Agenda and draft minutes

Children's Trust
Tuesday, 27th March, 2007 6.30 pm, MOVED

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE

Contact: Nicolas Mattis 

No. Item




Apologies were received on behalf of the following members:


Stanley Hui – substituted by Niels Gedge

Maria Collins

Jim Shepley

Councillor Emma Jones

Jane Lithgow

Bev Johnson

Andy Kilpatrick

Councillor George Meehan

Dr Ita O’Donovan

Cmdr Simon O’Brien

Paul Head



The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business.  (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with at Item 12 below).






Members must declare any personal and/or pecuniary interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any decision required with respect to these items. 





MINUTES: pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To approve the minutes of the Haringey Children & Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board meeting held on 22 January 2007 (attached).





That the minutes of the last meeting of the HSP on 22 January 2007 be agreed and signed by the Chair.


There were some matters arising from the minutes as follows:


Minute 6         Progress with Play Strategy and Big Lottery Fund: The Board heard that despite concerns over the use of the term “play”, as opposed to “leisure”, that this was a requirement, and thus the final strategy incorporated this.


Minute 9         Three Monthly Exception Report on Youth Services Action Plan: The Board heard that this report would now be circulated to Board members by e-mail in due course. It would be followed by a report on the National Youth Agency.


Minute 12       Connexions Future and Action Plan: The Board was informed about the HSP NEETS group that was being established by Paul Head. The Board agreed that this group must link up with the NEETS sub-group of this Board.




Three minute oral update items from all partners as necessary. Longer items to be accompanied by a short paper sent in advance. 



Three minute oral update items from all partners as necessary. Longer items are accompanied by a short paper sent in advance.


Verbal updates were received from the following partner agencies:


Youth Offending Service: The Board heard that performance had improved significantly in the between April 2006 and January 2007, making the YOS the second best performing service in its family group – ninth out of 32 in London, and 56 out of 153 nationally. Against a London average of 63% compliance, Haringey’s YOS had achieved 73%. The Board also heard that in respect of a knife incident in the borough in the previous week, a meeting had taken place to discuss intelligence around the incident and actions point had arisen from the useful meeting.


PCT: The Board heard that the Fortis Green Clinic move around had been a success and that the new facilities were “excellent”. In respect of the PCT budgets, the Board heard that it expected to break even by the end of 2006/7 which had proved challenging to achieve.


Children and Young People’s Service: The Board heard that it would receive a full update on the 16-18, and 14-19 are these the right age groups?  14-19 is usual but I do not remember 16-18 planning process at its next meeting, and that targets in NEETs had started to show improvements in the right direction.


Voluntary Sector: The Board heard that work had been done to establish a children and young people’s forum for voluntary and community organisations. This theme group was awaiting approval by the HAVCO Board of Trustees. In respect of cost issues, the sector stated to the Board that it would be approaching relevant funding bodies for future funding.




Changing Lives 2006/07.



The Board was presented with the summary of key performance indicators for February 2007. In terms of the statistics shown, it was agreed that future summaries would include national comparatives and statistical neighbours. Focus on “red” indicators would be for consider going forward (does this make sense?), particularly those on NEETS, obesity and percentage of SEN statements completed within 18 weeks.  I thought it was noted that the current NEETS figure was 13% and therefore should not be red. Also the there is no obesity figure in the table at present but the PCT was going away to consider possible targets around obesity and mental health




The Board agreed to the following:


(i)                 To note the monitoring of the performance indicators for Changing Lives.




Teenage Conceptions: a presentation and discussion on the joint strategy to reduce teenage conceptions (as part of the overarching work around child poverty) and a focus on how this might be improved; and 



Teenage Conceptions


The Board received a presentation on the Haringey Teenage Pregnancy Strategy which outlined the statistics, trends and targets, as well as what work was going on and what might be done better and how in the future. Despite problems with the availability of current raw statistics, the most recent trends were considered good news with decreases in the number and rate of teenage conceptions between 2001 and 2005. However, the Board heard that very steep rates of reductions were needed before the target date of 2010 which would have significant implications of the work of the Children and Young People’s Service over the coming three years. The Board agreed that the Haringey Teaching Primary Care Trust should be contacted in order to try to ascertain more robust current data in respect of teenage conceptions, as this was considered to be a helpful tool in keeping the numbers and rates under control. The Board recognised however that there were time and resource implications from this route of action. Other themes were considered by the Board including raising aspirations. The Board heard that the Director of the Children and Young People’s Service and the TPCT Director of Public Health had agreed to meet to progress this between the two organisations. This would also be ahead of an expected visit from a national team of inspectors commissioned by the Government Officer for London.




