must not be allowed to drain to the foul sewer as this is the major contributor to sewer flooding. Thames Water recognises the environmental and economic benefits of surface water source control and encourages its appropriate application where it is to the overall benefit of our customers. Hence, in the disposal of surface water, Thames Water will recommend that the Applicant: a) Looks to ensure that new connections to the public sewerage system do not pose an unacceptable threat of surcharge, flooding or pollution, b) check the proposals are in line with advice from the DETR which encourages, wherever practicable, disposal on site without recourse to the public sewerage system - for example in the form of soakaways or infiltration areas on free draining soils and c) looks to ensure the separation of foul and surface water sewerage on all new developments.     



INFORMATIVE: The proposed development requires a redundant crossover to be removed. The necessary works will be carried out by the Council at the applicant's expense once all the necessary internal site works have been completed. The applicant should telephone 020-8489 1316 to obtain a cost estimate and to arrange for the works to be carried out.     



INFORMATIVE: The implementation of a suitable soundproofing scheme is now required as part of the Building Regulations 1991 - Part E. The applicant is now therefore required to formally consult the Councils Building Control Division, 639 High Road, N17 8BD (tel. 020 8489 5504).    



INFORMATIVE: The applicant is advised that in the interests of the security of the development hereby authorised that all works should comply with BS 8220 (1986), Part 1 - 'Security Of Residential Buildings'.


INFORMATIVE: The applicant is advised that in the interest of the amenity of surrounding residents, a tree planting scheme shall be carried out along the rear boundary of the site. The applicant should consult the Council Arboriculturalist on Tel: 020 8489 5657 in order to ensure that suitable number and species of trees are planted along the boundary in order to provide a visual screen.





Whilst the proposed redevelopment of this site for residential use is considered acceptable as it is compatible with surrounding uses. The siting, design, form, detailing of the block of flats are considered sensitive to its surrounding and character of the area and will provide good quality residential units. As such the proposal is considered to be in accordance with Policies: G2 'Development and Urban Design', UD3 'General Principles', UD4 'Quality Design', HSG1 'New Housing Development',  HSG9 'Density Standards', HSG10 'Dwelling Mix' of the adopted Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006 and with supplementary planning guidance  SPG1a 'Design Guidance and Design Statements', and the Council's 'Housing' Supplementary Planning Document (2008).



Section 106: Yes

Supporting documents: