Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Tuesday, 13th December, 2022 11.00 am

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Contact: Nazyer Choudhury, Principal Committee Co-ordinator 

Note: This meeting will be webcast - use the link on the agenda frontsheet or copy and paste the following link into your internet browser: 

No. Item



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The chair of the meeting has the discretion to terminate or suspend filming or recording, if in his or her opinion continuation of the filming, recording or reporting would disrupt or prejudice the proceedings, infringe the rights of any individual or may lead to the breach of a legal obligation by the Council.


The Chair referred Members present to agenda Item 1 as shown on the agenda in respect of filming at this meeting, and Members noted the information contained therein.



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies had been received from Co-Chair, Councillor Adam Jogee, Beverly Tarka, Rachel Lissauer, Pete Shaw and Judith During.




The Chair will consider the admission of any items of Urgent Business. (Late items of Urgent Business will be considered where they appear. New items of Urgent Business will be considered under Item 9 below).


There were none.




Members of the Board must declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any discussion with respect to those items.


There were no declarations of interest.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 285 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 October 2022 as a correct record.


The job title for Mr Eubert Malcolm would be changed. Mr Gavin Douglas’ attendance and Ms Jackie Difolco’s apologies would be recorded.


That subject to the above changes, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 October 2022 be agreed as a correct record.




To consider any new items of Urgent Business admitted under Item 2 above.


Ms Jackie Difolco’s membership would be added.




Verbal update by Beverley Hendricks and Charlie Spencer.



A presentation was provided by Ms Ann Graham, Ms Beverley Hendricks and Mr Charlie Spencer. 

The meeting welcomed the presentation and heard that:


·      Part of the purpose of the work was to ensure that young people’s voices were being heard.The themes of the feedback would be summarised and responses would be provided. A communication card was being developed which young people could produce to inform if they were autistic (or had other key information about themselves). This was work in development. 

·      With the support of the Police, more and more groups would be listened to with an aim to change legislation.

·      As part of the app, there was a facility which allowed for a function to record any stop and search incidents and the app would generally allow to provide an understanding of the experiences of young people.

·      The work had been to helpful in informing the work being done in the Youth Justice Service. Via Think Space, young people were being consulted on how to influence service design and decision making. Some of the feedback related to how relationships could be strengthened with the Police.

·      Some programs which were already in operation at Enfield were being developed at Haringey so that training programs could be developed and used so that the Police would be able to support SEN needs where necessary.

·      Partners working in the health sector needed to be part of the discussion. Some young people had not fully developed speech and language skills and this was an important point of focus as it was important for young people to be able to communicate effectively. 

·      A bracelet could be used for young people as a good alternative to carrying a card.

·      Some who were autistic were already carrying cards that they were able to present to the Police if necessary.

·      The Mayor of London had an action plan on accountability and trust in the Police published in 2020 and this would support the work being done in Haringey.

·      Work needed to be done to address inter-generational issues.

·      There were challenges in the N22, N17 and N15 areas. A conversation on how to continue making referrals when young people were stopped and searched in problem profile areas would be welcome. This could be considered by the Metropolitan Police.



That the presentation be noted.




A verbal update for policing commitments in London. .



Co-Chair, Ms Caroline Haines, Rhona Hunt and Mr Marco Bardetti presented the item.

The meeting welcomed the presentation and heard that:


·      Innovation hubs were not being run by the Police, they were being run by members of the community and people were being paid for their time.

·      The joint-working with the Police was growing well and progress was being made.

·      A presentation had been delivered from Police colleagues regarding an initiative whereby presentations could be made to girls in schools regarding women’s safety and domestic violence.

·      The drugs trade had a negative effect on crime in Haringey and taking approaches to tackle the issue was important.

·      There were geographical disparities in the borough. For example, there was more reported crime in the east of the borough and it was important to be directing resources and being responsive to the different needs of the community. 

·      The N15, N17 and N22 areas historically had consistent levels of crime. The wards were being examined and crime generators for the areas were being considered.

·      There was concern in the Harringay area regarding street drug dealing. Residents had also stated that they were not being given a response to issues that they raised or evidence that they submitted and this was a cause of frustration. Residents needed to be seen as part of the work done in the borough.

·      Responsiveness from the Police was becoming a priority at the Metropolitan Police and a high priority at a local level in Haringey.




That the presentation be noted.




·         WOA

·         Pre-enagement consultation


Mr Joe Benmore had an update for Weeks Of Action being carried out by the borough. This included colleagues internally such as Parking Planning, Housing, the Police and other external services being present in Wood Green for a period of seven days. It was also important to be seen by members of the community generally and engaging with them verbally. As a result, several actions were taken including parking and planning enforcement and antisocial behaviour enforcement such as littering on the spot. There was also graffiti removal carried out. Many members of the public voluntarily engaged with officers and were generally happy to see officers.

It was encouraging to see the Council working with the Police and this was would assist with building confidence. The outcome and the learning areas would be evaluated.

The Chair thanked all those involved in the process.

The meeting also heard that Phase 1 of the Community Safety and Hate Crime Strategy Development would be published in 2023. A pre-consultation engagement was being carried out and had started on 5 December 2022 and would run until 18 December 2022. The engagement included online and face-to-face engagement. A widespread of views from the borough had been sought and engagements had been made in Tottenham, Hornsey, Crouch End, Green Lanes and Muswell Hill. The early findings indicated that people were agreeing with the key themes with the community safety and hate crime strategies. This included issues with drug dealing, racism and antisocial behaviour. There had also been a considerable response from the surveys regarding Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs). 

The findings from the surveys would be evaluated, a report for Cabinet would be prepared for February 2023 and a request would be made to formally consult.




To note the dates of future meetings set out below:



9 February 2023




The next meeting would be held on 9 February 2023 at 2:00pm.