Agenda item

Schedule of Conditions and Reasons attached to Planning Applications





Location: 725 - 733 Lordship Lane N22


Proposal:  Redevelopment of site for a mixed use development comprising a 6/7 storey building of 90 residential units with 50% affordable provision, with commercial uses including a health centre on the ground floor together with hard and soft landscaping works.


Recommendation  Grant subject to conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement.


Decision:  Refuse


Drawing No.s:  109, 110B, 111A, 112, 113A, 114A, 115A, 116A, 117A, 118B, 119B, 120 & Planning Statement.




1. The proposed development by reason of excessive size and scale and  general appearance, contrary to Policies DES 1.1 Good Design and How Design Will Be Assessed, DES 1.2 Assessment of Design Quality (1): Fitting New Buildings into the Surrounding Area, DES 1.4 Assessment of Design Quality (3): Building Lines, Layout, Form, Rhythm and Massing of Haringey Unitary Development Plan also UD3 Quality Design of the Deposit Draft Unitary Development Plan and  would be detrimental to the amenities of the immediate locality and Wood Green Town Centre.,


2. The proposed development represents overdevelopment in relation to the area of the site and the properties in the locality contrary to Policies HSG2.2 Residential Densities and DES 1.10 'Overdevelopment' of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan and Policy HSG 8 'Density Stanards' of the  Haringey Unitary Development Plan Revised Deposit Consultation Draft September 2004 and  by reason of: the overall size and bulk and  the number of units and habitable rooms within the site thereby causing demonstrable harm.


3. The proposed development would not result  in the provision of social housing for rent contratry to Paragraph 3.38 of the London Plan (Spatial Development Strategy For Greater London) dated February 2004 or Policy HSG 4 'Affordable Housing' of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan Revised Deposit Consultation Draft, September 2004; thereby causing demonstrable harm in  failing to add to the supply of social rented housing in the Borough.


4. The proposed development does not include a formal undertaking to meet the cost of Education Contribution, Environmental Improvements Contribution and Administering and Monitoring Contribution arising as a result of the development contrary to Policies RIM 1.1 'Community Benefit' of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan and UD 10 'Planning Obligations' of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan Revised Deposit Consultation Draft , September 2004.





Location: 14 - 16 Creighton  Avenue N10


Proposal Demolition of existing pair of houses and erection of 6 x 3 storey four bedroom houses with parking.


Recommendation  Grant subject to conditions & Section 106 Legal Agreement.


Decision  Deferred for a Members site visit.


Drawing No.s 205082/010, 030, 031, 110, 120, 121, 122, 123, 130, 131 & 132.





Location: 40 Coleridge Road N8


Proposal : Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site including erection of 9 terraced houses comprising 3 x 3 storey houses in Coleridge Road, 4 x 3 storey houses and 2 x 2 storey houses to the rear. Erection of part single / part 3 storey B1 commercial block adjacent to car park. Provision of car parking and refuse storage.


Recommendation  Grant subject to conditions & Section 106 Legal Agreement


Decision Grant subject to conditions & Section 106 Legal Agreement.


Drawing No.s 05-900 PL.02A, 03A, 04A, 05, 06, 07B, 08C, 09C, 10B, 12A, 13A, 14B, 15C, 16D, 17A & 18.




1.         The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission  shall be of no effect.

            Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of  unimplemented planning permissions.



2.         The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

            Reason: In order to ensure  the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.



3.         Notwithstanding the details of landscaping referred to in the application, a scheme for the landscaping and treatment of the surroundings of the proposed development to include detailed drawings of:


a.    those existing trees to be retained.


b.    those existing trees to be removed.


c.    those existing trees which will require thinning, pruning, pollarding or lopping as a result of this consent.  All such work to be agreed with the Council's Arboriculturalist.


d.    Those new trees and shrubs to be planted together with a schedule of species shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development.  Such an approved scheme of planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out and implemented in strict accordance with the approved details in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building or the completion of development (whichever is sooner).  Any trees or plants, either existing or proposed, which, within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed, become damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with a similar size and species.  The landscaping scheme, once implemented, is to be maintained and retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

            Reason: In order for the Local Authority to assess the acceptability of any landscaping scheme in relation to the site itself, thereby ensuring a satisfactory setting for the proposed development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.



4.         Details of a scheme depicting  those areas to be treated by means of hard landscaping shall be submitted to, approved  in writing by, and implemented in accordance with the approved details. Such a scheme to include a detailed drawing of those areas of the development to be so treated , a schedule of proposed materials and samples to be submitted for written approval on request from the Local Planning Authority.

            Reason: In order to ensure the development has satisfactory landscaped areas in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.



5.         Samples of all materials to be used for the external surfaces of the development shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Planning Authority before any development is commenced.  Samples should include sample panels or brick types and a roofing material sample combined with a schedule of the exact product references.

            Reason: In order for the Local Planniing Authority to retain control over the exact materials to be used for the proposed development and to assess the suitability of the samples submitted in the interests of visual amenity.



6.         Prior to the commencement of development details of all all levels on the site in relation to the  surrounding area be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

            Reaon: In order to ensure that any works in conjunction with the permission hereby granted respects the height of adjacent properties through suitable levels on the site.



7.         The construction works of the development hereby granted shall not be carried out before 0800 or after 1800 hours Monday to Friday or before 0800 or after 1200 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

            Reason: In order to ensure that the proposal does not prejudice the enjoyment of neighbouring occupiers of their properties.



8.         Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Town & Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, no enlargement, improvement or other alteration of any of the dwellings hereby approved in the form of development falling within Classes A to H shall be carried out without the submission of a particular planning application to the Local Planning Authority for its determination.

            Reason: To avoid overdevelopment of the site.



9.         That a detailed scheme for the provision of refuse and recycling waste storage within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works. Such a scheme as approved  shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

            Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality.



10.       Before  any works herein permitted are commenced,  all those trees to be retained, as indicated on the approved drawings, shall be protected by secure, stout, exclusion fencing erected at a minimum  distance equivalent to the branch spread of the trees and in accordance with BS 5837:2005 and to a suitable height. Any  works connected with the approved scheme within the branch spread of the trees shall be by hand only. No storage of materials, supplies or plant machiinery shall be stored, parked, or allowed access beneath  the branch spread of the trees or within  the exclusion fencing.

            Reason: In order to ensure the safety and well being of the trees on the site during constructional works that are to remain after building works are completed.

11.       The proposed commercial unit on the northern part of the site shall only be used for purposes within Use Class B1of the 1987 Use Classes Order, ( for Business or Light Industry), and for no other purpose.

            Reason; To ensure that the premises provide some employment on the site, in recognition of its current use fro employment purposes, whilst preventing the use of the premises for warehousing or general industry which would be detrimental to the amenity of neighbouring redidential properties.


12.       The windows at first floor level in the rear (west-facing) elevation of residential units H4 and H5, and in the west -facing elevation at first and second floor level in residential units H6 to H9 inclusive, shall be glazed with obscured glazing at all times

            Reason; In order to prevent loss of privacy to nearby residential properties.


13.       Notwithstanding the elevational drawings of the commercial block shown on plan 05 - 900 PL.16D, a detailed drawing at a scale of not less than 1:100, to show details of elevational treatment  including brick type and brick bonding or coarsing, shall be submitted to and approved  by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development.

            Reason: In order that the Council may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the development and its contribution to the Crouch End Conservation Area.



INFORMATIVE: Further to Condition 4 above regarding hard landscaping, details of surfacing to the car parking area shall include the provision of permeable surfacing to enable surface water run-off to percolate through the site.





The proposal In principle is acceptable i.e. commercial and residential use because the site will still retain some employment use and at the same time provide housing which is much needed within Haringey. 


The reduced mass and bulk of the commercial block would not have an adverse effect on the existing residential buildings adjacent to the site and the proposed residential development. It will relate satisfactorily to the scale and character of the proposed residential environment of the East Mews block and not have an adverse affect on the residents at Berkeley Road.


It is considered that the proposal would therefore enhance the character and appearance of the Crouch End Conservation area.


The proposal is therefore in compliance with policies DES 1.1 Good Design and How Design Will Be Assessed, DES 1.2 Assessment of Design Quality (1) Fitting New Buildings into the Surrounding Area, DES 1.3 Assessment of Design Quality (2) Enclosure, Height and Scale, DES 1.4 Assessment of Design Quality (3) Buildings Lines, Layout, Form, Rhythm and Massing, DES 1.9 Privacy and Amenity of Neighbours, DES 1.10 Overdevelopment and DES 2.2 Preservation and Enhancement of Conservation Areas of the Haringey Unitary Development Plans.  It is therefore appropriate to recommend that planning permission be granted.


Section 106 -  Yes






Location: 40 Coleridge Road N8


Proposal Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site including erection of 9 terraced houses comprising 3 x three storey houses in Coleridge Road, 4 x three storey houses and 2 x two storey houses to the rear. Erection of part single / part 3 storey B1 commercial block adjacent to car park. Provision of car parking and refuse storage.


Recommendation  Grant subject to condition.


Decision  Grant subject to condition.


Drawing No.s 05-900PL.02A, 03A, 04A, 05, 06, 07B, 08C, 09C,  10B, 12A, 13A, 14B, 15C, 16D, 17A & 18.




1.         The demolition hereby permitted shall not be undertaken before a contract for the carrying out of the works for redevelopment of the site under planning permission reference HGY/2005/2064) has been made and planning permission granted for the redevelopment for which the contract provides.

Reason: In order to protect the appearance of the conservation area.


Section 106  - No





Location: Land at Winns Mews N15


Proposal Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 x 2 storey 3 bedroom house and 1 x 2 storey block comprising 4 x 3 bed mews style houses. Provision of refuse and bicycle storage.


Recommendation  Grant subject to conditions & Section 106 Legal Agreement.


Decision Deferred for a Members site visit.


Drawing No.s PP/01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08B, 09B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15A, 16A, 17B, 18B, 19B, 20B, 21, 22 & 23A.





Location: Land at Winns MewsN15


Proposal Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 x 2 storey 3 bedroom house and

 1 x 2 storey block comprising 4 x three bed mews style houses. Provision of refuse and bicycle storage.


Recommendation  Grant subject to condition.


Decision  Deferred for a Members site visit.


Drawing No.s PP/01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 8B, 09B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15A, 16A, 17B, 18B, 19B, 20B, 21, 22 & 23A.





Location: Treehouse School Woodside AvenueN10


Proposal Construction of two storey school building with play areas, sports pitch, access road, drop off area and car parking (Revised Scheme).


Recommendation  Grant subject to conditions.


Decision Grant subject to conditions – refer to GLA.


Drawing No.s 135-PL- 02B, 03B, 04B, 05B, 06B, 07B, 08B, 09B &  10B.




1.         The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission  shall be of no effect.

            Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of  unimplemented planning permissions.

2.         The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

            Reason: In order to ensure  the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.



3.         Samples of all materials to be used for the external surfaces of the development shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Planning Authority before any development is commenced.  Samples should include sample panels or brick types and a roofing material sample combined with a schedule of the exact product references.

            Reason: In order for the Local Planniing Authority to retain control over the exact materials to be used for the proposed development and to assess the suitability of the samples submitted in the interests of visual amenity.



4.         That the garages and parking spaces shown on the approved drawings shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and shall be permanently retained and used in connection with the dwellings forming part of the development.

            Reason: In order to ensure that the approved standards of provision of garages and parking spaces are maintained.



5.         The construction works of the development hereby granted shall not be carried out before 0800 or after 1800 hours Monday to Friday or before 0800 or after 1200 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

            Reason: In order to ensure that the proposal does not prejudice the enjoyment of neighbouring occupiers of their properties.



6.         The development hereby approved shall only be used for purposes within Class D1(c) of the Use Classes Order 1987 - use for the provision of Education- and for purposes ancillary to the provision of education, and for no other purpose.

            Reason:  This permission has been granted in the light of the special circumstances of the application, and because an exceptional case has been made out for development on Significant Local Open Land in terms of Policy OP 3.3 of the Adopted Haringey Unitary Development Plan. Any use of the site for other purposes would be inappropriate given the setting of the site and its position adjacent to other educational and institutional uses.


7.         Details of the arrangements for the handling of surface water drainage shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development.

            Reason; In order that the development of an open sit by new building and hard surfacing shall not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding environment.


8.         The landscaping and ecological scheme shown on the submitted plans and incorporating (a) the planting of additional trees on the northern boundary of the site; (b) the planting of some specimen native trees including Oaks within the application site. (c) provision of suitable nesting boxes for birds witin  the landscaped areas of the site; shall be implemented within the first planting season following the completion of the authorised development.

            Reason; In order that a satisfactory setting for the development shall be provided, which will enhance its setting in  the Conservation Area and Significant Local Open Land.


