Agenda and minutes

Planning Sub Committee
Thursday, 23rd July, 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Maria Fletcher  1512


No. Item



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Additional documents:




·         That the Chair’s announcement regarding the filming of the meeting for live or subsequent broadcast be noted.




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Apologies were received from Cllrs Carroll and Doron. Cllr McShane substituted.  


Minutes pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Special Planning Sub Committee held on 22 June.

Additional documents:




·         That the minutes of the Special Planning Committee held on 22 June be approved.


Old Fire Station, Town Hall Approach Road, N15 4RX pdf icon PDF 590 KB

Change of use of the ground floor only of the Former Fire Station from an office into a restaurant, including interior alteration andlisted building consent for change of use of the ground floor only of the Former Fire Station from an office into a restaurant, including interior alteration.


RECOMMENDATION: Grant planning permission and Listed Building Consent, subject to conditions.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission and Listed Building consent for the change of use of the ground floor from an office into a restaurant including interior alteration. The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report.


A number of objectors addressed the Committee and raised the following points:

·         Concerns were raised over the operation of the venue as a café/takeaway during the day and a restaurant in the evening which was inconsistent with A3 use.

·         The applicant had previously indicated that the business would be seeking custom from passing football supporters on Spurs match days leading to concern about anti-social behaviour in the area.

·         Consideration should have been given to alternative locations in the local area for the venture such as the Bernie Grants Centre or partnering up with an existing restaurant in the area.

·         The area was already served by a large number of chicken takeaway shops.

·         Final confirmation was outstanding on the proposed location for the restaurant’s refuse bins.

·         No provision had been made for customer parking.

·         The potential frequent blockage of the access route to Isobel Place by supplier delivery vehicles or staff parking.

·         The restaurant could cause nuisance from noise and odour to adjacent businesses. A lack of detail had been provided on any soundproofing measures to be installed within the building in mitigation.

·         The venture would have an adverse impact on the other small businesses currently located in the building which would be forced to relocate due to the scheme and due to the regeneration of the wider area.

·         The restaurant food offer would not reflect the diversity of the area.


A representative for the applicant and a supporter addressed the Committee and raised the following points:

·         The scheme was a not for profit venture to create a family friendly, sustainable restaurant with a varied menu as opposed to a chicken takeaway shop.

·         A primary objective of the scheme was to create new jobs, up to 20 initially, and offer opportunities for young people to follow careers in catering.

·         A public health slant was key to the concept in offering an innovative, healthier and affordable alternative to chicken takeaways, particularly aimed at young people, following research by Public Health London into the high obesity levels in the area.

·         The venture would be sympathetic to and help preserve the Listed Building.

·         The applicant would maintain ongoing dialogue with local people and businesses in the interests of being a good neighbour, particularly as a social enterprise.

·         The applicant would seek to develop partnerships with other local institutions such as CONEL and the Tottenham Foundation with a view to enhancing job opportunities such as by providing linked catering courses.

·         It was requested that job opportunities from the venture be made available to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Stamford Hill Primary School, Berkeley Road, N15 6HD pdf icon PDF 812 KB

Installation of a new working kitchen to cater for primary school children at Stamford Hill Primary School. Works involve the installation of new cooking appliances and an extract canopy with flue ducting to the outside. (retrospective application).


RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission for the installation of a new working kitchen with works to include the installation of new cooking appliances and an extract canopy with flue ducting to the outside. The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report.


The Chair moved the recommendation of the report and it was



·         That planning application HGY/2015/1512 be approved subject to conditions.


1.    Notwithstanding the information submitted with this application, details of the amended flue colouring and how the works will be undertaken and maintained, shall be submitted to and approved in writing within 3 months of this decision date and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority and retained as such in perpetuity.

Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and to safeguard the character and appearance of the building and surrounding area, consistent with Policy SP11 of the Haringey Local Plan 2013 and Saved Policy UD3 of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.


2.    Notwithstanding the approved plans, equipment to control the emission of fumes and smell from the premises shall be installed in accordance with a scheme to be first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All equipment installed as part of the approved scheme shall thereafter be operated and maintained in accordance with that approval and retained for so long as the ancillary kitchen use continues.

Reason: In order to protect the amenities of nearby residential occupiers consistent with Policy 7.15 of the London Plan 2011 and Saved Policy UD3 of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.


3.    The design and installation of new items of fixed plant hereby approved by this permission shall be such that, when in operation, the cumulative noise level LAeq 15 min arising from the proposed plant, measured or predicted at 1m from the facade of nearest residential premises shall be a rating level of at least 5dB(A) below the background noise level LAF90.  The measurement and/or prediction of the noise should be carried out in accordance with the methodology contained within BS 4142: 1997. Upon request by the local planning authority a noise report shall be produced by a competent person and shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority to demonstrate compliance with the above criteria.

Reason: In order to protect the amenities of nearby residential occupiers consistent with Policy 7.15 of the London Plan 2011 and Saved Policy UD3 of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006



Bounds Green Junior and Infant School, Bounds Green Road, N11 2QG pdf icon PDF 917 KB

Demolition of the existing wing adjacent to Block 4 Key Stage 2 building facing Bounds Green Road and replacement with a two storey extension building including new classroom and teaching rooms.  Works also including a new single storey small extension to Block 1 kitchen block to the rear side (northwest) of the site and resurfacing/alterations to external playground.


RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission for the demolition of an existing wing and replacement with a two storey extension building including new classroom and teaching rooms plus a new small single storey extension to the kitchen block to the rear of the site. The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report.


A concern was raised over the visual impact of a new modern extension to a Victorian building and the higher maintenance costs associated with flat roof constructions. Officers advised that a simple, modern design was proposed to avoid the extension competing with the primary building. A pitched roof would add bulk and be out of context, particularly with the adjacent flat roofed three storey Springfield Tavern pub.


The Chair moved the recommendation of the report and it was



·         That planning application HGY/2015/1279 be approved subject to conditions.


1.   The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.   The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and specifications:

122.RLA.BG.101A, 600, 601, 602, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, 049, 050, 051, 052.

Reason: In order to avoid doubt and in the interests of good planning.


3.   Notwithstanding the information submitted with this application, no development shall take place until precise details of the external materials to be used in connection with the development hereby permitted be submitted to, approved in writing by and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority and retained as such in perpetuity.

Reason: In order to retain control over the external appearance of the development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and consistent with Policy SP11 of the Haringey Local Plan 2013 and Saved Policy UD3 of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.


4.   Thedevelopment hereby permitted shall not be occupied until such time as a revised travel plan has been provided  to the Council’s travel plan co-ordinator  and an agreement has been reached to monitor the travel plan initiatives annually (at a cost of £3,000).  The approved travel plan shall be implemented prior to first occupation of the development hereby permitted. The developer must submit a travel plan, annually for a period of no less than 3 years.

Reason:  To promote sustainable transport and to reduce the potential for additional on street parking stress as a result of the development, consistent with Policies SP0, SP4 and SP7 of the Haringey  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Item 12 is a pre-application presentation to the Planning Sub-Committee and discussion of proposals.


Notwithstanding that this is a formal meeting of the Sub-Committee, no decisions will be taken on this item and any subsequent application will be the subject of a report to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee in accordance with standard procedures.


The provisions of the Localism Act 2011 specifically provide that a councillor should not be regarded as having a closed mind simply because they previously did or said something that, directly or indirectly, indicated what view they might take in relation to any particular matter. Pre-application briefings provide the opportunity for Members to raise queries and identify any concerns about proposals.


The Members’ Code of Conduct and the Planning Protocol 2014 continue to apply for pre-application meeting proposals even though Members will not be exercising the statutory function of determining an application. Members should nevertheless ensure that they are not seen to pre-determine or close their mind to any such proposal otherwise they will be precluded from participating in determining the application or leave any decision in which they have subsequently participated open to challenge.

Additional documents:


The following item was considered as a pre-application presentation to the Planning Sub-Committee in order to allow the discussion of proposals related thereto.


Notwithstanding that this was a formal meeting of the Sub-Committee, no decision on the following item was taken at the meeting, and any subsequent application would be the subject of a report to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee in accordance with standard procedures.


Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, Bill Nicholson Way, N17 0AP pdf icon PDF 676 KB

Additional documents:


[The Chair announced the suspension of Committee Standing Orders to allow the continuation of the meeting beyond the 10pm cut off].


The Committee received a short presentation from officers followed by representatives of Tottenham Hotspurs Football Club (THFC) on early proposals to seek planning permission for a revised scheme for the redevelopment of the White Hart Lane stadium and the land around it. The Committee’s attention was drawn to a tabled addendum setting out initial comments from the Quality Review Panel and Development Management Forum held subsequent to the publication of the agenda.


The Committee raised the following points and questions regarding the briefing:

·         The Committee stressed their commitment to adherence to the Council’s targets in relation to affordable housing provision on new developments, particularly in recognition of the significant increase in residential units proposed for the revised scheme. The applicant affirmed an intention to provide affordable housing both off and onsite but outlined that as the scheme currently remained at design stage, final costs had yet to be established and which would impact on the level of affordable housing permissible. Officers provided assurance that the Council were in the process of commissioning an independent specialist to review the viability assessment to be submitted by THFC in relation to the ability to deliver against policy aspirations. 

·         Clarification was sought on plans around the engagement of young people with the scheme including apprenticeships. The applicant advised that around 100 apprenticeships were already offered through the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation and THFC. The number of apprenticeships to be provided directly by the scheme would be set out within the final s106 agreement.

·         Further details were sought on the primary health service provision proposed onsite and whether a clear commitment has been received from the NHS to utilise the facilities. The applicant advised that the extended provision proposed was in recognition of the significant need evidenced for additional GP access in the area and would now include specialist services as well as a GP surgery. Discussions with NHS England and an NHS trust to commission the GP service were at advanced stage in confirming occupation of the facilities.

·         The Committee requested that prior to finalising the scheme, consideration be given to:

o   Utilisation of a ticket pricing structure to encourage early arrival of spectators.

o   The provision of winter balconies within the residential tower design and adherence to the Building for Life guide for new homes.

o   The residential towers to the corners of the site being of triangular shape to bridge the curved shape of the stadium and rectilinear shape of surrounding streets.

·         The Committee emphasised the standing of the Design Review Panel and the imperative of their views and comments on initial plans for a revised scheme being given proper recognition and consideration by the applicant.

·         Areas of concern identified by the Committee included:

o   The proposed height and bulk of the residential towers, with the highest being 35 storeys.

o   The management of litter following events at the stadium.

o   The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Date of next meeting

7 September.

Additional documents:


7 September.