Agenda and minutes

Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board (HSP)
Monday, 22nd October, 2007 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Xanthe Barker  2957

No. Item


Welcome, Apologies and Substitutions

To receive apologies for absence.


The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and asked those present to introduce themselves.


Apologies for absence were received from:


Councillor Gideon Bull

Robert Edmonds

Simon O’Brien                       -Aiden Gibson substituted.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2007.



The minutes of the of the previous meeting held on 12 June 2007 were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting.


There was discussion in relation to the frequency with which it had been agreed that the Chair would be rotated between the Council and the PCT.


It was agreed that this issue should be resolved outside the meeting between the Leader, Chair, Vice Chair the PCT CEO, Director of Adults, Culture and Community.




That the minutes of 12 June 2007 be confirmed as a correct record of the meeting.




Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business.  (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with at Item 15 below).



No items of urgent business were raised.


Revised Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a paper proposing amendments to its Terms of Reference.


It was noted that the Board was required to review its Terms of Reference on an annual basis and that these had been amended to reflect the restructuring of the Well-Being Partnership Board to ensure the successful implementation of the 2007 Well-Being Strategic Framework.


The Board was advised that a seminar had recently been held, which was attended by representatives from the Local Authority, the PCT and Voluntary Sector, in order to discuss the restructuring of the Board’s Sub-Groups and this had also fed into the revised document.


In addition to this, the Terms of Reference were also required to reflect the requirements of the:


  • Department of Health’s 2006 White Paper ‘Our Health, Our Care, Our Say’.


  • Department for Communities and Local Government’s 2006 White Paper ‘Stronger and Prosperous Communities’


  • Health Act 1999.


It was noted that there was an emphasis on ensuring that the sub-groups beneath the Board were accountable for their actions and the performance of these groups would be reviewed by the Executive Group.


The Board discussed community representation and it was noted that there would be discussion outside the meeting between the Chair and Vic-Chair to discuss this issue further.


Concern was raised that there was no specific reference made within the Terms of Reference to addressing the needs of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups.  This point was noted and it was suggested that the Work Programme would be a more appropriate place to address this as it set out in more detail what the Board wanted to achieve.




To approve the revised Terms of Reference.





Workshop to Discuss Restructure of Sub-Groups to Health and Well-Being Strategic Partnership Board pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Additional documents:



The Board considered a report setting out progress that had been made in relation to the restructuring of the sub-groups supporting the Well Being Partnership Board.


The Board was advised that as part of the development of the Well Being Strategic Framework a review had been carried out of the sub-groups under the Board to ensure that the overall structure was fit for purpose. It was noted that there were variances in how effectively the sub-groups operated and in order to address this a workshop had been held on 5 October to discuss how the structure could be revised to improve effectiveness.


The Board discussed the proposals set out and it was noted that the document was a work in progress and would be brought back to the meeting in December for final approval.


It was noted that the Executive Board would take a strategic overview of the work of the sub-groups and monitor their performance and that this would be used as the mechanism for the sub-groups to report up to the Board.


In response to queries as to why there was a Health Inequalities and Equalities sub-group it was noted that this was an error and that the Equalities Group had been abolished.




  1. To note the progress of the made in relation to the restructuring of the sub-groups.


  1. That a further update should be brought to the Boards next meeting.






Well-Being Strategic Framework pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report that set out the Well-Being Strategic Framework and the Implementation Plan and Equalities Impact Assessment attached to this.


The Board was advised that alongside the Sustainable Community Strategy, the Framework provided the HSP with policy direction for improving the well being of adults in Haringey. It also brought together a range of other programmes that were in place to improve health and well being in the Borough.


A draft document had been produced and circulated to partners for consultation between 29 June and 7 September and the feedback received had been incorporated into the draft. It was noted that there may be further revisions following consultation with the relevant HSP Thematic Boards.


The Chair thanked officers and partners for the work that had been carried out to form the document and congratulated them on how comprehensive it was.


The Chair noted that it would be helpful if a summary document was produced in order to provide a clear and concise summary of the Boards priorities for the next three years. In order to make this as accessible as possible this should provide a narrative that could be easily understood.


The Board discussed the document and it was proposed that pages 64 and 134, which referred to Economic Well Being Priorities for 2007/10 and Outcome 6 –Economic Well Being respectively, should be amended to make reference to bringing empty properties back into use.


In response to concerns it was noted that reference was made to addressing environmental issues within WBSF Outcome 1, under the objective to ‘Promote Healthy Living and Reduce Health Inequalities in Haringey’.  The Board was advised that this was an area that would be addressed by the jointly appointed Director of Public Health.


Concerns were expressed that the document did not fully address the needs of the Borough’s BME population. It was noted that BME communities had particular needs that were specific to them and that these need to be addressed. Ensuring that BME communities felt comfortable accessing services and that consideration was given to their specific cultural needs was vital.


This point was taken on board by officers and the Board was advised that the document could be reviewed to ensure that these points were fully addressed within the document was finalised.  It was agreed that specific reference to this should be made within the summary of priorities listed at the beginning of the document.







That, subject to reference being made to addressing the needs of BME communities within the summary of priorities, the Well Being Strategic Framework be adopted.









Primary Care Strategy pdf icon PDF 987 KB

Due to the size of the Primary Care Strategy Document the summary document has been attached rather than the full version.


Please find a link to the full document below:



The Board received a presentation in relation to the new Primary Care Strategy. Within in the presentation the case for changing the way Primary Care was delivered and the vision for Primary Care in the future, were addressed.


The Board was advised that any ideas regarding better ways of integrating social care and leisure into the Super Health Centres would be welcomed by the PCT.


It was noted that difficulties were created when patients used Accident and Emergency Services rather than seeing their GP. There was concern amongst members of the public regarding proposals to bring services that were traditionally hospital based onto one site. Addressing these concerns and ensuring that the service reflected what the public wanted was an important part of the strategy.


In response to queries as to whether a site had been identified for a Super Health Centre in the Wood Green/Turnpike Lane area, the Board was advised that although two sites had initially been identified, neither of these had been suitable when looked at in more detail.


The Board was advised that in the future it was likely that GP’s practices would specialise in certain areas as health care was moving towards providing a more specialised service.


It was noted that there was still a great deal of concern amongst the public in relation to these proposals. There was a perception that the formation of Super Health Centres would bring financial savings to the NHS and partners and that this was driving the agenda for changing the delivery of Primary Care and that this would need to be addressed.


The Chair thanked the PCT for their presentation on behalf of the Board.




To note the presentation. 




Barnet, Enfield, Haringey Clinical Strategy

To receive a verbal update on this issue.


The Board received an oral update on the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Clinical Strategy.


It was noted that the consultation period closed on Friday 19 October. The PCT’s now had to make a joint decision in relation to the future of Chase Farm Hospital and an update would be provided at the next meeting.


The Board discussed transport links and it was agreed that the Council and the PCT’s should look at ways of working together to improve links and ensure that sites were accessible to all of the Borough’s residents.




  1. To note the update.


  1. That a report should be received at the Boards next meeting in relation to progress made.




Refresh of LAA Targets pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report setting out progress that had been made to date in relation to the new LAA targets.


It was noted that Local Strategic Partnerships were being asked to form thirty-five indicative targets for negotiation with the Government Office for London (GoL). In addition to these there would be seventeen statutory educational and early years targets. Once these targets had been through consultation with wider stakeholders and GoL they would form the new LAA.


The Board was advised that a meeting had taken place with GoL to discuss the thirty-five indicative targets that had been drafted and that seven of these fell within the responsibility of the Board. A further two targets were the joint responsibility of the Board and the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board.


The initial meeting with GoL had been positive and GoL had commented that the HSP had made significant progress in forming a good basis for further negotiation.


The Board was advised that the HSP Performance Management Group (PMG) would take a strategic overview of the process for forming the LAA targets. At the next HSP meeting a report would be submitted setting out the process for further negotiation and agreement.




To note the progress made in relation to forming the new LAA targets.




Neighbourhood Renewal Funding and Communities for Health Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:



The Board received an oral update on progress with the NRF. 


It was noted that a small part of Noel Park would be the focus of the Lottery funded Well-London programme in Haringey, which would make available approximately £100k per year over the next 2 years. 


The programme was being coordinated by Groundwork Haringey and supported by an advisory group chaired by the Director of Public Health. 


It would focus on mental health, food and nutrition and physical activity and would be based on detailed community health needs assessment that was being conducted up to the end of the year with support from the Neighbourhood Management Team. 


Some concern had been raised regarding the timescales for project planning, given that they were aiming to start projects in January 2008. 


Partners were asked to contact Vicky Hobart, Acting Director of Public Health,  for further information.




Information Item pdf icon PDF 3 MB

  • Sport and Physical Activity Strategy 2006-10



Additional documents:


The Board received, for information, the Sport and Physical Strategy and Action Plan Review: October 2007.


It was noted that this had originally been adopted in December 2005 and had followed an extensive consultation exercise with partners and residents and research.


The Board discussed the document and it was suggested that reference should be made to encouraging families to take up sport.


In response to a query as to whether the Plan addressed the need to ensure that disabled people were able access sports, the Board was advised that work was being carried out with service area specialists and GP’s to develop this area.




To note the content of the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy and Action Pan Review.






Well London Programme/Noel Park

To receive a verbal update on this item.


The Board received an oral update on the Well London Programme and Noel Park.


It was noted that Noel Park had been selected as the area of Haringey that would benefit the most from a grant of £100K from the Well London Programme. The project being funded would examine the needs of the local community in terms of well-being.


This project was one of the first funded by the Programme and it was envisaged that the project would begin in January 2008.


At present a capacity study was being carried out and Partners were asked to consider whether they might be able to nominate people to contribute towards this project.


It was agreed that there should be a more detailed report submitted to the next meeting in relation to this.




  1. To note the update provided.


  1. That a more detailed report should be brought back to the Boards meeting.  




Northumberland Park Families into Work

To receive a verbal update on this item.


The Board received an oral update on the Northumberland Park Families into Work Scheme.


It was noted that an initial meeting had been held with Martin Tucker, who was leading the project on behalf of the Council, to discuss how it would be taken forward and that good progress was being made.


It was agreed that a further update should be provided at the Boards next meeting.




  1. To note the oral update.


  1. That a further update should be provided at the Boards next meeting.


Any Other Business


No items of AOB were received.


Items of Urgent Business

To considered any new items admitted under Item 4 above.


No items of urgent business were received.


Proposed Dates of Future Meetings

To agree the following dates for future meetings:


Thursday 13 December 2007, 7pm

Tuesday 4 March 2008, 7pm


The dates of future meetings, as detailed below, were noted.


13 December 2007, 7pm

4 March 2008, 7pm


Future Agenda Items

Partners should submit proposed agenda items for the next meeting of the Board (13 December 2007) to the Committee Secretariat by 30 November 2007.


It was noted that future agenda items should be submitted to Xanthe Barker by 30 November 2007.