Agenda and draft minutes

Monday, 27th March, 2023 1.30 pm

Contact: Felicity Foley, Committees Manager  2919, Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.




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Variation and Extension of the Engage Haringey Floating Support contract with Riverside pdf icon PDF 340 KB


The Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Well-being considered the report which sought approval to implement Contract Standing Order 10.02.1b, to extend and vary the current contract for the Provision of Housing Related Floating Support Services for two lots (floating support for families and floating support for couples and singles without children) delivered by The Riverside Group Limited.  The estimated value of the service for the extension period was £3,995,000 and the total value of the whole lifecycle of the contract is £7,315,000.


The Cabinet Member noted that the provider had worked well with the Council for the past three years and had provided a range of services to families and single adults.  All staff working for the provider were paid at the living wage.  The team consisted of 16 Navigators, 2 Service Managers and a part-time Service Manager, and had the capacity to provide services to 480 households at any one time, and saw around 1000 people in a year.  Quarterly contract meetings were held with the provider, and the Cabinet Member noted that it was important that different ways of measuring impact and prevention should be looked at as part of monitoring the contract.


Gill Taylor, Assistant Director for Communities and Housing Support, advised that the contract would be re-evaluate in two years time and a decision would be made as to whether re-tendering, extension or in-house routes would be taken.


It was noted that the cost of the contract had reduced by £150k, which had been made possible by the reduction of staffing numbers.  It was important to note that this was not due to redundancy, but a vacant post which had not been filled for some time.


The Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Well-being RESOLVED to


1.            Approve the extension of the existing contract for the Provision of Housing Related Floating Support Services for two lots (floating support for families and floating support for couples and singles without children) delivered by The Riverside Group Limited for a further period of 4 years from 1st April 2023, as allowed under the terms of the contract and in accordance with Contract Standing Orders (CSO) 10.02.01 (b) and CSO 16.02; and


2.            Approve a variation of the contract price from £4,520,000 to £3,995,000 for the duration of the contract extension period from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2027.


3.            Note that the reduction in contract price referred to in paragraph 3.1.2 above will trigger a reduction in service delivery as set out in Appendix 1 – Part B (exempt information) of this report.


Reasons for decision


In 2018 the Homelessness Reduction Act brought about a range of changes to the way that local authorities respond to households who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. A key element of the legislation is an extended duty, for the Council and its partners, to prevent homelessness at the earliest possible stage. This focus on early prevention will be a key element of these  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Item 5 is likely to be subject to a motion to exclude the press and public be from the meeting as it contains exempt information as defined in Section 100a of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by Section 12A of the Local Government Act 1985); paras 3 and 5, namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.


RESOLVED to exclude the press and public for the consideration of agenda item 5 as it contained exempt information as defined in Section 100a of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by Section 12A of the Local Government Act 1985); paras 3 and 5, namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.


EXEMPT - Variation and Extension of the Engage Haringey Floating Support contract with Riverside


The exempt information was noted.