9.         The development hereby authorised shall first be occupied by Tree House Trust aand by no other persons.

            Reason; This permission has been granted in the light of the special circumstances of the application, and because an exceptional case for development of Significant Local Open Space in terms of Policy OP 3.3 of the Adopted  Haringey Unitary Development Plan has been made, in terms of overriding Educational need.


10.       A Green Travel Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of development on the site. Such agreed plan shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

            Reason; In order to minimise the impact of additional traffic generation on the locality and to ensure that the development does not prejudice the free flow and safety of traffic on the highway.


11.       The development shall incorporate the energy conservation measures shown on the submitted drawings and described in the Tree House Trust Energy Study submitted as part of the application by Max Fordham Associates dated 10 October 2005, and shall include a Ground Coupled Air System as an energy efficiency measure.

            Reason; In order that the scheme shall encourage energy efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.


12.       Prior to commencement, details of a programme for investigation of the archaeological features of interest within the site, including the digging of trial trenches, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in conjunction with English Heritage.

            Reason; In order not to detract from the archaeological interest of the site, which is believed to form part of a mediaeval deer park.



INFORMATIVE: There is a Thames Water main crossing the development site which may/will need to be diverted at the Developers cost, or necessitate  amendments  to the proposed developemnt design so that the aforementioned main can be retained. Unrestricted access  must be available at all times for maintenance and repair. Please contact Thames Water Developer Services, Contract Centre  on telephone no. 0845 850 2777 for further information.


INFORMATIVE: You are advised  that the Council would  wish to see a Method Statement or Management Plan indicating:


a) The provision of the access road and contractors compound to be used during the construction of  this development.


b) The proposed phasing of the construction of the school building in relation  to the construction on the adjoining Tetherdown School site and


c) The proposed phasing of the making good of the areas to be used as construction access and contractors compound and their return to use as landscaped or grassed areas.





The principle of development of this site for a Special School was accepted in consideration of the previous application in October 2003, on the basis that a case of overriding Educational need had been demonstrated, which amounted to very special circumstances allowing the development on a disused playing field that had never had public access and had been in disuse for around 20 years.


The current application would be on a similar siting to the approved scheme, but with a reduced footprint. The impact on residential properties, on the street scene, and on the Conservation Area would if anything be an improvement on the previous approval, noting the introduction of a sedum roof; further, the scheme introduces significant energy conservation measures and a renewable energy element, by a Ground-Coupled Air Cooling system.


Traffic parking and landscaping aspects are broadly similar to the approved development.


Section 106 - No





Location: Former Hornsey Waterworks, High Street N8


Proposal Variation to planning consented Blocks E & H (ref HGY/2004/0862) to provide 54 additional studios and 27 fewer one bedroom apartments (total development 424 units: 84 studios, 209 one bed, 105 two beds, 20 three beds, 6 four beds).


Recommendation  Grant permission subject to conditions & Section 106 Legal Agreement.


Decision REFUSE


Drawing No.s 2770 PL 832; 833; 1000; 1001; 1002; 1003; 1004 , 1005 & applicants statement..




1. Given that the overall development  at New River Village already comprises 622 units, the proposed subdivision of 27 existing 1 bedroom flats to form 54 studio flats would result in overintensive development on the site as a whole. This would place additional pressure on amenity space within the site, on parking and on other on-site services.  Further, the proposed  units at 24.3 sq.  metres each are significantly  below the recommended size for studio flats as set out   in Supplementary Planning Guidance Note 3A (Density, Dwelling Mix, Floorspace, Minima, Conversions, Extensions & Lifetime Homes ) proposed pursuant to Policy HSG 1 and HSG 9 of the Revised Unitary Development Plan. In this SPG 3A, the  minimum  size for studio  flats   is set at 32.5 sq. metres  and the units  proposed  in this application are of insufficient size to provide satisfactory living accommodation. The proposal  is thus contrary to Policies  HSG 1, HSG 9 of the Revised Unitary Development Plan, to SPG 3A and Policy DES 1.10 'Overdevelopment' of the adopted Unitary Development Plan 1988.


2. In the absence of a signed Section 106 Agreement providing for 50%  of the units as affordable housing, the application is contrary to Policy HSG 4 'Affordable Housing' of the revised Unitary Development Plan (2006) and Policy HSG 2.23 'Affordable Housing' of the adopted Unitary Development Plan.