Venue: Remote Meeting - MS Teams
Contact: Fiona Rae, Principal Committee Co-ordinator 3541 Email:
Note: Briefing for members of the Health and Wellbeing Board. This briefing will be webcast - use the link on the briefing frontsheet or copy and paste the following link into your internet browser:
No. | Item |
FILMING AT MEETINGS Please note this briefing may be filmed or recorded by the Council for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site. Minutes: The Chair referred to the notice of filming at meetings and this information was noted. |
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Minutes: The Chair welcomed those present to the briefing. |
COVID-19 AND VACCINATION UPDATE To receive a verbal update on the Covid-19 pandemic and the vaccination programme. Minutes: Dr Will Maimaris, Interim Director of Public Health, introduced the item which provided an update on Covid-19. It was explained that there had been a peak of Covid-19 cases in Haringey between December 2020 and January 2021 and that this had gradually declined; there had been approximately 400 cases per day during the peak and now there were approximately seven cases per day. It was noted that cases were currently low but there was still some transmission in the community. However, there were currently no particular areas of concern and that there were very few cases in the over 60s which suggested that the vaccine was working in suppressing Covid-19 cases.
It was noted that there were some variants of concern, particularly the variant first identified in India known as the Delta variant. It was explained that the Delta variant was now prevalent in most parts of England, particularly in urban areas, and it was proving to be more transmissible than the Kent variant. In terms of the effectiveness of vaccines against the Delta variant, early data suggested that two doses of a vaccine provided good protection. However, it was noted that the transmissibility of the variant could have an impact on the easing of the Covid-19 restrictions which was currently due to occur on 21 June 2021.
The Interim Director of Public Health noted that the vaccination programme had been progressing well and that more than 100,000 Haringey residents had received their first dose. It was stated that the majority of people in various age groups and ethnic groups were taking up the vaccine. It was noted that there was some hesitancy in certain ethnic groups but that this was reducing over time. It was commented that anyone aged 30 or over was now eligible to receive the vaccine and that more work would be required to close the gap for vaccine hesitancy in younger age groups.
It was explained that engagement work to encourage uptake of the Covid-19 vaccine was underway through the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS), schools, and businesses. There were a number of link workers in the community, many sessions with community and faith leaders, and pop up vaccination centres. It was noted that there had been focused work in Northumberland Park, the area with the lowest vaccine uptake in Haringey. It was explained that the vaccine had been opened up to anyone over 18 in this area and that this was permitted in areas of high deprivation in order to protect the community. It was added that all households had received leaflets and that specialist teams were in the area to provide additional information. It was noted that vaccination data could be found on the Local Government Association website: COVID-19 Cumulative Vaccinations Local Authority View | LG Inform.
It was summarised that Haringey was in a positive position overall but that there were concerns about the new Covid-19 variants. It was highlighted that people should continue to follow Public Health advice, ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
UPDATE ON WORK TO TACKLE RACISM AND INEQUALITIES IN HARINGEY To receive an update on work to tackle racism and inequalities in Haringey. Minutes: The Chair introduced the item and explained that work to tackle racism and inequalities in Haringey had been a key focus for the Health and Wellbeing Board over the last year; she handed over to Geoffrey Ocen, Bridge Renewal Trust Chief Executive, to provide an update on the institutional and collective response.
Geoffrey Ocen, Bridge Renewal Trust, explained that he would provide a brief update as a full update was due to be presented at the next joint meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board and Community Safety Partnership. It was noted that one year had passed since this work had commenced, following the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on certain ethnic minority communities and the murder of George Floyd. It was stated that this was a good point to pause and reflect on the achievements so far and noted that Voluntary and Community Sector groups would be meeting soon to reflect.
It was explained that the Health and Wellbeing Board had adopted a nine point action plan for tackling racial injustice that had been agreed with communities and stakeholders and that this had resulted in wider work on various policies and institutional practices.
In relation to data, it was reported that partners were reviewing the categories that they used for ethnicity and nationality which was informed by the approach of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and led by the Council’s Policy Team.
It was noted that digital inclusion was also an important element of the action plan. It was explained that there was a pilot project with Public Voice and the NHS to increase access to digital resources. This project aimed to provide computers for children with wider, wrap-around services also available for families. It was reported that around 30 laptops had been distributed to children with acute issues and that homework participation and engagement had increased from 13% to 97%.
In relation to community safety, social justice, and policing, it was noted that one issue identified had been the disproportionate admission of young, Black men into acute mental health inpatient support by police. Work was underway to investigate whether this could be addressed or improved through the inclusion of mental health professionals working alongside police.
In relation to workforce development, the Director of Adults and Health explained that partners were trying to make links and to jointly progress the themes identified. It was noted that there was now a better understanding of the data and operation of different organisations and that, in particular, it was aimed to widen the use of annual surveys and progression and talent management.
The Whittington Trust Chief Executive added that good practice had been shared in relation to recruitment, mentoring, and how to resolve complaints. She considered that the work underway in Haringey in relation to workforce was positive and that serious culture change was underway; she hoped to provide significant progress updates at future meetings.
Cllr Lucia Das Neves commented that the increase in homework participation from 13% to 97% ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
SERVICES FOR 0-5 YEAR OLDS PDF 224 KB To receive an update on services for 0-5 year olds. Additional documents: Minutes: Susan Otiti, Assistant Director of Public Health, introduced the report which provided an update on services for 0-5 year olds. It was explained that various services for 0-5 year olds were delivered by the Council, community health services, education providers, and other community groups. It was noted that there had been an existing strain on resources before the Covid-19 pandemic and the update illustrated how the pandemic had affected services, how the services had adapted, and how services might be changed or strengthened as part of Covid recovery.
It was noted that the report in the agenda pack included information from partner organisations on how they had supported children and families through the pandemic. It was stated that Covid-19 had profoundly impacted children and families; although data had been gathered to map the impacts as much as possible, the full extent of this was not yet fully understood.
It was explained that services for 0-5 year olds were part of a traditionally complex system which was monitored and developed strategically by the Start Well Partnership Board which reported to the wider Haringey Partnership Board. It was noted that there was good oversight of the whole system and services. It was added that the Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Board also provided some support and this had met more regularly during the pandemic to ensure that partners had good communications in relation to safeguarding.
The Health and Wellbeing Board heard that services had remained open during the pandemic but that the model of provision had been primarily delivered through phone and video communications. It was explained that there had been significant demands on the workforce in health and social care and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) as organisations had been dealing with high sickness levels, shielding, and redeployment of staff to essential services. It was highlighted that the most vulnerable families had been prioritised. It was added that a key focus throughout the pandemic had been to create and grow connections between organisations and there was demand to maintain this in the long term.
The Assistant Director of Public Health explained that the health inequalities in Haringey had been brought into sharper focus during the pandemic and, although data was still being gathered, there were some initial indications that existing inequalities might have increased. For children in Haringey, it was noted that there were issues in relation to digital poverty, food poverty, domestic abuse, cramped housing, contact with families, and remote learning. It was reported that services had supported children in a variety of ways which included finding ways to keep children in touch with families, food donations, and joint work with health visitors and social workers.
It was noted that the report looked at the services provided, assessed how these had coped and adapted during the pandemic, and considered how services were anticipated to progress following the pandemic. It was summarised that the key impacts of the pandemic were generally a shift to online or phone provision and an increased ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
UPDATE FROM THE ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL AND NORTH MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL PDF 451 KB To receive an update on the Royal Free Hospital and North Middlesex University Hospital from Andy Heeps, Interim Chief Executive. Minutes: It was noted that Andy Heeps, Interim Chief Executive, was no longer able to attend but had submitted a written update which had been circulated to the Board and published online.
To note the update. |
UPDATE FROM THE NORTH CENTRAL LONDON CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP PDF 407 KB To receive an update from the North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group, including the development of Integrated Care Systems and the community and mental health services review. Additional documents: Minutes: Rachel Lissauer, CCG Director of Integration, introduced the item and explained that there had been some positive developments. It was noted that, as part of the Integrated Care System (ICS) development, an investment fund had been created to target inequity and racial inequalities. The fund would have £2.5 million this year and it was anticipated that this would be recurrent. It had been decided that 80% of this funding would be given to the 20 wards with the highest deprivation levels and it was noted that seven of these wards were in Haringey. It was noted that there was a relatively short time period to submit bids but that all bids would be developed in partnership with the CCG, Trusts, Councils, and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS).
It was noted that the NCL CCG was currently undertaking a Community and Mental Health Services Review and preparing for the transition to ICS. It was added that Joanne Murfitt, CCG Programme Director for Strategic Reviews of Community and Mental Health Services, and Alexander Smith, Director of Transformation, were in attendance to answer any questions.
In relation to the Community and Mental Health Services Review, Joanne Murfitt, CCG Programme Director, noted that there were currently significant inequities in access to and outcomes from services and the CCG wanted to tackle this. It was explained that some examples were provided in the report and this demonstrated that there were some differences between boroughs. The aim was for the review to produce recommendations which would lead to a core and consistent offer, address inequalities, and ensure workforce sustainability. It was anticipated that the review would generate a recommendation by the early autumn.
The Director of Children’s Services noted that the infrastructure in different boroughs was at different starting points and it was enquired whether there would be an opportunity to consider this within the work going forward to ensure that there would be a truly consistent offer for all residents. Joanne Murfitt, CCG Programme Director, noted that the CCG was committed to securing improvements, particularly for areas with less infrastructure, and would aim to focus on the areas which needed additional support. It was acknowledged that it would not be possible to have a fully consistent offer immediately but it was highlighted that there was a commitment to achieve this in the long term.
Cllr Lucia Das Neves noted that patients and service users often played a role in contributing to improvements. As part of the engagement, she stated that it was important to be clear with residents about what was it possible to achieve through the review. Joanne Murfitt, CCG Programme Director, explained that she was conscious of being clear about what was possible. It was noted that there was a multi-pronged approach to engagement and communications and this included design workshops, resident panels and surveys, linking with existing groups, and working with the Communities Team to engage with groups who were generally under-represented.
The Director of Adults and ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS AND MEETING DATES To note the dates of future Health and Wellbeing Board meetings:
9 June 2021 – joint meeting with Community Safety Partnership (provisional) 21 July 2021 22 September 2021 24 November 2021 26 January 2022 16 March 2022 Minutes: To note the dates of future Health and Wellbeing Board meetings:
9 June 2021 – joint meeting with Community Safety Partnership (provisional) 21 July 2021 22 September 2021 24 November 2021 26 January 2022 16 March 2022
Cllr Sarah James noted that this would be her last meeting as Chair and that Cllr Lucia Das Neves would be taking over as the Cabinet Member for Adults and Health and Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board. |