Agenda and draft minutes

Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee
Monday, 7th October, 2024 8.00 pm

Venue: George Meehan House 294 High Road N22 8JZ

Contact: Kodi Sprott, Principal Committee Co-ordinator 

No. Item



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The Committee noted that the meeting was not being filmed or recorded.





Apologies for absence were received from:

  • Mr Duncan Neil (Muswell Hill and Fortis Green Residents’ Association).
  • Mr John Thompson (Alexandra Palace Television Group).
  • Mr Jason Beazley (Advisory Committee Member and Chair of SAC).
  • John Chilton – Friends of Alexandra Park
  • Cllr Mahbub – Councillor Haringey Council




A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct



Cllr Ibrahim and Cllr O’Donovan, both declared an interest by virtue of being members of the Planning Sub Committee. In accordance with the terms of reference of the Planning Sub Committee, comments could be given but no opinions put forward.




The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of Urgent Business.  (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with under item 12 below).


The Committee noted that a tabled document outlining the Alexandra Palace Summer Events for 2025 had been tabled and would be discussed in more depth in Item 8.




To note the constitutional changes in the report and to nominate two co-optees to the Trustee Board.


Additional documents:


The Democratic Services Manager advised the Committee that the constitution of the Alexandra Park and Palace Board had been updated to provide two non-voting representatives from the Consultative Committee (co-optees) . A third position was held by the Chair of the Statutory Advisory Committee (SAC) in an ‘observer’ capacity. This was Jason Beazley who had been agreed as Chair of the SAC on 1 July 2024.

There was a further need to appoint two members of the Consultative Committee to the Board as non-voting co-opted members for the remainder of the municipal year.

Members noted the eligibility criteria for members of the Consultative Committee in the terms of reference. This required fulfilling obligations in section 2 of the Consultative Committee terms of reference.

The Democratic Services Manager sought nominations and:

Cllr Elliott proposed Nigel Willmott. This was seconded by Cllr Ibrahim.

Cllr Ibrahim proposed Duncan Neil (who had sent apologies) and this was seconded by Cllr da Costa.

The Committee agreed the nominations subject to Duncan Neill’s agreement to sit on the board as a co-optee. Subsequently, Nigel Willmott proposed and Cllr Ibrahim seconded that John Chilton be offered the position of second non- voting co-optee on Trustee Board in the event that the second position was not taken up by Duncan Neill.

Following a vote,


To AGREE that Nigel Willmott and Duncan Neill act as non -voting co-optees to the Board and subject to Duncan Neill not wishing to take up the position, AGREED that John Chilton be invited to take up the position.





To approve CC minutes 1st July 2024

To note the SAC minutes 1st July 2024

To note the Trustee Board Minutes 15 July 2024


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the tabled amended version of the Consultative Committee Minutes for the 1st of July 2024, and


  • To approve the tabled amended version of the Alexandra Park and Palace Consultative Committee Meeting held on 1st July 2024.
  • To note The Alexandra Palace Trustee Board minutes held on 15th July 2024.
  • To note the tabled amended minutes of the Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee Meeting held on 1st July 2024.



CEO's GENERAL UPDATE REPORT - To consider the general update on activities in the Park and Palace pdf icon PDF 180 KB


The CEO of Alexandra Park and Palace introduced the report updating on activities since last reported. The Committee noted:

Planned Repairs and Maintenance.

