Agenda item

Primary School Places in Haringey and the Rhodes school expansion programme


An update was provided on the proposed Rhodes Avenue Primary School expansion. In answer to questions from the audience, the Leader of the Council said that the Council neededto review the schemes in the council’s capital programme due to budget cuts imposed from central government. The Rhodes Avenue scheme to expand entry from 2 to 3 forms had been consulted on in 2009 in order to meet the increased demand and pressure for school places in the area and in general across the borough. The financial position of the council had changed significantly since the consultation had been carried out, including having been advised in May by the Department for Education of a cut of £8.5m to the capital grant funding originally allocated to support the provision of pupil places. Additional reductions to grants to local authorities imposed by the government as part of the efforts to reduce the countries budget deficit meant that the council would be required to find £65m of efficiencies to the revenue budget going forward over a three year period. This had a knock on impact on capital budgets and the council’s ability to borrow money, thereby requiring the review of the capital programme and reconsideration of the proposed schemes, as none were officially ringfenced. The capital projects for schools would be reviewed based on a scale of priorities, the first being those relating to health and safety, followed by ensuring the council’s statutory duty to provide school places was met and finally providing the best quality learning environment for pupils.


Confirmation was provided from the Leader that the council was still committed to the expansion of the school and for the scheme to go ahead but that as yet a final decision had not been made in consideration of all the projects under the programme and whether the scheme would progress to the original plan. It was important that the appropriate balance was maintained between the responsibility for financial management and the provision of good education for local children. It was acknowledged that there had been a number of issues with communication and a lack of information but that officers had repeatedly requested meetings with the Department for Education to clarify the situation as the initial funding cut had been communicated through an email. This had a knock on effect on the ability to communicate details to the school and residents.


The Leader would be meeting with council officers the following day, with a view to a final decision on whether the scheme would go ahead and committed to informing the school’s Chair of governors by the end of that day. The final approval for the scheme and its format would be sought from the council’s Procurement Committee on 22 July.


Residents were concerned as to whether the legal status of the original consultation would still stand following the uncertainty as to whether the scheme would continue in its current form. Options being considered as part of the review included scaling down the scheme from the £8.5m originally scoped to allow the council to discharge its statutory duty whilst recognising the financial constraints. It was advised that officers considered that the legal status of the consultation would still stand. Legal advice had been taken and the council had issued a letter before action.


In response to questions regarding the potential for expansion at other schools such as Bounds Green School, should the Rhodes Avenue scheme not go ahead, it was confirmed that all additional capacity across the borough would be required due to the current and future pressure for school places. It was anticipated that full capacity for places would be reached for the coming school year, with capacity matched to demand across the borough. 


It was agreed that should the scheme go ahead, the Deputy Director of CYPS would attend a future meeting of the Area Assembly to provide information and answer any questions on the technical aspects of the scheme.