Agenda and minutes

Adults & Health Scrutiny Panel
Thursday, 5th November, 2015 6.30 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE

Contact: Christian Scade  2933


No. Item


Filming at Meetings

Please note that this meeting may be filmed or recorded by the Council for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site or by anyone attending the meeting using any communication method. Although we ask members of the public recording, filming or reporting on the meeting not to include the public seating areas, members of the public attending the meeting should be aware that we cannot guarantee that they will not be filmed or recorded by others attending the meeting. Members of the public participating in the meeting (e.g. making deputations, asking questions, making oral protests) should be aware that they are likely to be filmed, recorded or reported on. 


By entering the meeting room and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings.


The chair of the meeting has the discretion to terminate or suspend filming or recording, if in his or her opinion continuation of the filming, recording or reporting would disrupt or prejudice the proceedings, infringe the rights of any individual or may lead to the breach of a legal obligation by the Council.

Additional documents:


The Chair referred Members present to agenda Item 1 as shown on the agenda in respect of filming at this meeting, and Members noted the information contained therein’.


Apologies for absence

Additional documents:


It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Gina Adamou.


Items of Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business (late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with as noted below).

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business put forward.


Declarations of Interest

A Member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest

becomes apparent, and


(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Members’ Register of Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interest are

defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct.

Additional documents:


Cllr Pippa Connor declared a personal interest in relation to agenda items 7, 8, 9 and 10 by virtue of her sister working as a GP in Tottenham.


Order of Agenda

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AGREED: That the order of the agenda be varied to consider agenda items 6 and 7 before agenda item 5.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To approve the minutes of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 5 October 2015.

Additional documents:


AGREED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2015 be approved as a correct record.


NHS England Update pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Since the start of 2015 the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel has received several updates about Primary Care in Haringey.

With NHS England responsible for commissioning primary care (recognising there are now co-commissioning arrangements in place), and having heard from Haringey CCG in January 2015 and June 2015, the Panel will receive a presentation from NHS England.

The issues for discussion will include (a) the plans being developed out of Haringey’s Strategic Premises Plan, (b) plans for Tottenham Hale, and (c) an update on the Primary Care Infrastructure Fund.

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed Mike de Coverly, NHS England, and Fiona Erne, NHS England, to the meeting.


Mr de Coverly commenced his presentation by explaining that the Haringey Premises Strategy had been presented to the NHS England Finance, Investment, Procurement and Audit (FIPA) subgroup, in August 2015. It was noted that final endorsement of the Premises Strategy Plan, on behalf of NHS England, had been provided by FIPA in September 2015. 


The panel was informed that NHS England, Haringey CCG and Haringey Council Planners were working on a Delivery Plan to address the challenges outlined in the Strategy Plan. It was hoped that this would be completed by 31 December 2015. Mr de Coverly noted that the Delivery Plan had identified a number of potential sites for surgery site development that would meet the needs of underlying deficit in service and potential population growth.


During the discussion, reference was made to the RAG risk rating methodology for GP Practices incorporating Practice Viability, Access Performance and Premises Risk. It was noted that these ratings would help inform decisions about new sites and the actions required to drive improvements to patient access.


Mr de Coverly explained, by approving the Haringey Strategic Premises Development Plan, that NHS England had approved the strategic case for a new practice in the Tottenham Hale area. The panel was informed that the NHS England Decision Making Group had approved the selection of Lawrence House Practice in Tottenham to enter into competitive dialogue to establish the proposed new pilot in Tottenham Hale. The following points were noted in relation to the Tottenham Hale Surgery Development Project:


-       The fact that NHS England and Haringey CCG had established, and agreed, premises funding responsibilities.


-       A Project Manger had been appointed to facilitate the mobilization of the service and a business case writer had been appointed to prepare the final business case for the premises.


-       A portacabin facility had been sourced that met the requirements of the proposed new service.


-       NHS England and Haringey CCG were working on an IT solution that would allow connectivity to the new temporary facility.


-       The planned service commencement date was January 2016 and it was noted that the Lawrence House Practice had confirmed that they had sourced GP and nursing staff for this date.


-       The need to secure a permanent site for the Tottenham Hale practice. It was noted that this was likely to occur within the next 3-5 years and that two possible locations had already been identified for the permanent site. 


Ms Erne provided an update on the Primary Care Transformation (formerly Infrastructure) Fund. The following points were noted:


-       The fund was an investment programme to help general practice make improvements, including in premises and technology.


-       In January 2015 GPs had been invited to submit bids for investment in 2015/16, by using the Primary Care Infrastructure Fund (PCIF),


-       Nationally, 721 GP practices PCIF applications had been approved in principle by Spring 2015.


-       In Haringey,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.


Deputations/Petitions/ Presentations/ Questions

To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, Paragraph 29 of the Council’s Constitution.

Additional documents:


The Chair informed the panel that two deputation requests had been received.


EmelTeymur, Heather Martin and Partrick Morreau, on behalf of The Haynes and The Grange Relatives Support Group, addressed the panel and raised a number of points, including:


-       General concerns about how the proposed changes to adult care services would impact on people with dementia.


-       Concerns that service users and carers, from the Grange Day Care Centre and from the Haynes Day Centre, had not always been able to provide meaningful feedback to the process because they did not have enough information.


-       The consultation had been undertaken before alternative models of service provision had been developed. Without a clear understanding of these alternative models of provision, it had been difficult for service users and cares to give a meaningful response.  


-       Concerns the co-design workshops had been held at quite short notice and that this had made it difficult for some carers to attend.


EmelTeymor concluded that The Haynes and The Grange Relatives Support Group believed that, before making final decisions on adult care services, Cabinet should acknowledge the need for further detailed information to be provided to support a more meaningful consultation and decision making process.


Martin Hewitt, Anna Nicholson, Dr Hilarie Williams and Vida Black, on behalf of Haringey Autism and Save Autism Services Haringey, addressed the panel and raised a number of points, including:


-       Concerns about the proposed changes to services for people with learning difficulties and autism.


-       The fact that the proposed closure of the Roundway service had caused deep anxieties.  


-       The fact that there was limited information available about alternative service provision should Day Care Centres and Residential Care Homes close.


-       Concerns that the consultation had been undertaken before alternative models of service provision had been developed.


-       Concerns that the consultation and co production process had ran concurrently. It was noted hat this has created confusion and that not all service users and carers had fully understood the purpose of the co design meetings. 


-       Concerns about the research that had been carried out in preparing the proposals for changes to adult social care in Haringey.


-       Issues in relation to a new national implementation plan (“Building the right support”) published (October 2015) by NHS England, the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.


In conclusion, Anna Nicholson provided a summary of a report, prepared by the National Autistic Society, detailing findings from a survey conducted with parents and carers and residential staff caring for adults who attended the Roundway day service. It was noted that the report concluded that parents, service users and staff wanted the Roundway service to remain open.    


The Chair thanked the speakers for their contributions and informed the panel that these issues would be picked up under the presentation on the methodology that supported the consultation and co production for proposed changes to adult care services, item 8 of the agenda.


(Following  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.


Presentation on the methodology which has supported Consultation and Co production for proposed changes to adult care services pdf icon PDF 137 KB

This item provides information on the methodology which has supported Consultation and Co production for proposed changes to adult care services.

Additional documents:


The Chair informed the panel that the aim of the item was to consider the way in which the consultation and co production processes had been carried out in relation to proposed changes to adult care services.


Cllr Peter Morton, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, introduced the item and provided a summary of the methodology that had supported the consultation and co production for proposed changes to adult care services. The panel was informed that the Council had not yet made a decision on the proposals and that no decision would be made until a report was presented to Cabinet on 10 November 2015. 


The panel was informed the purpose of the consultation, that commenced on 3July 2015 and ended on 1 October 2015, was to (a) explain specific proposals and the likely impact on the service offer, and to (b) seek views and to understand concerns on how to shape and implement services for the future.  


Cllr Morton explained that throughout the consultation it had been made clear that the Council would continue to meet statutory responsibilities to provide services that meet the assessed needs of adults, to safeguard adults at risk and would work with service users and their families and carers to design future services. It was noted that independent advocacy had been supplied to people who used services and that specific workshops and focus groups had been held for users and carers. Cllr Morton advised the panel that he would continue to work with service users, carers and other stakeholders to design services fit for the future.


Beverley Tarka, Director of Adult Social Services, advised the panel that:


-       Consultation documents had been issued to 270 service users, and to carers of service users.


-       530 posters and flyers had been issued to libraries and GP surgeries.


-       A press release had been issued to promote the consultation.


-       An ongoing social media campaign had been used to direct people to the consultation.


-       A frequently asked questions document, and an easy read consultation, had been produced.


-       Staff briefings and newsletters had been prepared to inform staff.


-       Feedback received during the consultation for the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Corporate Plan had been used to ensure key stakeholders were empowered to respond to the consultation. 


Charlotte Pomery, Assistant Director Commissioning, explained that the consultation and co production processes had ran concurrently. It was noted that co production was concerned with engaging service users and carers in defining the outcomes they wanted to achieve and provided opportunities to explore how outcomes could be met. The panel was informed of Care Act Statutory Guidance and also the principles and process that would be used for co production in Haringey.


The panel was informed that engagement experts Good Innovation had been working with the Council to deliver a series of workshops looking at new ways to deliver adult care and support for the future. Andrew Bathgate and Tania Ferreira, both from Good Innovation, explained  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Updates pdf icon PDF 214 KB

This report provides updates in relation to: (a) the Joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework in Haringey, and (b) the recommendations made by the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel, in March 2015, concerning Transition from Child Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health Services.

