Agenda item

Reference from Planning Committee (11/02/2008): 48 Oakfield Road N4

Continuation of use as hostel for the homeless.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions and a Section 106 Legal Agreement.




The Committee was informed that the application site was a two storey semi-detached house on the east side of Oakfield Road and that the site lay within Stroud Green Conservation Area.  The proposal was for the continuation of use as a hostel for the homeless.  The site was considered to be in good order, repair and a hostel with no problems. 


Members enquired whether a 5 year extension to the condition of use was excessive.  The Officer advised the Committee that the extension could be  granted for a 3 year period.


The Committee noted that the premises could not be sold without prior permission.




That the application be granted subject to conditions and a S106 Legal Agreement.





Location: 48 Oakfield Road N4


Proposal: Continuation of use as hostel for the homeless.


Recommendation: Grant subject to conditions and Legal Agreement


Decision: Grant subject to conditions and Legal Agreement


Drawing No’s: No drawings.




1.       That this permission shall be for a limited period expiring on 11 February 2013 when the use hereby approved shall be discontinued and determined and the land reinstated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to enable the Local Planning Authority to review and assess the use following experience after a period of operation. 


2.       The permission hereby granted shall not enure for the benefit of the land but shall be personal to Marios and Maria Christoforou only, and upon that person ceasing to use the land the use shall be discontinued.

Reason: Permission has only been granted with respect to the special personal circumstances of the applicant and would not otherwise be granted. 


3.       Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town & Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 the premises shall be used as a hostel for homeless persons only and shall not be used for any other purpose including any purpose within Class C2 unless approval is obtained to a variation of this condition through the submission of a planning application.

Reason: In order to restrict the use of the premises to one compatible with the surrounding area because other uses within the same Use Class or another Use Class are not necessarily considered to be acceptable. 


4.       No more than18 persons, including any resident staff, if any, and babies under 12 months, shall occupy the premises at any one time.

Reason: In order to limit the total number of occupants in the interests of the amenity of current and future occupants in the premises and locality. 


5.       The amenity space associated with the premises shall be permanently retained for use by the occupants and shall not be sub-divided in any manner which prejudices the use of that space by those occupants.

Reason: In order to ensure that adequate amenity space is retained in association with the property. 


6.       A separate room shall be made available for use by a person responsible for the management and supervision of the hostel and such supervision shall be maintained on a 24 hour per day basis.

Reason: In order to secure the proper management of the property. 


7.       That the front and rear gardens be tended on a regular and kept in a tidy condition.

Reason: In order to safeguard the amenities of the area. 


8.       Within 21 days of the date of this permission, the person responsible for the property shall provide the Council's Environmental Health Service and all the adjoining properties with a 24 hour a day contact telephone number that will enable Council officers and adjoining occupiers to contact the person responsible for the premises in the event that noise or disturbance arising from the premises is adversely affecting adjoining occupiers..

Reason: In order to ensure that adjoining occupiers have a point of contact to deal with any problems arising from the use of the premises as a hostel for the homeless and to protect their amenities.




Subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement the use complies with Policies HSG5 'Hostel Accommodation' and UD3 'General Principles' of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan.


Section 106: Yes


Supporting documents: