Agenda and minutes

Special, Community Safety Partnership
Tuesday, 18th December, 2012 4.00 pm, NEW

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Maria Fletcher X 1512 

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Cllr Newton, Andrea Bennett (Joe Benmore substituted) and Mark Landy.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October as a correct record.




·        That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October be agreed as an accurate record.



Strategic Assessment - phase 1 results and next steps pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


The Partnership received a short presentation outlining progress with the development of Haringey’s annual Strategic Assessment, the findings for which would inform the drafting of the new Community Safety Strategy as well as the development of the funding bid to MOPAC.


Phase one of the process had now been completed, comprising an initial scan of crime and ASB data followed by a prioritisation exercise using a matrix to rank each data set. This had informed the drafting of a proposed set of emerging priorities which would form the focus for a more in depth analysis exercise constituting phase 2 of the process. This would commence in January and would also include community engagement on the proposed emerging priorities which would inform the final draft of the Assessment which would be submitted to the CSP in April.


In response to questions about how meaningful consultation would be undertaken with hard to reach groups as part of the community engagement exercise, it was advised that a consultation plan to cover this was at an early stage of development. Both existing community forums such as SNT panels, Homes for Haringey resident’s panels etc as well as new engagement avenues would be considered to ensure as wide coverage as possible. The Partnership agreed the importance of devising a short summary document for the consultation in order to ensure a strategic focussed approach was conveyed.


The Partnership noted that key partnership officers were proposed to be interviewed under phase 2 of the process to provide professional input into the determination of emerging priorities. This was particularly important as it was agreed that a variation in emerging priorities might be required in different areas of the borough according to local issues, particularly in Super Output Areas. It was also agreed that hate crime and sexual offences also needed consideration as potential emerging priorities. 


Confirmation was provided that the crossover of the Assessment with the work of the shadow Health and Wellbeing Board was being managed through fortnightly meetings between the Chair and Dir Public Health.




·        That the update be noted.





Haringey's bid for Mayor funding (2013 and beyond) pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Additional documents:


The Partnership was updated on a letter received from MOPAC confirming some further details of the bidding process for crime reduction funding, although a number of uncertainties still remained as raised at the last meeting. A copy of the letter would be circulated to the CSP. The likelihood of a reduction in funding had been confirmed and that boroughs were required to submit competing integrated funding bids as individual borough allocations would not be made. The submission deadline had been advised as the end of February. It had also been clarified that additional victim support monies would not be included within next years funding round. 


It was advised that the Deputy Mayor would be visiting the borough on Thursday and that the opportunity would be taken to obtain feedback on the bidding process and draft bid in order to ensure the final submitted was as strong as possible, appropriately aligned to Mayoral priorities and constituted an integrated bid that set out a clear story. Joanne McCartney also advised that she had a meeting scheduled on Thursday morning with the Deputy Mayor and which would serve as an opportunity to ask further questions around the bidding process. CSP members were asked to forward any outstanding questions directly to Joanne.


In relation to developing Haringey’s bid, individual bids received to date had been reviewed by an independent panel, through a workshop session and the CSP Executive. A task and finish group would be established to lead on development of the final bid. The importance was emphasised of the final bid identifying clear outcomes, reflecting consideration of the synergies between individual elements and focus on a long term approach to funding now it had been advised that four year bids would be accepted by MOPAC.


The CSP noted the proposed timetable for the bid process, culminating in the Partnership signing off the bid prior to final submission in mid February. The challenging nature of the timescale was noted and at a wider level, the knock on impact on voluntary sector groups currently receiving funding in this area. Additional compounding factors included the finalisation of other key documents within a similar time period including phase 2 of the Strategic Assessment, consultation on the Mayor’s Policing and Crime Plan and the community safety review.




·        That the update be noted.



Local policing model - developments and next steps


The Borough Commander provided an update on the ‘Met Change’ transformation programme underway within the MPS and on progress determining a new local policing model. Considerable ongoing uncertainty remained on the framework to be applied to determine the local policing model for the borough and the associated number of officers. A number of structural changes had however already been applied in Haringey in anticipation of the new model including an enhanced neighbourhood policing team, slimmer CID etc. Early assessments were also being undertaken so far as possible to model the potential impact of different modelling permutations in the borough. 