The Board agreed to the following:


That the Board lead where necessary to achieve solutions to reducing the rate and numbers of teenage conceptions by way of an Action Plan with deliverables/protocols that would be monitored by the Board



Reducing inequalities in life expectancy.

Additional documents:


Reducing inequalities in life expectancy


The Board received a presentation from the TPCT on the draft Action Plan which had been drafted jointly between the TPCT and the Council. A report summarising the trends and consultation findings was before the Board. The Board, in discussing the presentation, noted that emphasise on the overarching themes of the life expectancy, would constitute the main remit for the Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board going forward. However, during a discussion on the Action Plan, it was highlighted that elements of the Action Plan relating to children and young people would be looked at by the Board with particular attention on the role of Board members and their agencies in delivering certain aspects of the Action Plan. The LEAP was welcomed by the Board for its cross-cutting work over both the HSP, and within the remit of the Board from the point of view of children and young people and issues of health.




The Board agreed to the following:


(i)                 That the Board note the Life Expectancy Action Plan has been proposed for adoption by the HSP, pending revisions following discussions with the Board, and other theme boards.

(ii)               That member organisations note their roles in delivering the plan, and actively engage in taking the work programme forward.



Reducing inequalities in infant mortality.


Additional documents:


Reducing inequalities in infant mortality


The Board received a presentation on the Haringey Infant Mortality Action Plan as produced by the TPCT. The presentation focussed on the need for dealing with infant mortality, its causes and risks and recommendations on how to tackle to issues. The Board discussed the various issues including the role of Children’s Networks in the work to “build a team around a child” and their family. The Board agreed to set-up a day’s facilitated workshop for Board members and other relevant key officers to respond to the challenges outlined in the Action Plan before end of July 2007. Progress on this would be reported back to the Board in due course.




The Board agreed to the following:


(i)                 That the Board adopt the Infant Mortality Action Plan.


(ii)               That the Board incorporate monitoring of the Infant Mortality Action Plan through the existing monitoring arrangements for Changing Lives 2007/8.


(iii)             That identified stakeholders note their roles in delivering the plan and agree to take forward attributed actions. This would be highlighted by a facilitated workshop to be held before end of July 2007 and reported back to the Board in due course.



GROUP TASK: pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Changing Lives 2007/08:this will be a verbal report of the Director of Children & Young People’s Service


Changing Lives 2007/8


The Board received an update on the Changing Lives Review going forward into the second year of the plan with a number of priorities highlighted as requiring particular attention.  It was suggested a “turning the curve” exercise should be arranged for each of these as way of looking at possibilities for improving outcomes These priorities included:


·                   Reducing teenage conceptions and supporting teenage parents to provide better life chances for their children. 

·                   Improving life chances for children and/or young people:

§         in the care of the local authority

§         with disabilities and additional needs

§         with mental health needs

§         under 5

·                   Reducing the number of young people aged 16-19 who are not in education, employment and training (NEETs) and raising the number of 19 year olds with at least a Level 2 qualification. 

·                   Raising standards at Key Stage 2. 

·                   Improving the safety of children and young people both in and out of school. 

·                   Improving the choice and opportunities available to children and young people.


In order for the results of these exercises to be included in the final Changing Lives plan for 2007/8 they would need to be arranged the end of April 2007 and would be lead by the Director of the Children and Young People’s Service.




            The Board agreed to the following:


(i)                 That the Board notes the report and update on the Changing Live Review.


(ii)               That the Board agree to the “turning the curve” exercises taking place by the end of April in order to furnish the Changing Lives 2007/8 with revised action points going forward for the highlighted priorities.








To consider any new items admitted under Item 2 above.






·     14 May 2007 at 6.30pm

·     9 July 2007 - to be confirmed

·     25 October 2007 - to be confirmed

·     13 November 2007 - to be confirmed

·     10 December 2007 - to be confirmed



The date of the next meeting of the CYPSPB was confirmed as follows:


·                    14 May 2007, 6:30pm


The proposed dates for meetings in the 2007/8 municipal year were as follows:


·                    9 July 2007, 6:30pm

·                    25 October 2007, 6:30pm

·                    10 December 2007, 6:30pm

·                    5 February 2008, 6:30pm

·                    26 March 2008, 6:30pm

·                    12 May 2008, 6:30pm




Partners should submit proposed agenda items for the next meeting (14 May 2007) to Nicolas Mattis ( no later than 9 April 2006.




Business items:             tbc

Monitoring:                     tbc

Strategic focus:             Suggestions are mental health, joint commissioning, Changing Lives 2007/08.

Group Task:                    NEETS - a scrutiny of the action plan.



Partners wishing to put forward items for a future agenda are asked to contact Nicolas Mattis, Principal Committee Co-ordinator at:



The meeting ended at 20:50 hours.