Agenda item

Land Rear of 27 - 47 Cecile Park N8

Demolition of existing 39 garages and erection of 5 x 2/3 storey three bedroom houses with associated landscaping and 10 no. car parking spaces

RECOMMENDATION: Refuse permission.


The Planning Officer advised the Committee of two amendments in respect of the application before them:


  1. Paragraph 4, page 158 to be amended to read ‘Part of one of the dwellings would not be visible along the access road from Cecile Park’.
  2. Paragraph 5, page 158 to be amended to read ‘The proposed development is therefore not considered to be consistent with Policy CSV 1Development in Conservation Areas’. 


The Committee was informed that 40 lock-up garages currently occupied the site along the southern boundary of the site.  The site was situated within the Crouch End Conservation Area and vehicle access was gained between numbers 37 – 39 Cecile Park.


The current application followed the refusal of previous similar planning applications for the development of the site as well as four dismissal appeals.  The current application was similar in design and layout to the 2004 scheme with detached buildings proposed.  Part of one of the dwellings would be visible along the access road from Cecile Park and as such it was considered that the development would not detract from the character and appearance of the buildings fronting Cecile Park, which provided a visual focus for this part of the Crouch End Conservation Area.


The proposed buildings would have a low profile mansard style floor set in at the front and rear of the buildings with a height of 5.9 metres at the eaves.  The proposed side walls of the dwellings would be constructed of brick.  One less dwelling was now proposed from the previous scheme to enable all the dwellings to be set off from the boundaries of the site.    The plans detailed a large amount of landscaping along the property boundaries.  Fencing was to be erected around the boundary and a number of large trees planted to screen the development.


The Council’s Arboriculturist had commented and concluded that through the use of appropriate conditions the development could be constructed without any detrimental effects on existing trees in adjacent gardens.


An on-street parking demand survey was carried out in November 2007, by an independent company.  The survey found that more vehicles parked in the area than there were spaces available.  The result of the survey clearly indicated that severe parking pressures do exist in the areas surrounding the application site.  A second survey looked at the potential demand for lock up garages in the area.  This survey was carried out in March/April 2008, the results showed over 80% of respondents owned at least one car and the vast majority were parked on the street.  The overwhelming majority 79.5% responded that they would like to rent or buy a garage on the application site if one was available.  The results of both surveys demonstrated clearly that the local area suffered from parking stress and if garages were available the majority of local people would rent or buy one.  It was further noted that the application site fell within the Crouch End restricted conversion area.


The application site was 0.17 hectares in area including the access road and the proposed development would have a total of 26 habitable rooms.  The density of the proposed development was 153 hrh.  Given that the application related to a backland site situated within the Crouch End Conservation Area the density was considered appropriate however, a higher density was unlikely to be compatible with the existing pattern of the development in the area.  The detached layout and spacing of the dwellings along the width of the site would avoid issues of overlooking and loss of privacy between the dwellings. 


The Committee was asked to consider refusal of the application for the following reasons:


  • The loss of the lock up garages would result in the loss of valuable parking facilities in a congested area which would result in increased demand for on-street parking.
  • Prejudicing the free flow of traffic and conditions of general safety along the neighbouring highway as a contrary to Policy UD3(c).
  • Adversely affect the character and appearance of the Crouch End Conservation Area contrary to Policy CSV1 of the UDP 2006.


The Chair moved a motion to agree the recommendation in the report to refuse planning permission. Motion carried, with the dissent of Cllr Dodds noted.




That planning permission be refused. 





Location: Land rear of 27 - 47 Cecile Park N8


Proposal: Demolition of existing 39 garages and erection of 5 x 2/3 storey three bedroom houses with associated landscaping and 10 no. car parking spaces.


Recommendation: Refuse permission


Decision: Refuse permission


Drawing No’s: PL01, PL02, PL03, PL04 & PL05.




1.       The loss of the lock up garages would result in the loss of valuable parking facilities in a congested area which would result in increased demand for on-street parking thereby,  


i) prejudicing the free flow of traffic and conditions of general safety along the neighbouring highway as a  contrary to Policy UD3(c) 'General Principles', and  

ii) adversely affect the character and appearance of the Crouch End Conservation Area contrary to Policy CSV1 'Development in Conservation Areas' of the Unitary Development Plan 2006.


Section 106: No

Supporting documents: