Agenda and draft minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Thursday, 19th May, 2011 12.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Xanthe Barker  2916

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from the following:


Anne Lippitt                           - Robin Payne

Joanne McCartney                - Sam Evans substituted

Sajda Mughal

Barbara Nicholls

Pamela Pemberton              - Olivia Darby substituted



Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any items of Urgent Business. (Late items of Urgent Business will be considered where they appear. New items of Urgent Business will be considered under Item 14 below).




Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board must declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any discussion with respect to those items.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2011 as a correct record.


Prior to confirmation of the minutes the following updates were provided:






That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2011 be confirmed as a correct record.


Terrorism Update

A verbal update will be provided by the Borough Commander.


Performance Highlights - Financial Year 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 165 KB


The Board received a report that provided an overview of performance against principal community safety targets at the end of 2011/12.


The following areas of performance were highlighted:


Overall crime – down by 4.5% in comparison with the previous year. Since 2003 total notifiable offences had fallen by 37% in Haringey.

Most serious violent crime – down by 30.4% in comparison with the previous year.

Knife crime –

Serious acquisitive crime – down by 1.6% in comparison with the previous year; although the annual target of 2.6% was not met. Residential burglary and vehicular crime had risen slightly over the last six month period, which was anticipated given the economic backdrop.

Residential burglary – this had fallen by 3.6% missing the annual target by 4.4%.

Drug and alcohol treatment – due to the way information was gathered the number of people entering ‘effective treatment’ could not be calculate until August. There had been a 24% increase in alcohol related admissions to hospital during the first two quarters of the year in comparison with the previous year. As a consequence the Alcohol Needs Assessment was being reviewed and this would be presented to the Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy Group.

Reducing re-offending -



The Board discussed the report and it was noted that Victim Support had applied to the Victim and Witness Protection Fund for assistance with ? In response to a query the Board was advised that £30K was required in order to fund a dedicated post and to the running costs of the ? It was indicated that the MPA may be able to assist with an element of this.






Haringey Community Safety Plan 2011 -14 pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Please note that all strategies except the Adult Drug Treatment Plan (attached under Item 13 for information) are still in draft form at present.

As part of discussion partners are asked to provide any further information on partnership resources and key indicators.


Ø      Haringey’s Community Safety Strategy 2011-14 (pages 19 – 35)

Ø      Appendix 1:  Delivery Plan 2011-12 (pages 36 – 44)

Ø      Appendix 2:  Haringey Adult Re-offending Strategy 2011-14 (pages 45 – 64)

Ø      Appendix 3:  Haringey Annual Youth Justice Plan and Equalities Impact 2011/12 (pages 65 – 84)





Additional documents:


The Board received the overarching Haringey Community Safety Plan 2011-14 and Delivery Plan and the sub strategies list below:


Ø      Haringey Adult Re-offending Strategy 2011-14

Ø      Haringey Annual Youth Justice Plan and Equalities Impact Assessment 2011/12


It was noted that there were areas within the plan where data was outstanding and needed to be worked through. Members of the Board was asked to indicate whether they were broadly happy with its content and if there were any additional areas that they felt should be incorporated.


It was suggested that an objective around street cleanliness should be incorporated as this was often an area that created a perception that an area was run down. The new waste management contract provided for the collection of data and there was agreement that this should be analysed and used to identify areas where action was required and this approach could be set out in the plan.


The Board was advised that once the new Area Committees came online they would be used to gather additional local data that would also be fed into the plan. These meetings would also be used to inform working priorities and to create a better understanding of what was happening on the ground.


In terms of the partnership delivery structure it was proposed that there would be a reduction in the number of Boards sitting beneath the SCEB. Any work outside the remit of the Boards would be pulled together by the relevant policy lead and reported to the Community Safety Partnership.



Youth, Community and Participation (New Approach to Innovation)

A verbal update will be provided.


The Board was given a verbal update with respect to the reconfiguration of the Council’s Children and Young People’s Service.


As part of the Council’s review of it’s services and staffing structure, in light of the significant reduction in the funding received from central Government, the services provided by the Council for Children and Young People had been refocused in order to ensure that the resources available were targeted towards the most vulnerable groups.


It had been considered important to preserve frontline services wherever possible and in order to achieve this there had been a reduction from four to two business units these covered Prevention and Early Intervention and Children and Families.


In addition to the loss of funding received directly by the Council a number of external funding streams had also been heavily reduced including a 75% reduction to ‘Youth London’ and £2m from the ‘Extended Schools’ grant. These had funded after school care and activities and their loss would create a significant gap in the provision of this type of care.


There was agreement that once the new structure had embedded it would be useful if there was discussion with the Board around the new arrangements.


The Board discussed the proposals and it was noted that alongside the reorganisation of the service there were also reductions to other funding streams including a 75% reduction to ‘Youth London’ and a £2m reduction to the ‘Extended Schools’ programme, both of which provided after school care and activities; the gap that this created and the impact in terms of community safety would required further consideration.


It was noted that the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) would play a  crucial role in new arrangements in these areas and it was noted that the Police Consultative Group (PCG) might be able to assist in working with the sector to establish how this might work in practice.


In terms of the relationship between the Area Committees and the Children’s Networks the Board was advised that there was a role for these to play in assisting to provide support and advice for young people; however, this had not been thought through as yet. It was noted that several pieces of work were in development at present and that it would be possible to provide a more comprehensive update at the next meeting.


There was also a general consensus that the emphasis on the family was key in terms of addressing issues in a holistic way that pooling resources for joint working on this area should be a focus for the Board.


It was agreed that an illustration of the structure chart for Children and Young People’s Services should be circulated with the minutes.


The Chair thanked the Jan Doust for her update and agreed that it would be useful for a further report to be brought to the meeting in October.




  1. That the verbal update be noted.
  2. That a further report should be brought to the next meeting.









Engaging with Mental Health Services

A verbal update will be provided.


The Board received a verbal on the engagement with Mental Health Services.


It was noted that the Mental Health Partnership provided the primary mechanism for engagement with partners working in the sector. Other forums included the Older People’s Partnership and a sub group that focused on dementia and this was led by the Assistant Director for Adult Social Care. An open invite was extended to members of the Board to attend the Mental Health Partnership.


In addition the Council’s Mental Health Strategy had been launched last year and the Board was advised that there was a close working relationship between the Assistant Director for Adult Social Care and the Chief Executive of the Mental Health Trust.


At present the Mental Health Trust was undergoing a reorganisation and there was agreement that it would be useful if a structure chart outlining the new structure could be circulated once this was available.


The Board was advised that one of the key drivers behind the Mental Health Strategy was to support the delivery of more locally based services and the personalised care agenda. It also placed a strong emphasis on prevention and non clinical services such as the IAPT.


It was noted that Lee Bojtor, Mental Health Trust, had been written to on behalf of the Board, requesting that a permanent representative was nominated and this action was endorsed.


In response to a request for clarification as to how the relationship between the Mental Health services, the Council and Police would operate at an operational level and whether this would be via the Wood Green ‘hub’, the Board was advised that the Police were currently undertaking a piece of work ????




That the verbal update be noted.






Update from Metropolitan Police Authority

A verbal update will be provided.


The Board was provided with a verbal update with respect to issues affecting the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA).


It was noted that there were several strands of work and changes in legislation in train both nationally and in London, which would affect the Community Safety Partnership.


The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) – the MPA would continue to be responsible for communication and consultation and for the production of the Policing and Crime Plan.


The Localism Bill - addressed the relationship between Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Committees and the Mayor’s Office for Police and Crime (MOPC)


Local Crime and ? Board – this would be a multi agency group (including the MOPC) that would be responsible for the allocation of community safety funding to each Borough. This relationship between this body and other criminal justice agencies was still being worked through.


These were being rolled out in London ahead of the rest of the country as there was already regional government structures in place to facilitate the arrangements. It was anticipated that the Bill would receive royal assent in July and if this was the case the new arrangements would be implemented on 1 October.


Late Night Levies – it was proposed that this would be administered by the Mayor’s office and made available to the Mayor to develop measures to address alcohol related crime and disorder resulting from the late night alcohol industry. There would be no obligation on the Mayor to redistribute the proceeds of this to the Boroughs from which the levy was raised.


There was agreement that the collection of a local tax by the Mayor’s office seemed odd and


Community Triggers – these were being assed as part of the 










Overview of New Single Frontline

A verbal update will be given.


This item was deferred until the next meeting.


Risk Register

A verbal update will be given.


The Board was advised that the Risk Register was being reviewed in order to reflect the much changed


Adult Drug Treatment Plan / Draft Alcohol Strategy

The Adult Drug Treatment Plan and draft Alcohol Strategy are attached for information.


New Items of Urgent Business

To consider any new items of Urgent Business admitted under Item 2 above.


There were no items of Urgent Business.


Any Other Business

To raise any items of AOB.


It was noted that this would be the last meeting that Jennifer James would be attending as she was leaving the Local Authority. On behalf of the Board the Chair thanked her for her contribution.


Dates of Future Meetings

To note the draft dates of future meetings set out below:


Ø      12.00pm, 6 October 2011, Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Ø      12.00pm, 15 December 2011, Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Ø      12.00pm, 1 March 2012, Council Chamber, Civic Centre


Please note that these dates are subject to change until 23 May when the Council’s Calendar of Meetings if formally agreed. Members of the Board will be advised following the meeting.


The dates of future meeting, set out below, were noted: