Agenda item

Muswell Hill Sports Ground, Coppetts Road, N10

Construction of new playing facilities on part of Muswell Hill Playing Fields site, comprising of multi-use games area, natural play area, skate park with two new access points.


RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.


The Committee considered a report, previously circulated, which gave details of the application, the applicant’s case, the site and its environment, planning history and all of the relevant planning factors and policies.


In response to a query as to whether a Police Assessment and Biodiversity analysis of the area had been undertaken the Committee was advised that these could be requested as a condition of planning permission.


The Committee noted that much of the concern expressed by the local community related to Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) and the measures that would be put in place to counter this. Officers advised that Recreation Services would provide officers to monitor and manage the Park and that there were be the appropriate liaison with the Police via this team.


Councillor Mallett arrived at 7.20pm. 


At the invitation of the Chair Mr Hamish Stewart of 117 Osier Crescent spoke in objection to the application.


In response to a question Mr Hamish contended that there were existing problems with ASB in the area and he was concerned that these would be compounded if a proper restrictions and conditions of use were not imposed from the outset. 


The Committee reviewed the plans and discussed the application and there was a general consensus that the applicant should be ask to produced a Management Plan for the Sports Ground, to be submitted for approval, incorporating the following:


  • Restrictions on hours of use
  • Limiting the use of flood lighting to 10pm
  • Signage at the entrances setting out hours use and other information


The Committee requested that the Management Plan should be drawn up in consultation with the Police and local residents. It was further requested that staff managing the adjacent cemetery should also be contacted to obtain their views. 


The Committee expressed disappointment that Recreation Services, as the applicant, had not sent a representative to the meeting. It was noted that some of the queries raised may have been addressed more easily if the applicant had been in attendance.




That, subject to the conditions set out below and the submission of a Management Plan addressing all of the points above, planning application reference HGY/2009/1329 be approved.




1. The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2. The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.


3. The floodlighting serving the Multi-Use Games Area hereby approved shall not be in operation after 10. p.m. on any day.

Reason: In order to prevent unnecessary light pollution at night, and in order not to interfere with the nocturnal movements of animals and birds.


4. Detailed of a management plan to cover the access and security of the proposed facilities, including arrangements for opening and closing hours, provision of gates, provision of notice-boards, and provision of security and surveillance by Council officers, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of use of any of the facilities authorised under this permission.

Reason: In order to prevent any loss of amenity to the occupiers of nearby residential properties.




The proposed multi use games area and play areas are considered acceptable in terms of scale layout and design and compatible with the established use of this site. The proposal will not adversely affect the residential amenities of the nearby residents by reason of noise or disturbance or the ecological value of the site. The proposed development will provide important outdoor recreation facilities for children and young people in this part of Muswell Hill. As such the proposal is considered to be in accordance with Policies G9 'Community Well Being', UD3 'General Principles', UD4 'Quality Design', ENV6 'Noise Pollution', OS2 'Metropolitan Open Land (MOL)', OS11 'Biodiversity', OS13 'Playing Fields', OS6 'Ecologically Valuable Sites and their Corridors', OS11 'Biodiversity', and OS17 'Tree Protection, Tree Masses and Spines' of the adopted Haringey Unitary Development Plan (2006).


Section 106: No




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