Agenda item

Fyfe House, Chadwell Lane, N8

Change of use to the first floor void and ground floor of Block F from doctor's surgery, crèche and A3 use to 8 residential units comprising 2 x one bed, 4 x two bed and 2 x three bed with associated private amenity space.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions and a Section 106 legal agreement.


The Committee considered a report, previously circulated, which gave details of the application, the site and its environment, planning history and all of the relevant planning factors and policies.


A site visit had taken place prior to the meeting.


The Committee was advised that following a meeting between the Neighbourhoods Team and Housing Team it had been agreed that £200K, which had been contributed as part of the Section 106 Agreement, should be commuted to other Affordable Housing schemes in the Borough.


Members expressed concern at the proposed change of use as the original development had been agreed on the basis that there would be an element of Community space provided. Concern was also raised with regard to the commuting of the Affordable Housing contribution and it was contended that the sum of £200K did not compensate for the loss of Affordable Housing units within the scheme.


There was a general consensus that the loss of these elements constituted a different proposal to that originally approved by the Committee.


In response to a query the Committee was advised that the proposed units met the requirements guidelines around minimum floor space.


The Committee was advised that Planning Policy ?? related to existing community facilities and as the application did not relate to and existing community facility it could not be applied in this case.




That planning application reference HGY/2009/0792 be refused ??






Location: Fyfe House, Chadwell Lane N8


Proposal: Change of use to the first floor void and ground floor of Block F from doctor's surgery, crèche and A3 use to 8 residential units comprising 2 x one bed, 4 x two bed and 2 x three bed with associated private amenity space.


Recommendation: Grant subject to conditions and Legal Agreement


Decision: Refused


Drawing No’s: 3073/PL.21, 3073/PL.22, 3073/PL.23, 3073/PL.24, 3073/PL.25, 3073/PL.26, 3073/PL.27, 3073/PL.28, 3073/PL.28, 3073/PL.30, 3073/PL.31, 3073/PL.32, 3073/PL.33, 3073/PL.34 & 3073/PL.35.




1. The authorised use of the ground floor of this block is for a Doctor's surgery, crèche and A3 use, by virtue of planning permission HGY/2002/0245. Whilst it is acknowledged that the provision of a Doctor's surgery here was not pursued by the Haringey Primary Care Trust, the Council considers that insufficient case has been made out for the loss of a Community Facility. Given the existence of 619 residential units within New River Village with no community facility other than a gym, the conversion of the ground floor to provide a further 8 flats would worsen the imbalance between residential and community facilities.


The proposal is thus contrary to Policy CW2 of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan, 'Protecting Existing Community Facilities,' which states that the change of use or demolition of a community facility will only be granted (a) if the facility is derelict or out of use, and no other groups are willing or able to use it and (b) if alternative accommodation is provided.


2. The proposal fails to make provision for Affordable Housing or for a contribution towards Educational provision needs, in accordance with Policies UD8 -Planning Obligations,  HSG4a -Affordable Housing, and SPGs 10a, (Planning Obligations), 10b (Affordable Housing), and 10 c (Educational Needs), of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.



Section 106: No




Supporting documents: