Agenda item

Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, London N22 7AY

To consider an application by Alexandra Palace Charitable Trust and Alexandra Palace Trading Ltd to change the capacity of the great hall from 7,250 to 10,400.


The Licensing Officer, Ms Dale Barrett, presented the report on an application by Alexandra Palace Charitable Trust and Alexandra Palace Trading Limited to change the capacity of the Great Hall from 7,250 to 10,400. Representation had been received in relation to the application from building control and the issues raised had been agreed with the applicant. Two letters of representation had been received from local residents, of which one had subsequently been withdrawn, and these expressed concern regarding issues of noise disturbance and antisocial behaviour if the capacity of the Great Hall were to increase.


Local residents addressed the Committee and reported that when live events at the Palace finished, people often lingered in the vicinity for some time after the end of the event instead of leaving the area, and that this created a noise nuisance. Residents also expressed concern that levels of crime in the area would increase if a significant increase in capacity at the venue were to be granted, and that this would make local residents more vulnerable to becoming victims of crime.


The Committee asked whether measures could be put in place to improve the situation for local residents, and it was suggested that CCTV in the grounds of the palace could be improved and security guards could be on duty throughout the night. It was reported that a number of local residents had expressed concern regarding the application, although they had not contacted the Council formally to register their concerns.


The Licensing Officer clarified that the existing licence did permit activities until 2am, and that the variation to 11pm was only in relation to live music events.


The applicant addressed the Committee, and reported that they had consulted widely with relevant Committees and residents’ associations to give all interested parties an opportunity to comment on the proposals, and that no significant objections to the application in principle had been received. The applicant was aware of the concerns raised by the local residents, and it was intended that the proposals to stop live music events by 11pm at the latest and to provide courtesy buses to assist with the dispersal of crowds after the events would address these concerns. Security guards would remain on duty until all customers had left the building and all cars had left the car park, and CCTV footage of the perimeter of the grounds was monitored. Regular meetings were also held with Police to monitor the events coming up. It was reported that sound drapes had been installed and noise consultants employed to monitor the noise levels at the Palace, in order to avoid noise disturbance to residents. It was anticipated that these control measures would ensure that disruption to local residents was kept to a minimum.


The Committee discussed options for monitoring the passageway at Dukes Avenue with the applicant and objectors, and the applicant agreed that they would be willing to consider positioning a security guard at this location. In response to a question from the Committee regarding the number of toilet facilities proposed, the applicant reported that they would provide an additional 12 cubicles and large urinal unit for every additional 1,000 people, and would monitor the situation and adjust the provision as necessary.


In response to a question of clarification from the Legal Officer, the applicant confirmed that the capacity of the Great Hall would be reduced if an event were being held at the ice rink simultaneously, but that this would only relate to significant events at the ice rink and not day to day operations. It was agreed that this should be made a condition, if the application were granted. It was further clarified that the increase in capacity only related specifically to concert provision, and not the overall capacity of the Palace.


In summing up, the objectors expressed their concern regarding the impact of the application on crime and disorder, particularly in the Dukes Avenue passageway. The applicant concluded by reporting that they were aware of residents’ concerns and wished to work with the local residents to ensure that appropriate measures were in place to address their concerns while at the same time operating a successful business.




The Committee considered the written and verbal representations of local residents, the responsible authorities and the applicant and decided to grant the application as requested, subject to the conditions of the existing licence and operating schedule. To clarify, this variation only affects live music, namely pop concerts in the Great Hall, as outlined in page 13 of the operating schedule; specifically:


Monday – Sunday (inclusive) – 0800 to 2300.


For this variation, the capacity of the Great Hall will be changed from 7,250 to 10,400, subject to the following additional conditions:


1)     At times when there is a simultaneous event in theice rink, the capacity for concerts in the Great Hall will be reduced to ensure appropriate numbers are able to evacuate from exit D.


2)     Toilet units are to be in place to supplement those already presetn in the Great Hall. These are to be agreed with the responsible authorities as part of the event management plan.


3)     Security guards are to be positioned at the Dukes Avenue exit to ensure the steady dispersal of crowds for an hour after each event ends.



The meeting closed at 20:35hrs.

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