As statutory bodies under the
Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005, the Licensing
Sub-Committees shall undertake hearings on individual licensing
applications (as detailed in Part 3 Section C of the
Council’s Constitution), and has the power to make final
decisions on those matters. The authority to agree minor variations
to premises licenses under the Licensing Act 2003 is delegated to
officers. All licence reviews will be undertaken by the Licensing
As non-statutory bodies, the Licensing
Sub-Committees shall undertake hearings on individual licensing
applications that fall outside the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling
Act 2005, where they have been objected to and require a Member
level hearing. Examples include the licensing of street trading,
special treatment premises, sex establishments, pet shops and dog
breeding establishments. All licence reviews will be undertaken by
the Licensing Sub-Committee.