Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Voluntary Sector Committee
Tuesday, 5th December, 2006 6.30 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Richard Burbidge 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

(if any).


Apologies were received from Cllr Mallet


Declarations of Interest, is any in respect of items on the Agenda

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.




Cllr Amin in respect of Agenda Item 7 – Three Year Funding of Community Organisations 2007/2010.




To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on  20 June 2006


Minutes (Agenda Item 4)


We suggested that, as the gap between meetings of the Committee could be of several months duration, any requests for further information such as that contained in Minute EVSC6 in relation to 15 organisations, referred to in paragraph 6.8 of the Annual Report on Voluntary Sector Grants 2005/6, be despatched at the time of the following meeting as well as at the time of the request.




That the minutes of the Executive Voluntary Sector meeting held on 20 June 2006 be approved with an amendment on page 1 in that ‘Greek Cypriot Centre’ should say just ‘Cypriot Centre’.




Three Year Funding of Community Organisations 2007/2010

(Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy)): To report on the evaluation of the funding given to community organisations over the last 3 years and to agree funding for a further 3 years if appropriate.


The report was the subject of a motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting as it contained exempt information relating to the business or financial affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information).


Councillor Amin declared an interest due to her role as a Trustee of the Selby Centre and withdrew from the meeting when this item was discussed as part of the report on ‘Continuation Funding for Community Organisations’.


The Head of the Voluntary Sector Team introduced this item and summarised the progress of the organisations as set out in the main body of the report, and in greater detail at Appendix 4 of the report.   Our Chair was pleased to advise that under the ‘traffic light’ evaluations, most of these organisations were on green with amber, with the greatest sanctions applied to those few which were predominantly red.


Clarification was sought of why certain organisations which had worked hard to make improvements but which still had a deficit  in their accounts were to be the subject of sanctions while others were not. We were advised  that while all organisations had shown an improvement in at least one area of improvement; not all improvements were considered worthy of a conditional grant. Concern having been expressed about programmes operated by certain community groups, the Head of the Voluntary Sector Team offered to investigate this matter further and report back to Members of our Committee. 


We were reminded that ‘Conditional Grant’ meant that organisations would still be working closely with the Council but that organisations which were considered to be insolvent could not be funded. 


We were also advised that organisations were encouraged to become Registered Charities and this was conditional.  However, limited companies could still be ‘not for profit’ if this was preferable to some of the restrictions which could be imposed on charities. 




That subject to the recommendations/requirements detailed in  paragraph 7.3.1 of the interleaved report –


1)     The following organisations be awarded a further 3 years funding for the period 1.4.2007 to 31.3.2010


·        Jackson Lane Community Centre 

·        Cypriot Community Centre

·        Haringey Irish Cultural and Community Centre

·        Kurdish Community Centre

·        Haringey Chinese Centre

·        Haringey Somali Community and Cultural Association

·        Selby Trust

·        Hornsey Vale Community Association

·        Alhijra Somali Community Association

·        Ethiopian Community Centre in the UK


2)     That, subject to the additional condition that the monitoring officer be satisfied with the progress of improvement being made by the Kurdish Advice Centre at 31.3.2007, that their grant continues but that the recommendations of the review be closely monitored by officers.


3)     That the African Caribbean Leadership Council be awarded conditional support in the form of the seconded post continuing to work with them.


4)     That, subject to the additional condition that the organisation become a registered charity, a conditional award be made to the Asian Action Group Ltd.


5)     That, subject to the additional condition that the Council of Asian People agree to their staff who are funded by grant being paid through the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Welbourne Centre

(Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy): To report on consultation with Centre users and local residents about the future use of the Centre and make recommendations.


The report was the subject of a motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting as it contained exempt information relating to the business or financial affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information).


We received this report which updated us on the current tenancy and use of the Welbourne Centre.   We noted the possible opportunity for community consultation through a proposed Neighbourhood Taskforce Project, supported by the Young Foundation and financed by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).  


Our Chair advised that she had sought the views of her 2 Ward colleagues about this proposal and felt it presented an excellent opportunity to bring together local residents and resolve specific problems with the Chestnut Estate.




That the report be noted but that if the Council are not chosen to take part in the Taskforce Project then a survey of local residents and users of the Centre be undertaken in any event as this information would be necessary in determining how to proceed.   


Law Centre Update

(Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy):   The Report will update the Committee on the findings and recommendations from a follow-up report of Michael Bell Associates (MBA) on the Haringey Law Centre


Law Centre Update (Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy) – Agenda Item 9)


The report was the subject of a motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting as it contained exempt information relating to the business or financial affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information).


Our Chair advised of the recent unfortunate incident when a lorry had crashed into the front of this building.  We were also advised of the current status of this organisation  


Concern was expressed that this building was not of an acceptable standard and,  aside from the lorry incident, portrayed an unfortunate image of Tottenham.  Concern was also expressed that its services were being offered to residents outside of the area but we were advised that the Centre was required to deliver services to people outside the area in order to access alternative funding streams. 


We noted the possibility of using locations at 48 Grand Parade and the new building on the site of the Rose and Crown on the corner of the High Road and Monument Way and officers were asked to investigate these possibilities further.  Whilst we agreed that a desirable way forward would be a joint venue with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, in the design of a Building Society, but it would be a challenge to identify sufficient capital funds for such a venture.


In response to further questions, the Head of the Voluntary Sector Team highlighted the progress as set out in paragraph 7.3 of the interleaved report and we noted the recruitment of an Interim Manager to the Centre.     


We also noted that the recommendations set out at 8.1 had been made following a meeting with our Chair some 3 weeks ago.




1)     That the recommendations made in the MBA report and set out in paragraph 8.1 of the interleaved report with regard to development work that needed to be undertaken to improve the Law Centre’s outputs, casework quality and governance be noted.


2)     That the organisation continue to be on special measures and the grant be conditional upon the Law Centre agreement to work towards the developmental recommendations outlined in the MBA report.


3)     That a report on progress be presented to our Committee by June 2007.


4)     That the suggestions for alternative premises as suggested above be investigated.