Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Sub Committee
Monday, 3rd June, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: George Meehan House, 294 High Road, Wood Green, London, N22 8JZ

Contact: Kodi Sprott, Principal Committee Coordinator  5343, Email:

No. Item



Please note this meeting may be filmed or recorded by the Council for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site or by anyone attending the meeting using any communication method.  Although we ask members of the public recording, filming or reporting on the meeting not to include the public seating areas, members of the public attending the meeting should be aware that we cannot guarantee that they will not be filmed or recorded by others attending the meeting.  Members of the public participating in the meeting (e.g. making deputations, asking questions, making oral protests) should be aware that they are likely to be filmed, recorded or reported on.  By entering the meeting room and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings.


The Chair of the meeting has the discretion to terminate or suspend filming or recording, if in his or her opinion continuation of the filming, recording or reporting would disrupt or prejudice the proceedings, infringe the rights of any individual, or may lead to the breach of a legal obligation by the Council.


The Chair referred to the notice of filming at meetings and this information was noted.



The Planning Committee abides by the Council’s Planning Protocol 2017.  A factsheet covering some of the key points within the protocol as well as some of the context for Haringey’s planning process is provided alongside the agenda pack available to the public at each meeting as well as on the Haringey Planning Committee webpage.


The planning system manages the use and development of land and buildings.  The overall aim of the system is to ensure a balance between enabling development to take place and conserving and protecting the environment and local amenities.  Planning can also help tackle climate change and overall seeks to create better public places for people to live, work and play.  It is important that the public understand that the committee makes planning decisions in this context.  These decisions are rarely simple and often involve balancing competing priorities.  Councillors and officers have a duty to ensure that the public are consulted, involved and where possible, understand the decisions being made.


Neither the number of objectors or supporters nor the extent of their opposition or support are of themselves material planning considerations.


The Planning Committee is held as a meeting in public and not a public meeting.  The right to speak from the floor is agreed beforehand in consultation with officers and the Chair.  Any interruptions from the public may mean that the Chamber needs to be cleared.


The Chair referred to the planning protocol and this information was noted.



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Bartlett.



The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 12 below.


There were no items of urgent business.



A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct


There were no declarations of interest.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 367 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Sub Committee held on 7th March as a correct record.




To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Sub Committee held on 7th March as a correct record.



In accordance with the Sub Committee’s protocol for hearing representations; when the recommendation is to grant planning permission, two objectors may be given up to 6 minutes (divided between them) to make representations. Where the recommendation is to refuse planning permission, the applicant and supporters will be allowed to address the Committee. For items considered previously by the Committee and deferred, where the recommendation is to grant permission, one objector may be given up to 3 minutes to make representations.


The Chair referred to the note on planning applications and this information was noted.


HGY/2023/3250 St Anns General Hospital, St Anns Road, Tottenham, London, N15 3TH pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Proposal: Application for reserved matters seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of Phases 1b and 2 of the site pursuant to Condition 61 of Planning Permission Reference HGY/2022/1833 dated 10 July 2023 for "outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except for access) for Phases 1B, 2 and 3, for: (a) the erection of new buildings for residential development (Use Class C3) and a flexible range of non-residential uses within Use Class E, F1/F2; (b) provision of associated pedestrian and cycle accesses; (c) landscaping including enhancements to the St Ann's Hospital Wood and Tottenham Railsides Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC); and, (d) car and cycle parking spaces and servicing spaces". Details are provided to partially satisfy Conditions 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73 for Phases 1b and 2 of the site of Outline Planning Permission Reference HGY/2022/1833.


Additional documents:


John McRory introduced the report. This was application for reserved matters seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of Phases 1b and 2 of the site pursuant to Condition 61 of Planning Permission Reference HGY/2022/1833 dated 10 July 2023 for "outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except for access) for Phases 1B, 2 and 3, for: (a) the erection of new buildings for residential development (Use Class C3) and a flexible range of non-residential uses within Use Class E, F1/F2; (b) provision of associated pedestrian and cycle accesses; (c) landscaping including enhancements to the St Ann's Hospital Wood and Tottenham Railsides Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC); and, (d) car and cycle parking spaces and servicing spaces". Details are provided to partially satisfy Conditions 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73 for Phases 1b and 2 of the site of Outline Planning Permission Reference HGY/2022/1833.


