Agenda item


To receive an update on the review of Post Office closures.


The Committee received the follow-up report on the Scrutiny Review of Post Office Closures, introduced by Martin Bradford, Scrutiny Officer.  The Chair thanked all those involved in the review and highlighted an email he had received from David Lammy MP highlighting that he was lobbying for a pillar box to be provided at Broadwater Farm further to the closure of the local Post Office.


The Post Office Ltd was represented by Mark Lawrence, Network Development Manager and Sally Hopkins, Senior External Relations Manager, London & South East, Royal Mail Group.


Ms Hopkins explained that if a pillar box was on private property the owner of the property could apply to have the box removed and other locations would be considered to ensure ease of access for Royal Mail staff and taking any underground utility services and street furniture into account.  Planning permission was required for the installation of pillar boxes.


The Committee asked for the rationale behind Post Office closures and whether future closures were planned.  It was reported that access (or how far people were willing to travel to a Post Office) had been a main criteria (national and local consultation had been conducted) as well as financial viability; 90% of Post Offices were run by independent businesses which had to pay the £40k cost of setting-up the Post Office.  There were no further closures planned for Haringey as the Post Office network was considered adequate for Haringey’s need. 


Committee members expressed concerns that the closures presented access difficulties for some residents and resulted in longer queues at remaining Post Offices.  The Committee asked that every counter at Wood Green and Crouch End Post Offices be opened during opening hours and noted that Wood Green’s self-service counter would open soon, without cuts to staffing levels. 


The Chair asked Post Office representatives to look into the provision of a postal pillar box at the bottom of Compton Crescent off the Great Cambridge Road.


It was noted that £30 million of government funding was intended to support the small businesses to run the Post Offices.  In response to the Committee’s question on whether a successful business could open a Post Office it was noted that there would have to be a need for the Post Office and the impact on surrounding Post Office branches would be a consideration.


Councillor Bevan, Cabinet Member for Housing, emphasised that such long queues and poor standards in Post Offices were unacceptable.


The Committee asked if an Equalities Impact Assessment had been conducted before the closure of Post Offices nationally. The Senior External Relations Manager – Post Office Ltd informed members that a socio-economic impact assessment had been conducted as part of consultation and she would look into what information from this assessment could be shared with the Committee.


An informal Post Office Working Group would be established to look at local Post Office performance issues including queuing times.




i.          That the comments raised by Members of the Committee and responses provided by the Post Office be noted.


ii.         That the Chair and Councillors Alexander, Ejiofor and Newton form a Working Group to look at local Post Office performance issues including queuing times.

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