Agenda and draft minutes

Wednesday, 5th April, 2023 11.30 am

Contact: Felicity Foley, Committees Manager  2919, Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.




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Extension to Contract for Multi-Disciplinary Professional Services (project management, quantity surveying and principal designer), Housing Property Services pdf icon PDF 223 KB


The Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters and Planning considered the report which sought approval for the extension of the existing contract of Ridge and Partners LLP for Multi-Disciplinary Professional Services to LB of Haringey for a period of two years from April 2023 to April 2025, exercising the option to extend as noted by Cabinet in February 2018.  Further approval was also sought to delegate any further extensions to the Director of Housing and Placemaking, up to the original 5 years as noted in the February 2018 cabinet report.  It was advised that if required, there was capacity to extend this for a further two period after April 2025.


The Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters and Planning RESOLVED to


1.            Approve the extension of the Contract with Ridge and Partners LLP for Multi-Disciplinary Professional Services for a value of up to £5m and a period of 2 years, exercising the option to extend as noted by Cabinet in February 2018; and


2.            Delegate authority to approve further extensions of the Contract to the Director of Housing and Placemaking, up to the original 5 years as noted in the February 2018 cabinet report.


Reasons for decision


In order to deliver the capital programme, Haringey Council require services (such as Project Management; Architecture; Building Surveying; Cost Consultancy; Mechanical, Electrical and Lift Engineering Design; CDM 2015 (advisory and Principal Designer); Civil and Structural Engineering) in addition to any internal resource. The existing arrangements for housing capital works have been in place since February 2018.


As we move towards delivering a new partnering construction contract, approved by cabinet in July 2022, the extension of this multi-disciplinary professional services contract offers continuity, flexibility and resource availability to the programme as it enters the next phase of delivery. It should also be noted there are ongoing projects that carry forward into future financial years.


The award supports the ongoing housing investment projects at Broadwater Farm, Tower Gardens estate, Love Lane estate, Turner Avenue, Firs House, Noel Park and Scattered street properties throughout the borough. The award supports planned works ahead of the new partnering contract in financial years 23/24 and 24/25.


Alternative options considered


An alternative option would be for Haringey Council to use various industry frameworks to deliver the capital programme. This option was discounted in the original procurement as Haringey require support to deliver capital works. These contracts often extend over one year which means the contract is classed as a long-term qualifying agreement. To be compliant with Section 20 legislation, long-term qualifying agreements must be consulted with leaseholders before they are established. As external frameworks are already established, it is impossible to consult leaseholders in a manner which complies with Section 20 legislation and a lack of compliance with this legislation could lead to a failure to recover costs from leaseholders. 


A do nothing option would mean the service is not able to deliver capital works to the housing stock and the condition of the stock would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.