Agenda and minutes

Extension to Gas Works Contract / Additional Cost Report for Firs House Fire Reinstatement Works / Broadwater Farm - Kitchen and Bathroom Programme / Award of Contracts for Electrical Inspection Condi, Cabinet Member Signing
Friday, 21st October, 2022 10.00 am

Contact: Fiona Rae, Acting Committees Manager  3541, Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence. 



Declarations of interest

A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct


There were no declarations of interest. 



Extension to Gas Works Contract pdf icon PDF 288 KB


On 15th June 2021 Cabinet approved an award to Mulalley & Company Ltd for In September 2019 Home for Haringey commenced a procurement to identify contractors to carry out gas related servicing and repairs to its properties within the Western and Eastern regions of the borough.


The Managing Director of Homes for Haringey under delegated powers awarded two contracts, each for an initial term of two years with an option to extend up to three years in one year increments up to (maximum term of five years). These contracts were awarded to:


   Purdy Contracts Ltd – Contract value £2.39m per annum

   K&T Heating Services Limited – Contract value £2.36m per annum


The Council was now approaching the end of the initial contract term and would like to exercise the option of extending both of the above contracts for a further 12-month period commencing October 2022.


That for the approval of future contract extensions as permitted under the two contracts, the Councils Standing Orders and in accordance with regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations (2015) is delegated to the Director of Placemaking and Housing.



The Cabinet Member RESOLVED 



1. To approve the implementation of Contract Standing Order 10.02.1 b. pursuant to Contract Standing Order 16.02 and agree to extend both current Gas Servicing contracts with the following contractors:


   Purdy Contracts Limited, Value of 1st year extension is £2.39 million.

   K&T Heating Services Limited, value of 1st year extension is £2.36 million


2. Each contract is to be extended for a period of 12 months commencing from 2nd

October 2022 until the 1st of October 2023.


3. To delegate the approval of future contract extensions, as permitted under the two contracts, the Councils Standing Orders, and in accordance with regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations (2015), to the Director of Placemaking and Housing.


Reasons for decision 


The reasons for seeking to extend this contract were set out below:


In order to continue with the servicing and maintenance of Domestic & Commercial heating systems with minimal disruption to the residents.


To ensure continuity of ensuring that we are adhering to regulation 36 (Duties of Landlords) under the gas safe regulations 1998 to keep our residents safe.


This was the most economically advantageous route as a new procurement would inflate the contract sum under the current financial climate.


When the original procurement was conducted there were large savings made over the previous contract.


Alternative options considered


Undertaking a full procurement exercise to re-tender the contract

As the contract was procured as a 2 year plus 3 x 1-year extensions it would not have been viable to go through a full tender exercise as this could take between 9-12 months to procure, also the contractors' performance was good, so it was felt that there was no need to re-procure for a new contract at this stage. However, there was an interest for this service to be insourced within the Council, a review will be conducted within the next 12  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Additional Cost Report for Firs House Fire Reinstatement Works pdf icon PDF 247 KB


The report requested authorisation for additional variation of costs under an

existing building contract approved by Cabinet in March 2021.


This would be the final variation for phase 1 of the project.


The contractor would be monitored closely.


The energy gas use should decrease, improved heating system and should use and burn less gas. Wee've got 6-7 different types of building,


It was confirmed that the affected ward was Woodside ward.


The Cabinet Member RESOLVED 


1. In accordance with Contract Standing Order 10.02.1(b) and Contract Standing Order 16.02, to approve additional costs and variations for Firs House Fire Reinstatement Works as follows:


2. To approve a variation of the contract with Cosmur (London) Limited to increase the value of the contract sum of £999,622.88, by £158,938, to an aggregate value of £1,158,561.


3. To approve a variation to the associated consultant contract with Ridge and Partners to increase the value of the contract sum by £33,223 for additional consultants’ fees, resulting in a total aggregate value of £119,103.


4. To agree that the cost of these works will not be recharged to the leaseholders of properties as the majority of the works are expected to be covered by insurance and the Major Works Capital Programme.


Reasons for decision 


The Firs House Fire Reinstatement Works were approved by Cabinet in March 2021 and mobilised in September 2021. Additional works costs are required to reinstate building components that could not be contained within the provisional and contingency sums and to carry out additional improvements works including those recommended by Haringey Building Control, to bring the works up to current building standards.



Alternative options considered


The option of not doing the works was considered but rejected. As the Landlord, Haringey Council has a duty to ensure that the property meets the Decent Homes and current Health and Safety standards. It was more cost effective to include the works within the existing contract whilst on site as the works were integral to the dwellings and will be less disruptive for our residents.



Broadwater Farm - Kitchen and Bathroom Programme pdf icon PDF 347 KB


The report sought approval to directly award a contract, valued at £670,000.00. The contract will deliver upgrades to 75 homes on the Broadwater Farm Estate, to include the replacement of 39 kitchens and 63 bathrooms.


The work would be complete this financial year.



The Cabinet Member RESOLVED 


1. In line with Contract Standing Order (CSO) 16.02, to approve the award of a contract to Contractor A (as set out in Appendix 1, the exempt report) to the value of £670,000.00 for the refurbishment of kitchens and bathrooms on the Broadwater Farm Estate.


2. To approve a provisional sum to enable un-surveyed properties to be included in the programme. The value of the provisional sum is detailed in Appendix 1 (the exempt report).


3. To agree to the appointment of Ridge and Partners LLP to act as Principal Designer and Cost Consultant. The charging rates are detailed in Appendix 1 (the exempt report).


Reasons for decision 


The project will deliver upgrades to 75 homes, delivering a total of 39 new kitchens and 63 bathrooms to properties on the Broadwater Farm Estate. The works would ensure residents had new modern facilities, including mobility showers for tenants who have been assessed by Haringey’s Occupational Therapist. Works would also include new smoke alarms and heat detectors, along with fire doors to kitchens, new flooring, tiling and redecorations.


To directly award the contract using the London Housing Consortium (LHC) Framework for the refurbishment of kitchens and bathrooms. The project would be let under a JCT Minor Works Building Contract with Contractor’s Design 2016 Edition (JCT MWD 2016). The process has been overseen and approved by Procurement, the Council’s Commercial and Contracts officers and the London Housing Consortium (LHC).



Alternative options considered


Do nothing


This option was not possible, as recent surveys found that the kitchens and/or bathrooms to 75 properties on the Broadwater Farm Estate fail the Decent Homes standard and ware in need of replacement.


Defer the project and include in the major refurbishment programme

This was considered and discounted, as the pilot refurbishment programme was not due to start until summer of 2023 and will only include works to Rochford and Martlesham. Works to other blocks have yet to be scoped and programmed – which based on current estimates, are unlikely to start before 2025, with a delivery programme of 5–7-years. If the kitchen and bathroom programme was deferred for a further 5-7- years, properties which are currently failing Haringey’s standards, would likely fall into disrepair, resulting in further costs to the Council. It should also be noted that replacing the kitchens and bathrooms under this current programme would not result in abortive works when the major refurbishment starts. This was because the refurbishment programme will focus on the external and communal parts of the estate, therefore kitchens and bathrooms which are refurbished now, would not be removed, or replaced later.


The only viable option was therefore to appoint a main contractor to deliver a standalone kitchen and bathroom programme using  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Award of Contracts for Electrical Inspection Condition Reports (EICR) pdf icon PDF 389 KB

Approval is sought to award contracts to two contractors who have been selected from the South East Consortium Framework in order to deliver the required programme of Electrical Inspection Condition Reports (EICRs) and ensure compliance, following the depletion of our in-house team, due to staff leaving and recruitment difficulties. Due to the unforeseeable nature of these issues and the urgency in completing works to ensure compliance, it was not possible to comply with the usual 28-day notice period.


Given the above, it is not practicable to comply with the 28-day notice requirement in Part Four, Section D, Rule 13 of the constitution. This is set out in Part Four, Section D, Rule 16, of the Constitution.


This report was to inform and seek approval from Members for the need to award two contracts for the temporary outsourcing of Electrical Inspection Reports until March 2024 for all residential properties in the Councils Housing stock, to meet the Council's obligations under the Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET) Wiring Regulations British Standard 7671 - 18th Edition, 2018.


Haringey Council needed to undertake electrical safety inspections every 5 years or upon change of tenancy in the borough's rented properties, to ensure that the electrical supplies, cables and connected appliances (installations) within the borough's properties were safe and do not increase the risk of electric shock and/or fire.


Due to the passing or resignation of members of the management team in Haringey Repairs Service and reaching the end of the previous sub-contractor contract, there was a current lack of resources and experience to manage the required electrical testing programme in our residential properties and common areas.


The programme was being delivered by external sub-contractors from March 2019. Due to the contract value being exceeded the Council was unable to issue further works under the contract after May 2021. The original programme was due to complete by the end of March 2023. There was therefore a need to bring in temporary external resources until such time as Haringey Repairs Service (HRS) could again deliver the programme.


Two contractors had been identified from the Southeast Consortium Procurement framework who were able to mobilise within a relatively short period of time to deliver the programme against pre-tendered rates.


The two contractors would also undertake testing and installation of smoke detectors in all properties to ensure compliance with the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022 during the electrical inspections.


The 2022/23 phase of the EICR programme would be funded from the existing capital budget provision of £2.1m. Provision for 2023/24 works would be met from the capital provision in the current capital programme MTFS and would be revisited submitted during the 2023/24 budget setting process.


The overall programme and expenditure profile was shown in the following table. No professional fees are required as the quality assurance is delivered in- house.




The Cabinet Member RESOLVED 


1. Pursuant to Contract Standing Order 16.02 and Contract Standing Order 9.07.1(d), to approve the award of two contracts up to the end of March 2024, to a total value of £5.78 million as shown in the table at section 1.8 of the report, to Contractor A and Contractor N (detailed in exempt Appendix 1) based on their submission of a resourced programme to deliver the works and a satisfactory method statement on how the works will be delivered. The contract values are based on an assessment of the works to be carried out. The costs of works is based on the framework schedule of rates which was subject to a competitive process to set up the framework.


2. To agree to award a contract to Contractor A (detailed in exempt Appendix 1) for up to £2,826,100 to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Items 8-9 are likely to be subject to a motion to exclude the press and public be from the meeting as they contain exempt information as defined in Section 100a of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by Section 12A of the Local Government Act 1985); paras 3 and 5, namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.


Items 8-9 were subject to a motion to exclude the press and public be from the meeting as they contain exempt information as defined in Section 100a of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by Section 12A of the Local Government Act 1985); paras 3 and 5, namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.



EXEMPT - Broadwater Farm - Kitchen and Bathroom Programme


The Cabinet Member considered the exempt information.





EXEMPT - Award of Contracts for Electrical Inspection Condition Reports (EICR)


The Cabinet Member considered the exempt information.