Agenda and draft minutes

Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee
Thursday, 25th January, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, London N22

Contact: Nazyer Choudhury, Principal Committee Co-ordinator 

No. Item



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The Chair drew attention to the information included on the agenda front sheet and noted that the meeting was being recorded and webcast live.




To receive any apologies for absence.


There were apologies for absence received from Cllr Arkell. 




The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of Urgent Business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with under item 9 below).




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To approve the minutes of the Statutory Advisory Committee held on 30 November 2023, the minutes of the Consultative Committee held on 30 November 2023 and the minutes of the Trustee Board held on the 9 November 2023 and 14 December 2023 as a correct record.


The minutes of the Alexandra Palace and Park Statutory Advisory Committee held on the 30th of November 2023 and Consultative Committee held on the 30th of November 2023 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.


It was noted that there was a delay with the Alexandra Palace and Park Board minutes held on the 9th of November 2023 and the 14th of December 2023 and this would be completed as soon as possible.




To consider the general update on activities in the Park and Palace.


The CEO Emma Dagnes presented the Chief Executive’s General Update report, which included updates on Creative Learning, Park, Property, and Events activities.


Regarding the North East Office Building Repairs Committee was informed that following a competitive tender exercise, ROOFF Limited have been appointed as the Main Contractor. The first phase of works will start in January after the Christmas break. The programme is expected to run until end of May 2024.


Campsbourne Building reactivation discussions have been taking place about reactivating the building for community use. Work was underway to find solutions to a funding gap in order to bring the building up to the required standards for allowing public access. There was also great TV coverage over the Christmas period.

The CEO urged members of the Committee to promote the People’s Picture (150 Lifetimes) within their area, there was a total of 1005 submissions to date. The project will culminate in the installation of a giant mural in the East Court, as well as the replacement of the various interpretation / information boards located around external areas of eastern end of the building (the BBC Tower, Transmitter Hall).


Regarding the Northern Area of the Park, an online visitor survey was launched in October to gather feedback and opinions on the northern part of the Park (skatepark, playground and Boating Lake). The purpose of the survey is to gather data that can be used to build the case for moving forward with improvement projects and to help with funding asks.


The Café Restaurant had been taken in-house and was being run by the APP, the CEO expressed thanks to the team making great use of the small budget.

Mark Evison, Head of Park and Environmental Sustainability, provided a concise overview of the Park and Environmental Sustainability section of the report. He highlighted updates on rubbish collection, volunteer activity, traffic improvements, and memorial benches. Furthermore, he mentioned that on New Year's Eve, approximately 6,000 visitors came to the park, necessitating a significant cleanup effort by the park team to preserve the space and the building. Regarding rubbish collection, it was observed that figures were nearly back to pre-pandemic levels. Corporate volunteers contributed to work in the woods, with the Chair commending their efforts on Bedford Road.


The following points were noted in the discussion:


·         An inquiry was made about whether there were any additional efforts to encourage donations on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. The CEO responded by stating that they plan to implement a tap-to-donate system across the park for events, while ensuring the safety of volunteers in any fundraising activities. Additionally, a giving strategy will be rolled out for all other events in Alexandra Park and Palace.

·         The CEO highlighted Bibliobuzz under the Creative Learning section of the report, noting its significant success. This year marked an exciting development as the program transitioned to offering over four days.

·         There were 60 active volunteers, with 21 volunteers supporting Haringey Feast. Elizabeth Richardson noted that for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.



To consider the annual update report on repairs and maintenance progress since 2022 and the priorities for the next year.


Iain McDonald, Head of Property & Facilities presented the annual review of the Fabric Maintenance Plan (FMP).


Key findings included structural integrity, safety, energy efficiency and Aesthetic Enhancements. A structural survey had taken place and revealed several priority areas that require attention, including roof repairs and bridge repairs. There have been 147 Great Hall roof glazing units identified for immediate replacement and a requirement to carry out extensive repairs on our Emergency Exit Bridge serving the Great Hall and the public foot bridge.

Regarding safety, electrical installation systems in key visitor areas have been identified as a priority, such as Distribution board replacements, Emergency Lighting renewal and upgrades to detection systems.

In terms of Energy Efficiency, the buildings showed potential for energy efficiency improvement in various areas including continual work on our BMS controls and heating system infrastructure, LED lighting upgrades and feasibility studies to support future progress. Energy efficiency is a current focus aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, emphasising not only cost savings but also strategic optimisation. The process of changing lights across the expansive estate is a substantial endeavour, requiring efficient resource allocation. Despite a small in-house team comprising engineers, electricians, and support staff, their collective expertise significantly contributes to operations. Ian mentioned plans to expand the team in the future, recognising the need for growth given the estate's scale. Emergency works currently rely on external contractors, which is not the most efficient approach. Therefore, steps are being taken to bring more tasks in-house, leveraging the team's skills and knowledge. While external contractors will still be necessary for some tasks, the aim is to develop a more self-sufficient team to reduce reliance on external resources over time. This transition will take time, but progress is being made in the right direction.

It was also noted that the findings included, Many of the facilities would benefit from aesthetic enhancements, including interior and exterior decorating and signage improvements to enhance the Palace and Park. Pathways across the estate need to be invested in to ensure minimal claims against slips and trips.


The following points were noted in the discussion:


·         Concerns were raised about building the team and engaging apprentices, students, and the community. The response emphasised the long-term goal of utilising apprentices effectively to create a great workplace. Plans to integrate apprenticeships into the forward plan and initiatives like "pay it forward" were mentioned. Additionally, the focus on improving and ensuring a positive impact as a charity was highlighted. The upcoming "Changing Places" project, starting next month, aims to enable disabled individuals to access park facilities.

·         The CEO informed members about the focus on financial and environmental sustainability, expressing an ambition to transition APP away from fossil fuel energy within the next decade. While acknowledging that this transition will take time, initial steps have been taken, such as installing LED lighting, resulting in a 20% reduction in electricity usage. The renewable energy team, working in conjunction with creative learning, will engage with schools to inspire the next generation. However, these  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.






To consider any items of urgent business as identified at item 4.


There were no new items of urgent business.



