Agenda item


Briefing and answers to questions from Councillor Dogus, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Wellbeing.


The Committee received the briefing from Councillor Dilek Dogus (Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Wellbeing) and advance questions and responses.


The Committee noted that measures had been taken to make safeguarding and partnership working the main priorities, including the appointment of an independent chair of the Safeguarding Board and implementing the key actions and recommendations from the recent Independence, Wellbeing and Choice Inspection. 


Lisa Redfern (LB Haringey Assistant Director – Adult & Commissioning Services) informed the Committee, in response to questions on policy for people with dementia, that there were different levels of dementia and those with dementia were provided with the appropriate support package and this was monitored.  The Committee would be provided with a briefing note on sheltered housing detailing what the term meant and the key priorities for a sheltered housing scheme and details on self-assessments.


The Committee asked for a briefing note on the improved joined-up working between Haringey and the Primary Care Trust (PCT) and how new cases, particularly Mental Health cases, were brought into the system, including key contact phone numbers.


The Committee was concerned about the delay in receiving the Haringey PCT budget and were informed that regular joint meetings with PCT staff including monthly budget meetings and quarterly management meetings took place. 


The Committee expressed the importance of consulting with other groups including doctors and local groups regarding communication from the PCT and Haringey on health matters.


The Committee was informed that consultations with local groups and individuals and raising the awareness of the personalisation programme (to help people arrange their care in the way they need it) were on-going.  Information on the work being done to educate carers on the personalisation programme would be circulated to the Committee.


The Committee was concerned about resourcing of the 2012 Olympics and whether initiatives were in place to encourage young people to start training or to volunteer to help.  The Assistant Director - Recreation Services explained the number of initiatives in place and stated that as part of the Culture Plan the Council had obtained an events grant to pay for events to celebrate the 2012 Olympics and was constantly submitting bids for further funding.  The Committee requested a report detailing the activities conducted by the Council in the run up to the Olympics.


The Committee requested details of the public consultation on the master-planning of Down Lane Park to be circulated.  Councillor Basu assured the Committee that the Ward Councillor was involved in the planning process and any loss of land in one area of the park would be regained in another area of the park.


The Committee requested a breakdown of the £435k income received by the Parks Service.


Diana Edmunds (Assistant Director – Culture, Libraries and Learning) stated that there were plans to publish regular newsletters updating the local community on funding, opportunities and work being undertaken.


The Assistant Director - Recreation Services provided the Committee with a breakdown of the new arrangements for the Park Force teams that provided different levels of response: Core Response Unit, Parks Unit and Safer Neighbourhood Teams.  Fortnightly review meetings occurred between the Council and the Police.




That the briefing be noted.

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