Agenda and minutes

Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee
Tuesday, 8th September, 2009 7.30 pm

Venue: The Londesborough Room, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, London N22. View directions

Contact: Clifford Hart  2920

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor C. Harris, Councillor Williams, Professor Hudson (Warner Estate Residents’ Association), Nigel Willmott (Friends of Alexandra Palace Theatre) and Mike Tarpey (Alexandra Palace Amateur Ice Skating Club).


The Chair welcomed Colin Mahony who replaced Steve Ballard representing the Allotments Association on the Consultative Committee.  The Committee expressed thanks to Steve Ballard for his work with the Consultative Committee.



Members of the Committee are invited to disclose any interest they may have in any of the items appearing on this agenda.


Councillor Thompson declared a personal interest as a member of the Council’s Pensions and Licensing Committees.   Councillor Scott also declared in interest as a member of the Licensing Committee.


There were no items relating to Pensions or Licensing on the agenda.



The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business.  Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with at item 8 below.


There were no items of urgent business.



A presentation from Kevin Pestell, Chair of the Alexandra Palace Angling Association will be received.


The Committee received the briefing introduced by Kevin Pestell, Chair of the Alexandra Palace Angling Association.  Full copies of the Angling Association Profile document were made available at the meeting.


Mr Pestell highlighted that the Angling Association was unique in that it: had a large number of members for a club that did not own its own pond; was open to youngsters from other boroughs and Mr Pestell himself was one of few fully licensed angling coaches.


Mr Pestell stated that the Angling Association was very happy with the progress of the boating lake improvements and particularly the work of Mr Evison (Alexandra Park Manager) and intended to continue to work closely with Alexandra Palace and Park.


In response to questions from the Committee Mr Pestell explained that although fishing was not permitted in the New River (which would run through the Heartlands Development) it would be a good spot for fishing. 


Mr Pestell was asked whether barbed or barbless hooks were preferred and stated that as a coach he would always recommend barbless hooks but emphasised that even with barbless hooks damage could still be caused to fish.


Mr Pestell was asked about the incident of a large pike in the pond some years ago and explained that it had been a small pike but emphasised that even a small pike would take ducklings, which had been going missing at the time.


The Committee noted that the Park Manager was planning to undertake a stock check of the fish in the boating lake and was liaising with the Angling Association and the Environment Agency in order to add more fish to the lake.


On behalf of the Committee the Chair thanked Mr Pestell and congratulated the Angling Association for the good work it did and reminded Mr Pestell that organisations could apply for funding from the “Making the Difference” fund.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 82 KB

(a)        To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Consultative Committee held on  23rd June 2009 (attached).


(b)       To note the minutes of the meetings of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 16th April 2009 (attached) and 30th June 2009 (TABLED).


(c)        To note the minutes of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee held on 16th June 2009 (attached).


(d)       To note the draft minutes of the meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Panel held on 3rd June 2009 (attached).


Additional documents:


(a)       Consultative Committee -  23rd June 2009




That minutes of the meeting of the Consultative Committee held on  23rd June 2009 be confirmed as a correct record subject to the following amendments:


Miss Rachael Macdonald (New River Action Group) be recorded as present and Mr Tarpey (Amateur Ice-Skating Club) be recorded as giving an apology for absence (rather than an apology for lateness).


(b)       Alexandra Palace and Park Board - 16th April 2009 and 30th June 2009




That the minutes of the meetings of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 16th April 2009 and 30th June 2009 be noted.


(c)        Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee held on 16th June 2009




That the minutes of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee held on 16th June 2009 be noted.


(d)       Alexandra Palace and Park Panel held on 3rd June 2009




That the draft minutes of the meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Panel held on 3rd June 2009 be noted.




To receive the report of the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, updating the Consultative Committee on events and works within the park.


The Committee received the report which detailed park activities.


Mr Evison (Park Manager) introduced the report and drew the Committee’s attention to the Environment Agency Urban Fisheries Grant and thanked Mr Pestell for his help in obtaining this funding.  Mr Evison explained that the boating lake had two “agitators” which operated at different timesand aerated the water.  This helped move water around and improved the quality of water.  Mr Pestell highlighted that the fish in the lake were growing.


Mr Evison also thanked Gordon Hutchinson and the Friends of Alexandra Park for keeping the Park’s information centre open through the summer. 


The Committee questioned how many Parks in the Borough had obtained Green Flag status.  Mr Gill (Interim General Manager, Alexandra Palace) explained that out of 146 Parks in Haringey (and 32 of those were deemed major parks) 11 had Green Flag status and 3 had Green Pennant award.


In response to the Committee’s concerns about the Workshop Building lease and the possibility of the encroachment onto open space in the Park the Chair explained that negotiations were currently taking place and Trustees would be shown the final lease.  Mr Gill stated that the amount of land provided in the final lease would be significantly less than had been originally shown in the planning application documents.


The Committee enquired as to how the Park was dealing with gardens which encroached onto the Park’s land.  Mr Evison stated that Haringey Council’s approach to encroachment on park-land would be adopted and that a report would be taken to a future Board meeting on this matter.


In response to the Committee’s concerns about water running down the hard surfaces in the Park Mr Evison explained that works were being done to improve this.


The Committee thanked Mr Evison and congratulated him on the flower planting in the Park and the front of the Palace, which was visually pleasing.



To receive the report of the Managing Director, Alexandra Palace Trading Limited (APTL) advising the Consultative Committee on forthcoming events to the end of the financial year.


The Committee received the report detailing forthcoming events at the Palace. 


The report was introduced by Mark De’Ath (Acting Head of Operations and Events, Alexandra Palace) who drew the Committee’s attention to the forthcoming fireworks event which was currently being planned and the busy period for exhibitions, which was between January and March.


Mr De’Ath informed members that the variation for the Palace’s license to be extended to allow a capacity of 10,400 in to the Great Hall had been approved by the Council’s Licensing Committee.


In response to members questions Mr De’Ath explained that Alexandra Palace Trading Limited (APTL) regularly approached the organisers of the Great British Beer Festival  who said that they were happy with the venue currently used (Earls Court).  It was suggested that organisers of the North London Beer Festival also be approached.


In response to Committee members suggestion that there was scope to improve on the exam trade, Mr De’Ath explained that there had been a police inspectors exam attended by 900  people that day and that 3,500 people would be attending to take police sergeants exams in the near future.


Mr Hutchinson reminded the Committee that places on the bat-walk would be limited and to contact to book places.






(a)       Licensing application to increase the Great Hall Capacity


The license application had been approved on 7th September and in response to questions from the Committee Mr. Gill explained that there had been 3 conditions attached to the license for increased capacity in the Great Hall, which the Palace could easily meet:

·        At times when there is a simultaneous event in the ice rink, the capacity for concerts in the Great Hall will be reduced to ensure appropriate numbers are able to evacuate from exit D.

·        Toilet units are to be in place to supplement those already present in the Great Hall.

·        Security guards are to be positioned at the Dukes Avenue exit to ensure the steady dispersal of crowds for an hour after each event ends.


(b)       Trustees’ Away Day – Governance Review


The Chair informed the Committee that Board Trustees, Board representatives (of the Consultative Committee) and the Chair of the Advisory Committee would be attending an “away-day” at the Palace on Saturday 26th September to continue work on the review of governance of the Alexandra Palace. 


There would be a Stakeholders Forum 24th October 2009 to which Consultative Committee members would be invited for their input. 


Further meetings and consultation would take place including Haringey Council and other key stakeholders.


(c)       Open House Event


The Committee questioned why the London Open House Event on 19th September would only cover the Studio when previously it had been advertised that the Theatre would also be open.  Mr. Gill explained that there had been a mistake on the Open House brochure and the Theatre would not be open due to public safety, however, visitors would be able to see the theatre from a Perspex screen from the foyer.


Access to the Studios on 19th September would be limited and on a first come first served basis. Mr. Gill informed the committee that a press release had been issued giving the correct details of the event


(d)       Matters highlighted by Mr. O’Callaghan


Jacob O’Callaghan (Hornsey Historical Society) raised the following matters:


i.          Timescales for including items on agendas and delivery of minutes


In response to Mr. O’Callaghan’s concerns the Chair highlighted that letters were sent to Consultative Committee members prior to the agenda planning process inviting them to suggest items for discussion.  Draft minutes of meetings were published on the Council’s website and members would be emailed or sent hard copies once available.


ii.         Advisory Committee


The Chair agreed with Mr. O’Callaghan’s concerns that there was a need to hold occasional joint meetings of Alexandra Palace Committees and highlighted that this would be a consideration during the governance review.


iii.        Theatre and Television Studios


Mr. O’Callaghan drew attention to the poor repair of parts of the Palace building and emphasised that the Council (as a Corporate Trustee) had a responsibility to provide funding for essential repairs. 


Mr Gill informed the Committee that the priority was to ensure that operation of the Palace met fire and health  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.



17th November 2009

16th February 2010

8th April 2010


17th November 2009

16th February 2010

8th April 2010