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed Shelly Shenker, Assistant Director, Mental Health Commissioning, Haringey CCG, and Tamara Djuretic, Assistant Director of Public Health, to the meeting.


The panel was informed that Haringey’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee had commissioned a series of reviews on mental health and wellbeing over the last two years. It was noted that recommendations from completed reviews had informed the priorities and the implementation plan for the Haringey CCG and Haringey Council Joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework that had been published in March 2015.


The panel was informed that the report, attached at agenda item 9, provided an update on the progress that had been made under each priority.


The progress made in relation to Priority 1: Promoting mental health and wellbeing and preventing mental ill health across all ages, was noted. The panel was informed that:


-       Contracts aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing had been retendered.


-       Four contracts including mental health and wellbeing education for all schools, mental health awareness training for frontline staff, Time Bank model and Thinking Space contracts had started in September.


-       Suicide rates in Haringey had significantly decreased over the last few years. The work carried out by the borough wide suicide prevention group was noted.        


The progress made in relation to Priority 2: Improving the mental health outcomes of children and young people by commissioning and delivering effective, integrated interventions and treatments and by focusing on transition into adulthood was noted. The panel was informed that a Haringey CAMHS Transformation Board was being set up across the whole system partnership to lead the transformation of local CAMHS services.


The following points were noted:


-       Haringey’s CAMHS Transformation Plan had been completed in September 2015 and submitted to NHS England for validation in October 2015.


-       Approval of the plan would release funds of £500k per annum for five years (including 2015/16).


-       Haringey’s CAMHS Review Board had overseen an in-depth CAMHS review that had recently concluded.  


-       The CAHMS review had identified a number of areas that would require a project group. Transition was one of these areas  and would be picked up by a subgroup of the Haringey CAMHS Transformation Board. It was noted that the subgroup would incorporate recommendations from the scrutiny review on CAMHS transition.


-       The interim progress report, attached at Appendix A, that provided a high level summary on progress against each of the recommendations put forward, by the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel in March 2015, as part of their scrutiny review on CAHMS transition.


-       The CCG had been successful in two bids for £150k worth of monies to develop schools initiatives to support children with poor mental health.  


Following discussion, the panel agreed that a more detailed update, specifically related to Priority 2 and the Overview and Scrutiny CAHMS transition review recommendations, should be prioritised in the panel’s future work programme (for March 2016).  


The progress made in relation to Priority 3: Improving mental health outcomes of adults and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68.


Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 142 KB

This report gives details of the proposed scrutiny work programme for the remainder of the municipal year.

Additional documents:


Christian Scade, Principal Scrutiny Officer, provided an update on the proposed scrutiny work programme for the remainder of the 2015/16 municipal year.


In  terms of budget monitoring, the panel was informed that on 19 October 2015 the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed that each scrutiny panel could set a date, during the course of each year, to undertake a review of their areas overall service and financial performance, taking into account previous years’ performance, the current year’s estimated outturn position and future changes as set out in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy. The Chair explained that this scrutiny work would be undertaken by the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel in February 2016 (with a date  to be confirmed outside of the meeting).


Mr Scade explained that following the discussion at the last panel meeting, concerning adult safeguarding, he had met with officers concerning the possibility of setting up an informal briefing session with the Chair of the Haringey Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB). The panel agreed that this would be useful, especially if there was an opportunity to go through the SAB Annual Report and to consider ways in which scrutiny could add value to adult safeguarding and quality assurance issues moving forwards.


Following the briefing provided by the North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust in August 2015, concerning their Quality Account, it was agreed that a further briefing/update should be arranged for January 2016.


Following discussion under agenda item 9 (Mental Health and Wellbeing Updates)  it was agreed that an update on Priority 2 of the Health and Wellbeing Framework and the Overview and Scrutiny CAMHS transition review recommendations, should be prioritised for March 2016.   




(a)  That subject to the additions, comments and amendments, referred to above, the items outlined in Appendix A of the Work Programme Update report were agreed and recommended for endorsement by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 30 November 2015.


(b)  That an informal briefing session be arranged, by the Principal Scrutiny Officer, to enable panel members to meet with the Chair of Haringey Safeguarding Adults Board in late November / early December. This should provide an opportunity to discuss the SAB’s Annual Report and to consider ways in which scrutiny could add value to adult safeguarding and quality assurance issues moving forwards.


(c)  That the Principal Scrutiny Officer be asked to liaise with the North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust to confirm a suitable time to meet, during January 2016, to consider an update on the Trust’s Quality Account.


New Items of Urgent Business

To consider any items admitted at item 3 above.

Additional documents:


There were no new items of urgent business. 


Dates of Future Meetings

The following dates are listed in the diary:


Ø  18 January 2016


Ø  February 2016 (TBC)


Ø  1 March 2016

Additional documents:


The Chair referred Members present to Item 12 as shown on the agenda in respect of future meeting dates, and Members noted the information contained therein’.