Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Tuesday, 29th July, 2014 3.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Maria Fletcher X 1512 

No. Item


Election of Chair(s) for municipal year


Spencer Alden-Smith nominated Cllr Vanier and Victor Olisa as co-chairs for the Board for the current municipal year. This was seconded by Andrew Blight. 





·         That Cllr Bernice Vanier and Chief Superintendent Victor Olisa be co-chairs of the Community Safety Partnership for the 2014-15 municipal year.


Terms of reference pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To confirm the draft Community Safety Partnership terms of reference for the municipal year.


The Board considered a revised version of its terms of reference inline with the new municipal year. The opportunity had also been taken to review the membership list in order to ensure appropriate partner representation whilst keeping the Board manageable and an effective size.


It was agreed that Tracie Evans, the Council’s Interim Chief Operating Officer should be added to the membership and the London Fire Brigade and Probation Service be added as key partners to the meeting quorum condition. A map of the working groups sitting underneath the Board was also requested for addition to the terms of reference document in the interests of clarity.


The Board agreed that an emerging issues item be added to future meeting agendas to allow partners to update the group on key issues within their organisations.




·         That subject to the amendments above, the terms of reference of the Community Safety Partnership for the 2014-15 municipal year be agreed.






To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Douglas Charlton, Tracie Evans, Gareth Llywelynn-Roberts, Joanne McCartney, Lisa Redfern and Cllr Ann Waters.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 March as a correct record.




·         That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 March be agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.


Performance update Q1 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered items 7 and 8 together to look at quarter 1 performance against strategic outcomes and the Community Safety Delivery Plan 2014-15.



Outcome 1 – public confidence in policing

·         The declining numbers of Police Cadets and the formalising of the Youth Independent Advisory Group remained challenges going forward.

·         Performance in relation to stop and search was good.

·         In terms of the MOPAC 7 targets, the 20% reduction in crime over 4 years target was on track, although at the half year mark a more detailed analysis of the underpinning figures would be undertaken to look at key priorities such as domestic violence etc.

·         In response to a question, it was advised that the Stone Roses Finsbury Park concert was still impacting on theft from person performance figures but would soon fall from inclusion within the time period assessed.

·         The process for dealing with buskers within town centres was queried, with concerns that some could be deemed as causing anti-social behaviour. It was advised this would require a joint approach between the Council and Police. Stephen McDonnell agreed to take this forward in conjunction with local Safer Neighbourhood Teams.


Outcome 2 – Prevent and gangs

·         Good progress had been achieved by the Integrated Gangs Unit, particularly in relation to reducing reoffending. The likelihood of performance dipping later in the year was cautioned linked to judicial disposals.

·         Access to appropriate housing provision and the resourcing of the Police Gangs Disruption Unit were key concerns going forward. Superintendant Dellar agreed to review the resourcing of the Unit inline with the new policing model in response to concerns that PCs were routinely taken off to fulfil other duties.


Outcome 3 – domestic violence

·         Progress generally good or classified as underway.

·         The Board discussed the issues establishing the IRIS project including with funding, IT and achieving GP buy in. It was agreed that in the interests of progressing this, consideration needed to be given to an alternative work around utilising existing GP IT software to resolve the current gap in GP referrals. It was requested that an update be provided at the next meeting on plans to achieve the outcome required outside of the current system issues, although it was acknowledged that achieving GP buy in constituted a longer term issue to be addressed.


Outcome 4 – reoffending

·         Good performance had been achieved overall including a reduction in reoffending. It was however caveated that performance would potentially decline later in the year owing to individuals subject to outstanding judicial disposal. The number of cases dealt with was also rising and was predicted to exceed the end of year target.

·         Key challenges going forward included housing provision and the small number of females in the cohort. With reference to the major issue of housing, concerns were expressed that a potential consequence would be vulnerable people accommodated in high risk housing, particularly in terms of fire safety. The Borough Fire Commander stressed the important role Home Fire Safety visits offered by the Service could play  ...  view the full minutes text for item 111.


Community Safety Delivery Plans and Q1 update pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


This item was covered under item 7.


Haringey Community Trigger pdf icon PDF 138 KB


The Board considered a report on the implementation of the Haringey Community Trigger, whereby victims and communities would have the right to require action where an ongoing problem had not been addressed and which would become a statutory requirement from October. MOPAC had recently clarified the London definition of the trigger threshold.   


The Board emphasised the importance of putting in place a comprehensive communication plan covering the introduction of the new mechanism such as  ensuring the training of appropriate staff etc. A steer was awaited from MOPAC regarding arrangements for communicating the new system on partner websites. It was requested that an update on progress be provided at the next meeting.


It was agreed that consideration needed to be given to incorporating and making more explicit the support pathways linked to the referrals process map. Clarification was also required on how victims or perpetrators with sensitive diagnoses such as mental health issues would be accommodated within the process.





·         That the update be noted.



Haringey Corporate Plan (verbal item)


An update was given on the development process for the new Council Corporate Plan covering 2015-18. Workshops held to date had suggested three outcomes - outstanding for all, clean green and safe and sustainable housing, growth and employment, and seven priorities including prevention and early help, partnership working and empowering communities. It was acknowledged that the Plan would need to be set within the context of a dwindling resource envelope.


The Board discussed the importance of maintaining a focus on prevention as opposed to responsive service provision in working towards the safest borough objective. This would be a considerable challenge in recognition of the difficulty in establishing a supporting business case for investment and also achieving the necessary organisational culture change. The considerable benefits of this approach were recognised however including reducing duplication, facilitating early co-ordination of services, building community resilience etc.


In terms of the next steps for the Plan, priorities, objectives and KPIs would be further refined during August and which would then lead into a community engagement process in the autumn. The difficulty in engaging with hard to reach groups was acknowledged by all partners, although HAVCO advised they had had success with a number of new approaches recently which could be capitalised on. It was intended that the plan would be submitted for final approval by Cabinet in December.




·         That the update be noted.


Strategic Policing (verbal item)


The Borough Police Commander gave a short overview of recent changes to the local policing model within the borough, including amendments to the structure of frontline service provision and a shift in focus towards quality as well as achieving key MOPAC targets. Key areas of focus going forward would be domestic violence, gangs and youth safety.


The approach in terms of utilising external specialist resources was also outlined including a Trident placement in the borough earlier in the year and the key successes achieved from using a targeted approach to gang related offending including a significant number of arrests. Going forward, a bid had been submitted for the Territorial Support Group to undertake a placement within the borough from 11 August for a month to provide additional support over the summer. In response to a question, confirmation was provided that external resources were also utilised as a preventative approach, for example covert resources had been deployed in Ducketts Common to deal with a drug dealing issue. It was agreed that a balance needed to be struck in terms of public perception around Trident coming into the borough to encourage confidence in the new approach of the team and provide reassurance to communities from their presence.




·         That the update be noted.


Haringey Families First (HFF) performance highlight and exception report pdf icon PDF 136 KB


A short outline was provided of the Haringey Families First programme providing focussed support to 865 families meeting the Troubled Families criteria. Owing to time constraints, it was agreed that this item be deferred to the next meeting to allow fuller discussion of the programme, particular as Haringey was aiming to become an early adopter for phase 2 in order to help an additional number of families. This would require a wider Council and partnership working approach as local authorities now had greater flexibility in defining the criteria used to determine the families worked with. Opportunities also existed with partners to look at links between services and to review shared objectives and outcomes in order to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and help streamline processes and resources.




·         That the update be noted and a fuller discussion session scheduled for the next meeting. 


Tottenham Strategic Regeneration Framework and Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


A brief introduction was given to the recently approved Tottenham Regeneration Framework and accompanying 20 year delivery plan. Work would now progress to implementation including examining underpinning data and embedding a joined up approach to delivery and determining how performance and outcomes would be monitored.


The work of the Board would particularly link in with the ‘make Tottenham feel safe’ aspiration of the plans. It was recognised that as part of the regeneration process there would be opportunities to look at investment options within the wider definition of ‘safety’ such as exploring the potential for the installation of fire sprinkler systems in new social housing built in the area.


Owing to time constraints, it was agreed that this item be deferred to the next meeting to allow fuller discussion.


An update would also be provided at the next meeting on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh which linked in with a number of other key strategies and plans.





·         That the update be noted and the item, plus an update on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh, added to the agenda for the next meeting.


Any Other Business

·         Adult safeguarding audit

·         Finance update

·         Gangs workshop update


Finance update

There was currently a £25k MOPAC underspend. Monies had now been confirmed for the next three years. The £1.6m MAC-UK bid was on track.


Gangs workshop update

A 10 year strategy was being developed. Links would be established with the Tottenham Strategic Regeneration Plan.









Dates of Future Meetings

To note the dates of future meetings set out below:

·         18 September

·         11 December

·         19 March 2015




18 September