The Partnership raised concern regarding future MPS access arrangements within the borough, in particular the importance of continuing to press for a 24 hour police presence in Tottenham and indeed, putting forward the case for more than one 24 hour police station in the borough. The Chair agreed to write a letter on behalf of the CSP outlining this position, a draft of which would be forward to the CSP for comment before being sent.


Performance update


A performance update was provided on behalf of the PMG based on the data period up to 12 December. Positive highlights included a reduction in acquisitive crime and violence with injury, a 28% decrease in personal robbery in comparison to the same period last year and a fall in levels of motor vehicle crime. The Police also advised of good forensic detection rates for burglary and robberies within the borough.


Performance in relation to domestic violence and youth re-offending remained a concern. A 27% increase had been seen in domestic violence incidents within the borough, although it was noted that this was broadly in line with the increase reported at a pan-London level since changes to the definition had come into force. The Police also advised of the compounding impact of the absence now of a local CPS presence locally following a centralisation exercise. The Standing Together review recommendations would be important in trying to address performance issues with regards to domestic violence, including the potential for monitoring a wider range of performance indicators in this area such as conviction rates, re-offending levels etc.

Performance remained in the bottom quartile for youth re-offending and it was acknowledged that further evaluation work was required to identify the reasons for this.

It was advised that two special meetings of the PMG would be scheduled to look at these two areas of concern in more detail and which would be reported back to the CSP in due course.


Following concerns expressed at the last meeting regarding youth offending data and performance monitoring, it was updated that an improvement plan was now in place which had had some success in progressing some of the underlying indicators from red RAG status. Prevention work in this area would also be looked at in more detail going forward.


It was advised that an encouraging increase had recently been seen in engagement with the Nacro run gang project and as such, a bid was in place for MOPAC funding evidencing the early outcomes.





·        That the update be noted.



Key recommendations from Gang Peer Review and Standing Together DV review - verbal update


The CSP received a verbal update on the outcome of two recent reviews; the mandatory peer review of gang work within the borough and the Standing Together review of domestic violence services. Summary reports for both reviews were currently being finalised and accompanying action plans developed which would both be submitted to the CSP for consideration in due course.  


It was advised that a similar number of recommendations had arisen from both reviews, and which included five key areas of overlap: the need for clear vision/strategies in both areas, performance management improvements, further evidence base/data analysis exercises, working with the Third Sector and responding to the community and risk and prioritisation. At a wider level, the need had been identified for the Partnership to articulate its priorities more clearly, although it was recognised that this would be facilitated by the Strategic Assessment in providing a more streamlined approach to emerging priorities.




·        That the update be noted.



Any Other Business

To raise any items of AOB.


·        Joanne McCartney advised of the publication of an options report relating to Fire Authority cuts and which would eventually constitute part of the overall Fire Plan. Of particular concern was the inclusion of a proposal to close Tottenham Fire Station. It was agreed that the details of this report would be sent to the Chair to circulate as there was a lack of awareness of the existence of this report across the Partnership. The Chair would then pick up the issue with Spencer Alden-Smith outside the meeting. If necessary, this issue would be added to the agenda of the special CSP meeting required in the new year. 



·        The Noel Park Week of Action was currently underway, consisting of a programme of 70 activities including high visibility patrolling, various engagement events, a deep clean of the area, re-launch of the Communication Link system for shop owners etc. Early indications were that the initiative was already starting to achieve a number of the stated outcomes such as a reduction in crime, partnership working etc. In recognition of this, it was proposed that this could be included as part of the MOPAC bid with demonstrated outcomes. Further evaluation of its success would also determine the potential for roll out of the model in other areas of the borough. A summary report would be provided to the next meeting. 


Dates of Future Meetings

To note the dates of future meetings set out below:

·        21 March 2013




A special meeting would be scheduled in the new year to look at the MOPAC bid prior to final submission.


The next ordinary meeting was scheduled for 21 March 2013.