Agenda and minutes

Special Licensing Sub Committee
Tuesday, 8th July, 2008 7.00 pm

Contact: Anne Thomas  2941


No. Item


Appointment of the Chair

The Committee will be required to elect a Member to preside at the meeting.

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That Cllr Patel be appointed as Chair for the duration of the meeting.



Apologies for Absence

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There were no apologies for absence.


Urgent Business

Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. It being a special meeting of the Sub Committee, under Part Four, Section B, Paragraph 17, of the Council’s Constitution, no other business shall be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


None received.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at he commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member’s judgement of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/or if it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, license, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.


Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.




Summary of Procedure pdf icon PDF 21 KB

The Chair will explain the procedure that the Committee will follow for the hearing considered under the Licensing Act 2003.  A copy of the procedure is attached and will apply to both the exempt and unrestricted proceedings.

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Exclusion of Public and Press

The following item is likely to be the subject of a motion to exclude the public and press from the meeting as it contains “exempt” information as defined in Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, namely that it contains information relating to any individual.

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That the Public and Press be excluded from the proceedings


Application for a personal licence


Re-inclusion of Public and Press

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That the Public and Press be invited to re-join the proceedings.


The Swan Public House, 363 High Road, London N17 pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider an application by Punch Taverns Plc to allow: Sale of Alcohol, Late Night Refreshment and Regulated Entertainment at the above premises.

Additional documents:


The Licensing Officer, Ms Barrett, presented the report which set out a new application by Punch Taverns PLC to allow the Sale of Alcohol, Late Night refreshment and Regulated Entertainment at The Swan Public House, 363 High Road, London N17 6QN. Ms Barrett reported that the previous licence at the premises had been revoked following a review, and that the present application was completely new. It was reported that the applicant had agreed to additional conditions in consultation with the Police and Fire Officer, as a result of which their representations had been withdrawn. Representation had been received from an interested party. Mr Man, an interested party as landlord of the property adjacent to the premises, requested to introduce late documentary evidence consisting of a letter from residents but this was not permitted as agreement was not reached with the applicant.


Mr Man asked how the Council intended to monitor nuisance at the premises if the licence were granted. Ms Barrett reported that the enforcement team would make regular visits to the premises, in addition to which any complaints received regarding the premises would be investigated and dealt with under the relevant legislation. If there were evidence of nuisance being caused in relation to the premises, a review could be brought by responsible authorities or interested parties.


The applicant’s representative outlined the recent history of the premises and indicated that Punch Taverns was now seeking to ensure that an appropriate tenant was in place to operate the premises. The current application was for the same licence as was previously held at the premises, but with a number of additional conditions and a new management team in place. In addition to the existing conditions of the previous licence, and those conditions agreed with the Police and Fire Officer, the applicant was willing to respond to the concerns raised by Mr Man and proposed to reduce the hours for Live Music to 00:00 Monday to Sunday and to look at ways of addressing the issues relating to the extractor fan, such as installing an odour purification system. It was felt that the conditions proposed would be sufficient to meet the licensing objectives.


Mr Man asked the applicant’s representative how they could be sure that residents would not be disturbed by the premises. The applicant’s representative responded that the conditions proposed would address these issues, as part of which the management team would be monitoring the level of noise at the premises. The applicant clarified that although a licence was sought to permit Live Music until 00:00 each day, this did not mean that there would be Live Music performed each day until 00:00. It would be the manager’s decision as to when Live Music would be scheduled within the hours permitted by the licence.  In response to a question from the Committee regarding sound insulation, the applicant reported that they would not wish for this to be a condition of the licence, and that if sound levels were correctly monitored then the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.