Agenda and minutes

Planning Sub Committee
Tuesday, 29th November, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: George Meehan House, 294 High Road, Wood Green, London, N22 8JZ

Contact: Fiona Rae, Acting Committees Manager  3541, Email:

No. Item



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The Chair of the meeting has the discretion to terminate or suspend filming or recording, if in his or her opinion continuation of the filming, recording or reporting would disrupt or prejudice the proceedings, infringe the rights of any individual, or may lead to the breach of a legal obligation by the Council.


The Chair referred to the notice of filming at meetings and this information was noted.



The Planning Committee abides by the Council’s Planning Protocol 2017.  A factsheet covering some of the key points within the protocol as well as some of the context for Haringey’s planning process is provided alongside the agenda pack available to the public at each meeting as well as on the Haringey Planning Committee webpage.


The planning system manages the use and development of land and buildings.  The overall aim of the system is to ensure a balance between enabling development to take place and conserving and protecting the environment and local amenities.  Planning can also help tackle climate change and overall seeks to create better public places for people to live, work and play.  It is important that the public understand that the committee makes planning decisions in this context.  These decisions are rarely simple and often involve balancing competing priorities.  Councillors and officers have a duty to ensure that the public are consulted, involved and where possible, understand the decisions being made.


Neither the number of objectors or supporters nor the extent of their opposition or support are of themselves material planning considerations.


The Planning Committee is held as a meeting in public and not a public meeting.  The right to speak from the floor is agreed beforehand in consultation with officers and the Chair.  Any interruptions from the public may mean that the Chamber needs to be cleared.


The Chair referred to the planning protocol and this information was noted.



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor John Bevan and Councillor George Dunstall. Councillor Cathy Brennan was in attendance as substitute.



The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 9 below.


There were no items of urgent business.



A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct


There were no declarations of interest.



In accordance with the Sub Committee’s protocol for hearing representations; when the recommendation is to grant planning permission, two objectors may be given up to 6 minutes (divided between them) to make representations. Where the recommendation is to refuse planning permission, the applicant and supporters will be allowed to address the Committee. For items considered previously by the Committee and deferred, where the recommendation is to grant permission, one objector may be given up to 3 minutes to make representations.


The Chair referred to the note on planning applications and this information was noted.


Due to the number of interested parties in attendance, it was agreed to consider Item 8, HGY/2022/1833 - St Ann's General Hospital, St Ann's Road, London, N15 3TH, then Item 7, HGY/2022/2250 - Land Rear Of 2-14 Kerswell Close, N15 5RP, before returning to the order of business as set out in the agenda.


HGY/2022/2250 - LAND REAR OF 2-14 KERSWELL CLOSE, N15 5RP pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Proposal: Redevelopment of the car park, commercial unit and open space at the junction of Kerswell Close and St. Ann's Road and provision of 25 new Council rent homes and an Adult Care Hub in two, four and five-storey buildings. Provision of associated amenity space, including new landscaping, refuse/recycling stores and play space, cycle and refuse/recycling stores and wheelchair parking spaces, and enhancement of existing amenity space within the Kerswell Close Estate.


Recommendation: GRANT

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the application for the redevelopment of the car park, commercial unit and open space at the junction of Kerswell Close and St. Ann's Road and provision of 25 new Council rent homes and an Adult Care Hub in two, four and five-storey buildings. Provision of associated amenity space, including new landscaping, refuse/recycling stores and play space, cycle and refuse/recycling stores and wheelchair parking spaces, and enhancement of existing amenity space within the Kerswell Close Estate.


Gareth Prosser, Planning Officer, introduced the report. In response to the points raised by councillors, the following responses were provided:

·         Some members noted that Block B would not have a lift and that, therefore, not all of the homes would be accessible. The Principal Urban Design Officer explained that planning policy did not require all buildings to have lifts. It was noted that three storeys of stairs was considered to be acceptable and it was commented that the proposed stairs would be wide and would have hand rails. It was added that residents who were unable to use stairs would be placed on the ground floor. The applicant team noted that, of the several hundred applicants in Band A on the housing waiting list, fewer than 40% were wheelchair users. It was explained that the reason for including an adult care hub was to ensure that immediate support could be provided. It was noted that there was no requirement for a lift in a four storey building but that the internal sizing of the scheme aimed to ensure that, through the allocations policy, units could be allocated to make sure that those with the greatest need and vulnerability were suitably allocated.