  • The North East Office Building application had been approved by Haringey and the emergency works, funded by Historic England, were expected to complete in Mid- November. Further funding would be sought for fitting out the building.
  • The Changing Places Facility had been formally launched. This was viewed as a big step in making the Palace and Park as accessible as possible for all parts of the community. The aim was to move towards the Gold Standard in ‘Attitude is Everything’ accreditation scheme. The facilities were located in the corridor that had previously served as the main Ice Rink entrance from the South Terrace.
  • The need for bollards on 330 metres of Alexandra Palace Way was discussed. The CEO explained that the bollards stopped cars mounting the pavement and were a mitigation against antisocial behaviour. However, the Committee’s objection to the look of the plastic bollards originally used had been noted and new iron bollards had been sourced. These were yet unfunded, but feedback was being sought from the Committee to ensure that there were no objections to the look and feel of the proposed bollards.
  • A concern was raised that motorbikes could still get through the bollard barriers. The CEO responded that this would always be the case although she emphasised the team had done a lot of work to stop cars and mopeds mounting the pavement.
  • The Chair asked about the condition of the North Bridge. The CEO responded that repairs were significant and remedial work would be carried out until a permanent scheme was brough to the Trustees

 Repairs and maintenance.

  • The Palace had employed a full-time bricklayer to improve the look of the exterior of the building.
  • Over one hundred electrical distribution boards were upgraded as part of the Environmental Sustainability programme. Fire alarm panels have been updated.
  • The globe lights on the South Terrace had been replaced with LEDs after a successful award from the Mayor’s Greener London Fund through Haringey Council’s. It was noted that the lighting replicated the warm glow of the Victorian era.
  • A 760 kg ammonia cooling tank had been replaced in the Ice Rink.
  • Aesthetic work had been carried out in the Phoenix Bar and Pizzeria. The toilets had been upgraded to resolve drainage issues and had been redecorated in the same style as the Theatre toilets. This style would eventually be rolled out across all the toilets on site. It was noted that an economy of scale would be achieved in terms of repairs if all the bathrooms were the same style.

A further question was raised about the safeguarding and practical challenges to school children when visiting the gender-neutral toilets in the East Court. It was also highlighted that doors of the toilets comply with floor to ceiling safeguarding principles. The CEO acknowledged the issues and responded that these toilets had since been closed for refurbishment.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.




The CEO provided a presentation requested by the Committee at the previous meeting, that explained further the theatre usage for the past few years.

In addition, a list of the Alexandra Palace and Park Summer Series 2025 was handed out and then discussed.

The main points of discussion were summarised below.

·         The CEO noted that the theatre was going from strength to strength and contributing to the charity. The events were wide ranging and catering to all parts of the community.

·         Later with Jools Holland was being hosted at Alexandra Palace and had been for the past three years. The CEO noted that bands who play with Later… tended to rebook the theatre and Palace for tours.

·         Recent successes were:

o   An Inspector Calls which had 21,000 visitors – 92 schools visited.

o   The Glass Menagerie was critically acclaimed.

o   The World Squash Tournament was very successful and had been rebooked for next year.

o   Alexandra Palace was to host to Friday Night is Music Night and the BBC Concert Orchestra.

o   Biblio-buzz – a literary festival for 9–12-year-olds. An event held in partnership with Library Services, which included workshops with children’s authors.

o   Jamacia Love musical – would be rebooking next year for another run.

o   Disability Dance, Kids Week, and comedy events.

·         Future events were discussed. The CEO noted that the Palace was becoming a gateway to the west end for plays and was getting a good reputation for music and comedy.

·         The CEO asked the Committee to note the new metal arches constructed for concerts. These were scanners and part of the Palace’s counter terrorism measures.

There were positive comments from Committee members about the events programme and the Christmas offer.





TheChair highlighted:

-               The launch of the Changing Places Facility and the People’s Project

-               150 Lifetimes Mural on display in the East Court and;

-               An Inspector Calls which had been attended by some Trustees. The Chair was pleased that the NEOB was being made watertight.










·         Agreed a further theatre presentation update at a future meeting (Action)

·         Agreed that the noise monitoring protocol be considered at the next meeting (Action).



To consider any items of urgent business as identified at item 4.






To note the dates of future meetings:


20th January 2025, 7pm,

17 March 2025, 8.30pm


20th January 2025, 8.30pm

17th March 2025, 7:00 pm


Meeting closed at 8.41