The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:


  • In the original hybrid approval, a large number of existing hospital buildings had been retained. These buildings would be restored and converted into various non-residential community and commercial uses. A fair amount of landscaping was also being retained and enhanced, this included the large central garden, which was being substantially increased in size. There would be a boundary between the retained hospital and residential area.
  • Overheating strategies needed to follow the cooling hierarchy. This would mean that passive measures would be introduced before any mechanical ventilation or active measures. It was imperative that the risk of overheating was reduced as much as possible before introducing the cooling. In this instance, some of the units were constrained by noise along the railway line and that was the reason why the overheating strategy varied across the building blocks.
  • There had been changes to increase the number of corridors which would provide daylight, but this was approved in outline with the detailed and restrictive parameter plans. There was not a lot of flexibility regarding the master plan. The vast majority of the single aspect flats were one bedroom; There was a good standard of flat design and a good proportion of single/dual aspect flats.
  • A broad arrangement for waste collection had been agreed in the parameter plans. A further condition will be added for further details on this to be submitted.
  • In terms of the use of open spaces, this would be dealt with through the outline of consent and management plan. Buildings would be restored early on which would be a placemaking opportunity in establishing activity and commercial spaces.
  • There would be a proportion of parking on site to deal with disabled car parking and for the larger family size units.
  • A specialist sub-contractor would be managing the space, they would also look after the trees on site. Everything across the estate would be managed by the this sub-contractor.

The Chair asked Robbie McNaugher, Head of Development Management and Enforcement Planning to sum up the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



The following items are pre-application presentations to the Planning Sub-Committee and discussion of proposals.


Notwithstanding that this is a formal meeting of the Sub-Committee, no decision will be taken on the following items and any subsequent applications will be the subject of a report to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee in accordance with standard procedures.


The provisions of the Localism Act 2011 specifically provide that a Councillor should not be regarded as having a closed mind simply because they previously did or said something that, directly or indirectly, indicated what view they might take in relation to any particular matter.  Pre-application briefings provide the opportunity for Members to raise queries and identify any concerns about proposals.


The Members’ Code of Conduct and the Planning Protocol 2016 continue to apply for pre-application meeting proposals even though Members will not be exercising the statutory function of determining an application.  Members should nevertheless ensure that they are not seen to pre-determine or close their mind to any such proposal otherwise they will be precluded from participating in determining the application or leave any decision in which they have subsequently participated open to challenge.


The Chair referred to the note on pre-application briefings and this information was noted.



Proposal:Erection of 66 new homes within two, six storey blocks providing 100% social rent homes, 10% wheelchair accessible homes, cycle parking, hard and soft landscaping, and all other associated works.



Gareth Prosser introduced the report for erection of 66 new homes within two, six storey blocks providing 100% social rent homes, 10% wheelchair accessible homes, cycle parking, hard and soft landscaping, and all other associated works.


The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:


  • A letter would be delivered to all residents on the estate in regard to the consultation on this proposal. An earlier consultation which had a larger footprint garnered positive engagement.
  • There would be no single aspect units in this development. All 3 bedrooms flats would have separate kitchens and living rooms.
  • There were ongoing discussions regarding parking in this development, it was a very live issue to ensure that there would not be a further impact on parking. Officers were trying to rationalise the existing arrangement; this would be picked up further with the transport team.
  • There were no category A trees are being lost, the majority of mature trees were category B. 
  • Officers could not build higher than six storeys, this set a benchmark and was the reason for concentrating a tall building in one location.
  • There would be an L shaped kitchen/diner area.
  • There were concerns around the size of the lifts in the development, these would be taken back to the applicant.
  • The Triangle centre was close to Frederick Messer estate. This was a well-used children’s and community centre.
  • At the moment, the focus was on the landscape aspect of the development. However, introduction of a substantial non-residential element would exponentially change the infrastructure costs in terms of fire safety. It was important to try and find the balance in viability in terms of how much extra could be given to the estate. There would be a red line boundary around this site and that would be the key focus for the plan. However, officers were looking at a much wider estate strategy to try and tie in the different areas mentioned.
  • The QRP approved the principles in the way that the deck access had been laid out, they would welcome further design development to see how officers could look at the detail of it.
  • Currently the aim would be for this development to have social rent.
  • Officers had taken comments from QRP in regard to parking on board, officers had been asked to maximise the amount of wheelchair spaces; this would put pressure in this area. There was work in the pipeline to bring all enforcement to the parking service.




To advise of major proposals in the pipeline including those awaiting the issue of the decision notice following a committee resolution and subsequent signature of the section 106 agreement; applications submitted and awaiting determination; and proposals being discussed at the pre-application stage.

Additional documents:


To advise of major proposals in the pipeline including those awaiting the issue

of the decision notice following a committee resolution and subsequent

signature of the section 106 agreement; applications submitted and awaiting

determination; and proposals being discussed at the pre-application stage.


The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:


  • Regarding Partridge Way, officers generally did not include the amendment applications in this list. The expectation would be that this would be a delegated decision.
  • The listing of Frederick Messer was a previous proposal, this would be updated to reflect the new development.




To note the report.



To advise the Planning Committee of decisions on planning applications taken under delegated powers for the period 26/02/2024 – 17/05/2024.


There were no queries on the report. The Chair noted that any queries could be directed to the Head of Development Management.




To note the report.




There were no new items of urgent business.



To note the date of the next meeting as 20th June.


It was noted that the date of the next meeting was 8th July.