Agenda item

To receive reports from the following bodies

a)     The Cabinet – Report number 8 – 2007/8 – Financial Planning 2008/9 -2010/11.

b)     Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Report number 3 – 2007/8 (To follow).


The Mayor agreed to the admission of the TABLED Overview and Scrutiny Committee report as urgent business. The report was not available at the time of despatch as the meeting was not held until 31January 2008.


Councillor Adje introduced the Cabinet Report 8-2007/08 – Financial Planning 2008/09 to 2010/11. A debate ensued and other Members contributed to the discussion. 


On a VOTE there being 29 for, and 19 against, it was




That report 8 /2007-8 of the Cabinet be received and adopted and that the following recommendations contained in the appendix to report number 8 be agreed:

1.      To agree the changes and variations set out at paragraph 9.3 and appendix B of the report.

2.      To note the outcome of the consultation processes set out at paragraph 11 of the report.

3.      To agree the new investment proposals set out in appendix D of the report.

4.      To agree the revised and new savings proposals set out in appendix E of the report.

5.      To approve the approach and provision for redundancies as set out in paragraph 13.5 of the report.

6.      To agree the proposals for the children’s services (DSG) budget set out in appendix F of the report.

7.      To agree the proposals for the HRA budget set out in appendix G of the report.

8.      To approve the housing rent increase at an average of £4.77 per week (6.5%) and that this element of the budget package be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment.

9.      To approve the housing service charge increase at an average of £2.55 per week.

10. To agree the proposals for the capital programme and funding set out in appendices H and J and the capital resource allocation policy at appendix I of the report.

11. To agree the treasury management strategy and policy and prudential limits set out in appendix K of the report.

12. To agree the proposed general fund budget requirement of £399.578m, subject to the decisions of precepting and levying authorities, and the consequences for council tax levels.

13. To note that the final decision on budget and council tax for 2008/09 will be made at the Council meeting on 18 February.


Councillor Egan (in the absence of Councillor Bull) introduced the TABLED  Overview and Scrutiny Committee report no 3. Following some clarifications it was agreed to receive the report and its contents.




That the report no. 3 of the special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 31 January 2008 be received and noted.


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