Venue: The Londesborough Room, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, London N22. View directions
Contact: Natalie Cole
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Roger Tucker (Alexandra Palace Organ Appeal), Caroline Hayter (Alexandra Residents’ Association), and Councillor Sheila Peacock. Apologies for lateness were received from Nigel Willmott (Friends of the Alexandra Palace Theatre). |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Committee are invited to disclose any interest they may have in any of the items appearing on this agenda. Minutes: Councillor Thompson declared that he was Vice-Chair of the London Borough of Haringey’s Pensions Committee. |
Membership To note the appointment of the Alexandra Palace and Park Conservation Committee to the Consultative Committee.
Minutes: The Committee noted the appointment of the Alexandra Park and Palace Conservation Area Advisory Committee to the Consultative Committee and welcomed its representative, Colin Marr. |
Presentations by Interested Groups i. Alexandra Palace Television Group (To Follow)
ii. Bounds Green and District Residents’ Association (To Follow) Additional documents: Minutes: i. Alexandra Palace Television Group
The Committee received the written presentation by John Thompson, Alexandra Palace Television Group, which provided a background to the organisation and detailed achievements including campaigning to protect the Palace’s television heritage and the current exhibition displayed in Studio A. The Group’s aim was to work with the General Manager, Alexandra Palace to develop the television studios into a world class visitor attraction.
In response to questions from Committee Members it was noted that the Group’s application to English Heritage to upgrade the listing status for the studios did not include the television mast, which is the oldest working television mast in the world, installed by Marconi.
RESOLVED to note the presentation.
ii. Bounds Green and District Residents’ Association
The Committee received the written presentation by Ken Ranson, Chairman of the Bounds Green and District Residents’ Association (BGDRA) which included boundary links with Barnet, Enfield and Haringey.
The Committee noted that the Association was founded in 1933 and dealt mainly with housing and planning development matters and was also in the process of applying for Conservation Area status for the Scout Park.
The Chair suggested the Bounds Green and District Residents’ Association consider joining the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee. Action: Clerk
RESOLVED to note the presentation. |
i) To approve the draft minutes of the meeting of the Consultative Committee held on 17th November 2009 (attached).
ii) To note the minutes of the Advisory Committee held on 3rd November 2009 (attached).
iii) To note the draft minutes of the meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 24th November (attached).
Additional documents:
Minutes: i) Consultative Committee minutes 17th November 2009
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th November 2009 be confirmed as a correct record of the meeting.
ii) Advisory Committee minutes - 3rd November 2009
The Committee noted the minutes of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 3rd November 2009.
iii) Alexandra Palace and Park Board minutes - 24th November 2009
The Committee noted the minutes of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 24th November 2010. |
PARK ACTIVITIES UPDATE To receive the report of the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, updating the Consultative Committee on events and works within the park. Minutes: The Committee received the Park Activities Update report, presented by Mark Evison, Alexandra Park Manager.
6.1 Road Maintenance Committee Members expressed concern about the number of buses passing through residential roads during the closure of Alexandra Palace Way.
6.6 Winter Weather The Committee asked what health and safety guidance had been given to park users who were tobogganing down the Park hills during the time of snow and was informed that the common sense approach was expected to be used by park users. The Park’s security team would approach park users to warn them if their actions looked unsafe.
In response to a question from the Committee the Park Manager confirmed that the Park had been left littered with drinks cans and crisp packets during the time of snow as well as signs and recycling box lids, which people had used as sledges.
The Committee highlighted that the Dukes Avenue entrance to the Park had not been salted enough during the time of snow.
Pitch & Putt improvements The Committee raised concerns about the potential ecological damage which could be caused by materials (and lorries delivering the materials) used to fill and level out the playing areas. The Park Manager assured the Committee that whilst in principle agreement for the improvements had been granted by the Trustees, there were various aspects which would need to be agreed between Golfwise Ltd and the Park Manager before the improvement works could begin. Colin Marr commented that it was unfortunate that the Board had allowed this proposal to go to Planning in advance of these agreements, which had resulted in uncertainty and confrontation. Committee Members were invited to submit any concerns about the improvement works to the Park Manager.
BBC London Springwatch The Committee noted that the BBC London Springwatch Wild Day Out would be held on Saturday 5th June 2010. More details would be posted on the Alexandra Palace website ( ). |
To receive the report of the Managing Director, Alexandra Palace Trading Limited (APTL) advising the Consultative Committee on forthcoming events to the end of the financial year. Minutes: The Committee received the Forthcoming Events report presented by Rebecca Kane, Managing Director, Alexandra Palace Trading Limited.
The Committee noted the events scheduled to be held at Alexandra Palace as well as further events including the Haringey Film Festival and the possibility of screening World Cup 2010 qualifying games.
The Consultative Committee congratulated the Managing Director, APTL on the recent filming involving some big names but expressed concern that the number of exhibitions appeared to have reduced in recent years. The MD confirmed the exhibition business had been static for the past 2/3 years but no exhibitions had been lost during the recent recession. The Committee noted that the Farmers’ Market could only be held at the Park for 35 weeks in the year due to it being a busy time for other events on site.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
To receive an update on the continued progress of the Governance and Future Vision project work to secure a sustainable and bright future for Alexandra Park & Palace including consideration of the NCVO Good Governance code which trustees will consider at their forthcoming Board meeting (2 March 2010).
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received the NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) Good Governance code and tabled handouts detailing the seven key principles. Rebecca Kane, Managing Director, Alexandra Palace Trading Limited (APTL) informed the Committee that on 2nd March 2010 the Board will be recommended to adopt the seven principles of the NCVO Code of Good Governance.
The Committee noted that no decisions would be asked of the Board on 2nd March 2010 but it will be an opportunity to understand the pros and cons of the various structural models being explored and provide details of the next steps in the bid to secure better governance for the future. An open day will be organised to enable wider members of the public to also be consulted on the future of Alexandra Palace and Park in March as well as a possible road show which would cover both the east and west of the Borough.
The Code is based on 7 key principles:
1. Board leadership 2. The Board in Control 3. The high performance Board 4. Board review and renewal 5. Board delegation 6. Board and Trustee integrity 7. Board Openness
Interested parties representatives expressed concerns that Trustees received a special responsibility allowance which contradicted the code where “no personal benefits” was mentioned. The Committee was informed that the Code would eventually be made bespoke to Alexandra Palace and Park but would also reflect the Haringey Council Constitution.
RESOLVED that the Good Governance Code be noted. |
MATTERS RAISED BY INTERESTED GROUPS Jacob O’Callaghan of the Hornsey Historical Society will raise the following matters: 1. Congratulations to the acting General manager and the Trustees on the proposal at the Board meeting of 12th January to formally abandon Haringey Council's strategy of selling the whole Palace to a single developer. 2. To consider the acting General manager's ideas for additional sources for income, and to support further investigation. To offer Hornsey Historical Society’s help with this. 3. To note with some concern the Trading Company General Manager's account of the Stakeholder Forum of 24th October 2009, as presented to the Board on 12th January; to compare this with Dr Allison Milward's excellent report as circulated to participants; to give comments; and to ask the Board and the Council to simply recognize the wide and growing consensus of opinion that a single local authority like Haringey is not the best trustee for a large landmark historic building like Alexandra Palace, and to clearly prioritize their plans, and their representations to the Charity Commission, on how to change this. To consider original Option 2 (attached) as presented to the Stakeholder Forum. 4. To ask if there is any progress on reviewing the roles of the Advisory and Consultative Committees, and to offer Hornsey Historical Society's representative's comments on this. 5. To offer Hornsey Historical Society's support for facilities for visitors to Alexandra Palace, and putting it “on the map”. Minutes: The Committee noted the comments made by Jacob O’Callaghan of the Hornsey Historical Society as detailed below: 1. Congratulations to the acting General manager, the Trustees and the Council on the proposal at the Board meeting of 12th January to formally abandon Haringey Council's strategy of selling the whole Palace to a single developer. The Chair advised the meeting that the strategy had not been to “sell” the Palace but to award a long lease to as single developer. The Interim General Manager, Alexandra Palace and Park, clarified that the Council had never been consulted on this as Trustees had agreed to abandon the existing strategy. 2. To consider the Acting General manager's ideas for additional sources for income, and to support further investigation. To offer Hornsey Historical Society’s help with this. The Interim General Manager, Alexandra Palace and Park highlighted that consideration had been given to the idea of making Alexandra Palace Way a toll-road but this was not progressed as it would require an act of legislation to be passed. Some Committee members expressed that a 20p charge, for example, would not be unreasonable and could generate a lot of income for the Palace. Gordon Hutchinson commented that potential car-parking charges in the Park and Palace might be to the detriment of local residents visiting the Park and Palace. The Interim General Manager acknowledged this and advised that there would be substantial consultation before Trustees were asked to decide on this matter. 3. To note with some concern the Trading Company General Manager's account of the Stakeholder Forum of 24th October 2009, as presented to the Board on 12th January; to compare this with Dr Allison Milward's excellent report as circulated to participants; to give comments; and to ask the Board and the Council to simply recognize the wide and growing consensus of opinion that a single local authority like Haringey is not the best trustee for a large landmark historic building like Alexandra Palace, and to clearly prioritize their plans, and their representations to the Charity Commission, on how to change this. To consider original Option 2 as presented to the Stakeholder Forum (known as the ‘Ultimate Solution’). The Committee noted Option 2 – a legally and financially Independent Board with Statutory Advisory Committee and Executive Management and recognised this was a popular solution amongst interested groups at the stakeholder forum held in October 2009 although concerns about how to achieve this were apparent. The Chair emphasised that no potential governance structures had been ruled out and there would be further consultation via the Palace website and roadshows. Some Committee Members emphasised that the governance structure was not the most important aspect as long as agreed values and the behaviour of those governing the Palace and Park were applied. It was noted that many of the Palace’s problems were financial and any option would only work if there was a source of revenue, therefore any independent move would need to be backed by commercial funding. 4. To ... view the full minutes text for item 42. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: There was no other business. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS The next meeting of the Consultative Committee will be held on Thursday 8th April 2010. Minutes: It was noted that the meeting scheduled for 8th April 2010 might be cancelled due to the political sensitivity required during the run-up to an election. Members would be notified. |