What is SACRE
SACRE stands for Standing Advisory Council for
Religious Education. They were first introduced on a voluntary
basis in the Education Act of 1944. The 1988 Education Act,
(sections 11-13) however made it the statutory duty of each Local
Authority (LA) to establish its own SACRE. Their position was
further consolidated by the 1996 Education Act (Chapter
Functions of SACRE
The two main areas:
To advise the LA on matters relating to Collective
Worship (CW) across local schools
To advise the LA on the
religious education (RE) to be given in accordance with their
Agreed Syllabus (AS) Haringey AS
To enable SACRE to deliver these functions the SACRE must:
Require the LA to review its agreed syllabus - the
representative groups (other than the LA representatives) may at
any time ask for a review of the syllabus. Following this request,
the LA must convene a conference to reconsider the agreed
Offer and provide ways of supporting schools in the
delivery of the agreed syllabus and monitoring the
Monitor inspection reports on RE, CW and SMSC
(spiritual, moral, social and cultural development)
Consider applications for determinations from Head
teachers. This is an application that the school be released from
the requirements for CW to be of a mainly Christian character
developing and maintaining links with local and national faith
Develop and maintaining
links with local and national faith communities
Produce an annual report of its work
Who is on SACRE
SACRE is required by law to be
made up of four groups in order to bring a wide range of interests
and talents to its work and to reflect local communities, the
categories are:
Group A: faiths and beliefs representative of the
local communities, including Christian denominations other than
Church of England
Group B: the Church of England
Group C: teachers' professional
Group D: elected member of the Council and
Children's Services representatives.
The Haringey SACRE is a
community of teachers, Haringey -based faith leaders and
representatives, and members of the Local Authority. We also have a
number of co-opted members who sit outside of these
Meetings and Responsibilities for the Representative
Meetings are held four times a year on agreed dates
from 5.00pm -7.00pm at Haringey Education Partnership office,
Hornsey School for Girls, Inderwick
Road, N8 9JF. On occasions they have and will take place in a range
of faith venues and schools. Some members may attend special
meetings of working parties or projects SACRE undertakes. Members
who cannot attend a meeting for any reason are required to send a
deputy and notify the clerk 3 days before the meeting, of their
nominated replacement.
Contribute to meetings by sharing their enthusiasm,
knowledge and expertise as a representative of their nominated
group, sensitively and respectfully.
Champion the work of SACRE to support RE and related
areas of work on Collective Worship, Spiritual, Moral, Social and
Cultural Education (SMSC) more widely across appropriate networks.
We welcome contact and visits from interested individuals or
representatives of organisations to our meetings.
We recognise that
SACRE is a body composed of voluntary members who
give up their time willingly to support Religious Education and we
thank you for your support.
Haringey SACRE
is a member of the National Association of the Standing Advisory
Councils on Religious Education (NASACRE) www.nasacre.org.uk