Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Sub Committee
Monday, 13th January, 2025 7.00 pm

Venue: George Meehan House, 294 High Road, Wood Green, London, N22 8JZ

Contact: Kodi Sprott, Principal Committee Coordinator  5343, Email:

No. Item



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The Chair of the meeting has the discretion to terminate or suspend filming or recording, if in his or her opinion continuation of the filming, recording or reporting would disrupt or prejudice the proceedings, infringe the rights of any individual, or may lead to the breach of a legal obligation by the Council.


The Chair referred to the notice of filming at meetings and this information was noted.



The Planning Committee abides by the Council’s Planning Protocol 2017.  A factsheet covering some of the key points within the protocol as well as some of the context for Haringey’s planning process is provided alongside the agenda pack available to the public at each meeting as well as on the Haringey Planning Committee webpage.


The planning system manages the use and development of land and buildings.  The overall aim of the system is to ensure a balance between enabling development to take place and conserving and protecting the environment and local amenities.  Planning can also help tackle climate change and overall seeks to create better public places for people to live, work and play.  It is important that the public understand that the committee makes planning decisions in this context.  These decisions are rarely simple and often involve balancing competing priorities.  Councillors and officers have a duty to ensure that the public are consulted, involved and where possible, understand the decisions being made.


Neither the number of objectors or supporters nor the extent of their opposition or support are of themselves material planning considerations.


The Planning Committee is held as a meeting in public and not a public meeting.  The right to speak from the floor is agreed beforehand in consultation with officers and the Chair.  Any interruptions from the public may mean that the Chamber needs to be cleared.


The Chair referred to the planning protocol and this information was noted.



To receive any apologies for absence.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Bartlett.




The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 12 below.


There were no items of urgent business.



A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct


Cllr Ibrahim declared an interest for item 9 due to being ward councillor for Noel Park, she confirmed that she would view the item with an open mind.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 468 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Sub Committee held on 9th December as a correct record.




To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Sub Committee held on 9th December as a correct record.



In accordance with the Sub Committee’s protocol for hearing representations; when the recommendation is to grant planning permission, two objectors may be given up to 6 minutes (divided between them) to make representations. Where the recommendation is to refuse planning permission, the applicant and supporters will be allowed to address the Committee. For items considered previously by the Committee and deferred, where the recommendation is to grant permission, one objector may be given up to 3 minutes to make representations.


The Chair referred to the note on planning applications and this information was noted. he meeting was adjourned for 10 minutes from 7.02pm-7.12pm to allow members of the PSC to review the addendum.



HGY/2023/0894 27-31 Garman Road N17 0UP pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Proposal: Erection of two replacement units designed to match the original units following fire damage and demolition of the original units.



Additional documents:


Sarah Madondo, Principal Planning Officer, introduced the report for erection of two replacement industrial units, designed to match the original units, following fire damage and demolition of the original units.


The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:


  • This was previously developed land and located in flood risk zone 2.
  • The fire at this development happened in 2019, officers did not have details of what happened. The proposed building  is not a high rise building subject to Gateway One; and fire matters would be considered in detail through Building Regulations.
  • Not all commercial developments need parking on site, this would depend on the plans for usage. There will need to be a section 278 agreement secured  under the planning  obligations. It is not uncommon for industrial estates to have offloading taking place on the carriageway.
  • A financial obligation towards employment initiatives is calculated on the basis of a formula.


The Chair asked Catherine Smyth, Head of Development Management and Enforcement Planning to sum up the recommendations as set out in the report. The Chair moved that the recommendation be approved following a unanimous decision.


That the Committee authorise the Head of Development Management & Planning Enforcement or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out below and the completion of a legal agreement satisfactory to the Head of Development Management & Planning Enforcement or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability, that secures the obligations set out in the Heads of Terms.


That the legal agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above, is to be completed no later than 3 months from the date of the Planning Sub-Committee meeting or within such extended time as the Assistant Director for Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability/ Head of Development Management & Planning Enforcement shall in his sole discretion allow; and


2.3 That, following completion of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (2.1) within the time period provided for in resolution (2.2) above, planning permission shall be granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of the conditions and informatives; and


2.4 That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Development Management & Planning Enforcement or the Assistant Director for Planning, Building Standards and Sustainability, to make any alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended measures and/or recommended conditions as set out in this report and to further delegate this power provided this authority shall be exercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice-Chair) of the Sub-Committee. Summary Lists of Conditions, Informatives and Heads of Terms Summary of Conditions (the full text of the recommended conditions can be found in Appendix 1 of this report).



1. Three-year time period limit

2. In accordance with approved plans

3. Materials

4. Land contamination

5. Unexpected contamination


7. Construction Environmental Management Plan

8. Energy Strategy

9. Overheating

10. BREEAM Certificate

11. Secured by Design Accreditation

12. Secured by Design Certification

13. External lighting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


HGY/2024/2279 25-27 Clarendon Road N8 0DD pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and delivery of a new co-living development and affordable workspace, alongside public realm improvements, soft and hard landscaping, cycle parking, servicing and delivery details and refuse and recycling provision.


Additional documents:


Valerie Okeiyi, Principal Planning Officer introduced the report for demolition of existing buildings and delivery of a new co-living development and affordable workspace, alongside public realm improvements, soft and hard landscaping, cycle parking, servicing and delivery details and refuse and recycling provision.


The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:


  • The principle of doing payment in lieu calculations is the same as it would be for a general residential scheme. This would be through the residual land value calculation. This looks at scheme costs and  revenue.
  • Noise would be controlled through Building Control and Building Regulations.
  • The HSE was consulted and satisfied that two staircases had been proposed. The fire statement was submitted and received no objections.
  • The strategic housing market assessment is one of the evidence-based documents that is informing the emerging new Local Plan. This could be shared with members, and it would be published as part of the new Local Plan. This specifically looks at including a new policy on co-living, officers would take on board feedback from members.
  • It is common that there would be viability assessments submitted with major residential planning applications. When a developer submits a viability assessment, there are reasonable costs to meet and a profit to generate , in order to facilitate the redevelopment being delivered.
  • The minimum requirement of stay for the students would be three months, as required by the London Plan. Officers were not aware that there was a maximum stay allowable, this would up for negotiation between the applicant and the Council.
  • Officers have had extensive discussion with the applicant regarding Section 278 works and as part of that, a  car parking bay would be provided for people with disabilities; along with a servicing bay.
  • In terms of refuse collection, a condition requires submission of a Delivery and Servicing Plan, including details of waste management
  • Excluding bills rent would be £1050 monthly per person; similar to the cost of renting in a HMO in the area.


Sian Roberts, Chief Executive of the Electoral Reform Services (ERS) attended the committee to speak in objection of the application.  She stated that the electoral reform services staff had not been properly engaged with by the developer. Her second point was around the planning application proposal, saying she felt they had not been properly replied to by planning officers. She proposed that there would be a pause, and that a decision not be made by the Committee until the group had been engaged with. They were also planning on installing solar panels, and her view is that this development would interfere with them.


The following was noted in response to questions to the objectors:


  • The objector had contacted officers from the Council and various councillors on this issue, to no avail. Officers advised that our consultation on the planning application was thorough.
  • Officers explained to members that records show that the group were consulted, records of this could be found on the planning website. Officers had spoken to another  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



To advise of major proposals in the pipeline including those awaiting the issue of the decision notice following a committee resolution and subsequent signature of the section 106 agreement; applications submitted and awaiting determination; and proposals being discussed at the pre-application stage.

Additional documents:


The following was noted following questions from members:


·         The Capital City College application was nearly complete, there were a few more points which required clarification.

·         Officers would look into Berol Yard in more detail and inform members.




To note the report.



To advise the Planning Committee of decisions on planning applications taken under delegated powers for the period 15.12.24 – 27.12.24.


There were no queries on the report. The Chair noted that any queries could be directed to the Head of Development Management.




To note the report.




There were no new items of urgent business.



To note the date of the next meeting as 3rd February.


The next meeting is scheduled for 3rd February (since cancelled so next meeting is 4th March 2025).