·         In relation to a question about the maintenance of gardens, the Head of Development Management noted that there was a condition requiring a management programme for landscaping which would be enforceable. The applicant team added that the contractor and the Housing Delivery Team would have a minimum five year liability period to maintain the new landscaped areas and, following discussions with the Housing Asset Team, there was confidence that there would be sufficient resources for this.

·         In relation to the view of the site from St Ann’s, it was confirmed that this would be partially screened by a mature, Category B ash tree. The Planning Officer explained that the tree would soften the appearance of the building but would not provide complete shielding.

·         Some members noted that the proposal would provide 25 new council rent homes; it was enquired whether these would be formula rent homes and whether they would be deliverable in the current economic climate. The applicant team commented that the economic climate was changeable but that the scheme had been designed based on council rent calculations and was conditioned on that basis.

·         Some members enquired whether there was any forward planning for residents whose health needs might deteriorate and where adaptations or lifts may be required later on. The applicant team acknowledged that the health needs of residents  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Proposal: Hybrid Planning Application for:


Detailed planning permission for Phase 1A, for: (a) the change of use, conversion and alteration of seven existing hospital buildings for a flexible range of non-residential uses within Use Class E, F1/F2; (b) the demolition of other existing buildings (in accordance with the demolition plan); (c) the erection of new buildings for residential uses (Use Class C3); (d) alterations to the existing access roads and site boundaries to enable the provision of new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle accesses; (e) landscaping including enlargement of the Peace Garden; and, (f) associated car and cycle parking spaces and servicing spaces;


The demolition of existing buildings and structures in Phases 1B, 2 and 3 (in accordance with the demolition plan);


Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except for access) for Phases 1B, 2 and 3, for: (a) the erection of new buildings for residential development (Use Class C3) and a flexible range of non-residential uses within Use Class E, F1/F2; (b) provision of associated pedestrian and cycle accesses; (c) landscaping including enhancements to the St Ann's Hospital Wood and Tottenham Railsides Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC); and, (d) car and cycle parking spaces and servicing spaces.


Recommendation: GRANT

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the hybrid application for detailed planning permission for Phase 1A, for: (a) the change of use, conversion and alteration of seven existing hospital buildings for a flexible range of non-residential uses within Use Class E, F1/F2; (b) the demolition of other existing buildings (in accordance with the demolition plan); (c) the erection of new buildings for residential uses (Use Class C3); (d) alterations to the existing access roads and site boundaries to enable the provision of new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle accesses; (e) landscaping including enlargement of the Peace Garden; and, (f) associated car and cycle parking spaces and servicing spaces;


The demolition of existing buildings and structures in Phases 1B, 2 and 3 (in accordance with the demolition plan);


Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except for access) for Phases 1B, 2 and 3, for: (a) the erection of new buildings for residential development (Use Class C3) and a flexible range of non-residential uses within Use Class E, F1/F2; (b) provision of associated pedestrian and cycle  accesses; (c) landscaping including enhancements to the St Ann's Hospital Wood and Tottenham Railsides Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC); and, (d) car and cycle parking spaces and servicing spaces.


Christopher Smith, Planning Officer, introduced the report and responded to questions from the Committee:

·         The Planning Officer highlighted that there was additional information in the addendum about the use of the new access road opposite Chestnuts Primary School.

·         In response to a question about tree groups and the overall impact on the site, the Head of Development Management explained that there would be a net increase in trees. It was noted that not all trees or tree groups were the same quality and that the report included an assessment of the worst case scenario, where all tree groups to be removed were treated as trees in relation to canopy cover, as well as a more realistic assessment which reflected the quality of the existing tree groups. It was stated that the scheme would result in additional tree cover overall. The Senior Arboricultural Officer clarified that a tree group was a collection of one or more trees that was given a group number. It was noted that this could include shrubbery and could be a group of low grade trees as was the case in this instance.

·         Some members commented that the presentation contained some technical planning terms which were hard to understand. The Planning Officer explained that ‘tenure blind’ meant that all units in a development were made to the same standard and design quality whether they were affordable or market housing.

·         The Planning Officer confirmed that there would be two openings in the boundary wall on the eastern side of the site which would assist with site permeability. It was also confirmed that the Peace Garden would be open to all.

·         In relation to a query about whether the proximity to the hospital would impact on the sale of the homes, the Planning Officer commented that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.




There were no items of urgent business.



To note the date of the next meeting as 5 December 2022.


It was noted that the date of the next meeting was 5 December 2022.